The West

Operation Iron Swords (Updated to 1 p.m., December 4, 2023)

The IDF forces continued intensive integrated maneuvers in the northern and southern Gaza Strip.. Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) sources emphasized the "inferiority of the IDF" which, they claimed, had achieved nothing in all the days of fighting. A Palestinian military commentator claimed the IDF would encounter stronger resistance in the southern Gaza Strip, since the forces there had "more combat experience."The announcement by the British Ministry of Defense that it would help locate the hostages in the Gaza Strip by means of aerial intelligence patrols was condemned by Hamas and the PIJ, which claimed the UK was thereby becoming an accomplice to "Israel's crimes. Many Gazans from the southern Gaza Strip began concentrating in the Rafah area, where a tent camp was erected. The hospitals continue to convey distress because of the large number of wounded. Hezbollah continued attacking IDF posts and vehicles, injuring 15 soldiers continued their counterterrorism activities in Judea and Samaria.

Operation Iron Swords (Updated to 1 p.m., December 3, 2023)

Following the extension of the temporary ceasefire, another group of hostages was returned to Israel on the night of November 30. Efforts to extend the temporary ceasefire and return additional hostages failed since Hamas did not honor its commitment, and on the morning of December 1, 2023, fighting in the Gaza Strip resumed. Senior Hamas and the Islamic Jihad in Palestine (PIJ) terrorists continued to state they were prepared to continue negotiations, however, Saleh al-'Arouri unequivocally announced there would be no negotiations before a comprehensive ceasefire, closing the door to further efforts.: Integrated IDF forces resumed fighting in the northern, central and southern Gaza Strip. Meanwhile, the terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip continue firing rockets and mortar shells at Israel. Since the beginning of the integrated ground maneuver, IDF forces have located more than 800 shafts of Hamas tunnels and have destroyed approximately 500 of them. Another field hospital was established in Rafah. The spokesman for the ministry of health in the Gaza Strip reported the hospitals were operating beyond full capacity.: With the resumption of fighting in the Gaza Strip, Hezbollah resumed its attacks on the Israel-Lebanon border. So far, it has claimed responsibility for 17 attacks. The IDF responded with artillery fire and airstrikes. A launch attempt was made from Syria and failed.In Judea and Samaria Palestinian terrorists attempted a stabbing and a hit and run attack. Two IDF soldiers were injured. Mahmoud Abbas and Muhammad Shtayyeh met with Karim Khan, the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court in The Hague, who visited Ramallah. The heads of Palestinian human rights organizations refused to meet with him on the grounds that he was biased towards Israel.

Operation Iron Swords (Updated to 1 p.m., November 30, 2023)

Following the extension of the temporary ceasefire, a sixth group of abductees was released. The ceasefire was extended. Three people were killed in a shooting attack at the entrance to Jerusalem, Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack. Despite the temporary ceasefire, three Palestinians were killed in a clash with IDF forces. According to an unofficial estimate, since October 7 approximately 1,200 Israeli civilians and security personnel have been killed, 395 of them soldiers and officers (including three bodies); 145 civilian and military abductees are being held by the terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip.88 hostages have been released to date. In Gaza Strip: Local figures are calling for more humanitarian aid. The northern sector: Aerial defense fighters intercepted a suspicious target crossing the Lebanese border into Israeli territory. Judea and Samaria: Israeli security force counterterrorism activities continue. The foreign ministers of the UN Security Council convened to discuss the situation in the Gaza Strip.

Operation Iron Swords (Updated to 1 p.m., November 29, 2023)

Following the extension of the temporary ceasefire, a fifth group of abductees, ten Israeli women and two foreign civilians, were released in the evening. On this occasion there was a prominent presence of Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terrorist operatives.. The talks to extend the ceasefire continue. Despite the temporary ceasefire, on the afternoon of November 28, 2023, three explosive devices were detonated in two different incidents and Palestinian terrorist organizations shot at IDF forces in the northern Gaza Strip, wounding several. Hamas' military-terrorist wing claimed it was "friction on the ground" caused by "an Israeli violation of the temporary ceasefire agreement. In Gaza Strip local and international figures continue to assess the damage, claiming the aid reaching the Gaza Strip is insufficient and there is concern over the outbreak of epidemics. In The northern sector The presence of Hezbollah terrorist operatives, some of them armed, has been reported along the Israel-Lebanon border.

Operation Iron Swords (Updated to 1 p.m., November 28, 2023)

On the evening of November 27, the fourth group of abductees held by the terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip was released. It included 11 Israeli women and children. The temporary ceasefire will be extended for an additional two days during which 20 more hostages will be released. Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) are in favor of returning abductees while the pause continues. The UN's Human Rights Watch issued its findings regarding the explosion at al-Ahli Hospital on October 17, 2023, for which Israel was blamed. According to the organization, the explosion was caused by the payload and propellant of rockets similar to those in the possession of Palestinian "armed" [terrorist] organizations. Hamas and the PIJ protested the findings on the grounds that they were "biased in favor of Israel.The pause in the fighting was used to assess damage and to locate missing people. Hamas complained that sufficient supplies had not arrived in the northern Gaza Strip.: The northern border remains quiet. There were reports of political activity to change UN Security Council Resolution 1701 regarding the presence of armed operatives on the Israel-Lebanon border.

Operation Iron Swords (Updated to 1 p.m., November 27, 2023)

On the evening of November 26, the third group of abductees held by Hamas was released. It included 13 Israeli women and children, three Thai citizens and an Israeli with dual Israeli-Russian citizenship. In return, 39 Palestinian prisoners were released. International officials, as well as Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) senior terrorist operatives, are talking about the possibility of extending the pause in the fighting in exchange for the release of additional abducted women and children.Calm prevailed following the pause in the fighting in Gaza and no unusual incidents were recorded.The northern border remains quiet. Hezbollah reported that Lebanese living near the border were compensated for damages they incurred. Hamas called on the public to participate in a memorial service for the operative of the Hamas military-terrorist wing from Tulkarm who was killed in the Gaza Strip. A reception was held in Ramallah for the third group of released prisoners. The PIJ complained that the IDF was trying to interfere with the reception of the released Palestinian prisoners.Iran said it supported a permanent cease-fire in the Gaza Strip, but claimed it had no involvement in the actions of the "resistance groups against Israel and the United In Yemen, an attempt was made by the Houthis to hijack a tanker with connections to Israel. The ship was freed with the help of United States Navy ships sailing in the area.