The West

The Flotilla to the Gaza Strip – Update for May 24, 2018

On May 20, 2018, a flotilla to the Gaza Strip set off from Norway. The flotilla is organized by two umbrella organizations engaged in dispatching flotillas to the Gaza Strip as part of the campaigns to “break the siege” on the Gaza Strip (“Freedom Flotilla Coalition” and the “International Committee for Breaking the Siege of Gaza”). The flotilla includes four boats which are expected to reach Gaza by late July 2018.

Russian Declarations Regarding Removal of Foreign Forces from Syria Encounter Greater Criticism in Iran

The statements made by the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, and his Presidential Envoy to Syria, Alexander Laverentiev, calling on foreign forces, including those of Iran and Hezbollah, to depart Syria, have been met with a sharp rebuke in Iran toward Russia.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (May 10-15, 2018)

Despite the exchange of blows between the IDF and the Iranian forces in Syria, the Syrian army and SDF forces continued to fight against ISIS uninterruptedly in the two main arenas. While ISIS is facing severe pressure in its “core countries” (Iraq and Syria), its operatives or supporters, influenced by its ideology, continue to carry out terrorist attacks throughout the world. Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri called on Muslims (May 14, 2018) to carry out jihad against the United States and Western countries following the relocation of the US embassy to Jerusalem.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (May 3-9, 2018)

In Syria, two campaigns against ISIS continued this week in two different arenas. ISIS continues its campaign aimed at disrupting the elections process in the countries in which it operates, by means of terrorist attacks against individuals and facilities

Spotlight on Global Jihad (April 26 – May 2, 2018)

This week, the Syrian army recorded achievements in its campaign to take over the southern suburbs of Damascus from ISIS. The Syrian army forces advanced inside the Yarmouk refugee camp and took control of most of the Al-Qadam neighborhood to its west. The operatives of the Headquarters for the Liberation of Al-Sham, a jihadi organization and one of ISIS’s rivals, began to leave the Yarmouk refugee camp for the Idlib region after reaching an evacuation agreement with the Syrian regime.

Following the events of the Great Return March, anti-Israeli activists in Europe are trying to organize a flotilla to the Gaza Strip (initial report)

Concurrently with the events of the Great Return March, the Freedom Flotilla Coalition, an umbrella framework of organizations engaged in sending flotillas to the Gaza Strip, announced that preparations were being made to send a flotilla to “break the siege” over the Gaza Strip (Al-Aqsa, April 15, 2018). The flotilla, which numbers several boats (currently four or five), is expected to depart for the Gaza Strip from several European countries (Twitter, PalInfo, April 9, 2018).