The West

Spotlight on Global Jihad (July 21-27, 2016)

The wave of terrorist attacks in Germany and in France continues: in the city of Ansbach in southern Germany. In the ITIC’s assessment, both of these were ISIS-inspired attacks carried out in response to ISIS’s call to kill civilians in the West. At the same time, ISIS continues its wave of terrorist attack and guerrilla

Collection of Information about ISIS: Opportunities and Challenges*

The situation of the campaign against ISIS, as of the summer of 2016, is complex: on the one hand, ISIS is sustaining losses from the coalition airstrikes. It is also losing some of the territories under its control in Syria, Iraq, and Libya, as a result of ground attacks carried out by local armies and

Vehicular Attacks: A Lethal, Easily-Executed Type of Attack Most are carried out by lone operatives unaffiliated with terrorist organizations although sometimes inspired by them

The vehicular attack carried out on the Nice promenade on Bastille Day, July 14, 2016, claimed the lives of 84 people and wounded 200. It was the most lethal vehicular attack ever carried out, no less lethal than most of the other terrorist attacks carried out in Europe during the past year. However, unlike the

ISIS: An Overview and Future Trends*

A year ago I gave a presentation at the First International Intelligence & Special Forces Conference about the campaign conducted by the United States and the international coalition against ISIS. My bottom line was that the campaign had not yet succeeded in reducing ISIS’s military and governance capabilities, and that the organization was getting stronger.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (July 14-20, 2016)

The main events of the week were two terrorist attacks in France and Germany, carried out by lone wolf terrorists. In both cases, ISIS claimed responsibility for the attacks Some two months ago, ISIS called on its supporters in the West to carry out attacks intended to kill civilians/

Spotlight on Global Jihad (July 7-13, 2016)

ISIS continues its terrorist attacks and guerrilla warfare in Iraq against the regime, the Shiite community, and the security forces. While the Syrian regime declared a ceasefire for Eid al-Fitr, its forces launched an attack on the northern outskirts of Aleppo and on the vital traffic artery leading from the north into the city’s neighborhoods