The West

Spotlight on Global Jihad (February 2-8, 2017)

In Al-Raqqah, ISIS’s stronghold in Syria, and in Al-Bab, ISIS’s last stronghold west of the Euphrates River, ISIS is under increasing pressure from the attacking forces (the Syrian Democratic Forces with US support, the Free Syrian Army with Turkish support). In the other areas in east Syria, ISIS continues its local offensive initiatives against the

Spotlight on Global Jihad (January 26-February 1, 2017)

The ceasefire declared more than a month ago is still in effect in most of the regions of Syria. In the area of Wadi Barada, Syrian regime had yet another achievement, reaching an agreement in which the rebel organizations surrendered and were evacuated, together with their families, to the Idlib region. In Iraq, the Iraqi

Spotlight on Global Jihad (January 19-25, 2017)

In spite of the ceasefire in Syria, and despite the Kazakhstan talks, fighting continued in two main sites: the Wadi Barada area,; and Deir ez-Zor, in eastern Syria. So far, neither side has gained the upper hand in these two sites. In Iraq, the Iraqi Army managed to take over the east of the city,

Spotlight on Global Jihad (January 12-18, 2017)

Fighting continues in Syria, although the ceasefire is formally still in force. Confrontations in two sites were prominent this week: in the area of Wadi Barada, northwest of Damascus. In Deir ez-Zor, in eastern Syria. In Iraq, the Iraqi Army managed to take over neighborhoods along the Tigris River and the Mosul University, in the

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (January 11 – 17, 2017)

The electricity crisis in the Gaza Strip brought masses of protesters into the streets (one held in the Jabalia refugee camp had thousands of demonstrators). The crisis illustrates Hamas’ difficulty in coping with the challenges of governance in the Gaza Strip. Senior Palestinian figures have initiated a campaign threatening mainly the United States, in the


הפסקת האש בסוריה ממשיכה עדיין להתקיים למעט כמה מוקדים, שבהם נמשכת הלחימה. במוצול נחלו הכוחות העיראקיים הצלחות. דאעש ממשיך לקרוא לתומכיו ברחבי העולם לבצע פיגועים.