News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (May 4-10, 2022)

A masked Palestinian wrapped in a Hamas flag.

A masked Palestinian wrapped in a Hamas flag.

The destruction caused by the rioters on the Temple Mount (QudsN Twitter account, May 5, 2022).

The destruction caused by the rioters on the Temple Mount (QudsN Twitter account, May 5, 2022).

Palestinians at the Tomb of Joseph riot in preparation for the entrance of Jewish worshippers (QudsN Twitter account, May 10, 2022).

Palestinians at the Tomb of Joseph riot in preparation for the entrance of Jewish worshippers (QudsN Twitter account, May 10, 2022).

The floor of the house where Omar Jaradat lived (Twitter account of journalist Hassan Aslih, May 7, 2022).

The floor of the house where Omar Jaradat lived (Twitter account of journalist Hassan Aslih, May 7, 2022).

The Hamas delegation meets with the Grand Mufti of Russia.

The Hamas delegation meets with the Grand Mufti of Russia.

Mahmoud Abbas presents Karim Yunes' family with a plaque honoring his mother, Sabhia Yunes.

Mahmoud Abbas presents Karim Yunes' family with a plaque honoring his mother, Sabhia Yunes.

  • Two terrorist attacks were carried out this past week: an attack in Elad where the terrorists used an axe and a knife (three civilians murdered and four wounded) and a stabbing attack at the Damascus Gate in east Jerusalem in which a Border Police fighter was wounded. An attempted terrorist attack in Tekoa was prevented.
  • The Palestinians were enraged when Jews were allowed to enter the Temple Mount compound. Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) threatened that if Israel crossed their red lines they would not hesitate to attack, including with rocket fire. The Palestinians issued criticism and threats after Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said at a government meeting that decisions regarding the Temple Mount compound and Jerusalem would be made by the government of Israel, which was sovereign in the city.
  • In Silat al-Harithiya in the Jenin region the Israeli security forces destroyed the floor of the house where Omar Jaradat lived, the Palestinian terrorist who carried out the shooting attack at the Homesh Junction on December 16, 2021. The Palestinians accused Israel of imposing collective punishment, claiming such actions only served to increase the Palestinians’ determination to defeat the “occupation” by means of “resistance” [i.e., violence and terrorist attacks].
  • A Hamas delegation visited Russia and met with the deputy foreign minister and the Grand Mufti of Russia.
  • After the IDF began a military exercise on May 9, 2022, the terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip and Hezbollah raised their level of alert in preparation for a possible confrontation with Israel.
  • The Palestinian Authority (PA) criticized the decision made by Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz to advance the construction of thousands of dwelling units in Judea and Samaria, and there was a wave of Palestinian criticism and protest. The Palestinians praised the United States for its opposition to the program, and called on the international community to exert pressure on Israel.
  • Following the death of the mother of a Palestinian serving a term in an Israeli prison for his involvement in the abduction and murder of an Israeli soldier in 1980, Mahmoud Abbas presented the family with a plaque and erected a mourning tent for her in Ramallah.
Axe and stabbing attack in Elad
  • On the evening of May 5, 2022, Israel’s Independence Day, two Palestinians terrorists from a village near Jenin, armed with an axe and a knife, carried out a terrorist attack in the central Israeli city of Elad. They murdered three people and wounded four, two of them critically. They began their killing spree in the evening after the first victim had given them a ride to the city. They murdered him and then two other civilians, and wounded four. They escaped through a breach in the fence surrounding the city and reached a forested area, where all trace of them disappeared. After about sixty hours of searching, Israeli security forces found them, detained them and took them for interrogation.[1]
Stabbing attack at the Damascus Gate in east Jerusalem
  •   On the evening of May 8, 2022, a Palestinian armed with two knives stabbed a Border Police fighter. The attack took place at a checkpoint near the Damascus Gate in east Jerusalem. The Palestinian roused the suspicion of the forces stationed at the site at the gate and was detained for examination. While being examined he took out a knife and stabbed one of the fighters in the neck, wounding him. Other Border Police fighters at the scene shot and critically wounded him; he was taken to a hospital (Israel Police Force spokesman’s unit, May 8, 2022).
The knives used by the Palestinian (Israel Police Force spokesman's unit, May 8, 2022).    The scene of the attack.
Right: The scene of the attack. Left: The knives used by the Palestinian (Israel Police Force spokesman’s unit, May 8, 2022).
  •  The Palestinian media reported the Palestinian who carried out the attack was Natheer Marzouq, 19, from the village of Abwein, north of Ramallah (Paldf Twitter account, May 9, 2022). According to reports, village youths blocked the entrance to the village, concerned IDF forces would raid Marzouq’s house (Abwein Facebook page, May 8, 2022).
Natheer Marzouq from Abwein (Paldf Twitter account, May 9, 2022).
Natheer Marzouq from Abwein (Paldf Twitter account, May 9, 2022).
Terrorist attack in Tekoa prevented
  • On the evening of May 8, 2022, a Palestinian armed with a knife infiltrated the settlement of Tekoa in Gush Etzion. A local resident saw him in the yard of his house and shot and killed him. IDF forces instituted a search for suspects (IDF spokesman, May 8, 2022).
  •  The Palestinian media reported he was Mu’tassem Muhammad Atallah, 17, from Harmala, a small Palestinian village near Tekoa. Hamas issued a mourning notice claiming he was an operative in the Hamas movement (Twitter account of journalist Hassan Aslih, May 8, 2022).
The mourning notice issued by Hamas (Radio al-Aqsa Twitter account, May 8, 2022).    The knife used in the attack (Rescue Without Borders in Judea and Samaria, May 8, 2022).
Right: The knife used in the attack (Rescue Without Borders in Judea and Samaria, May 8, 2022). Left: The mourning notice issued by Hamas (Radio al-Aqsa Twitter account, May 8, 2022).
Significant Terrorist Attacks in Judea and Samaria since January 2020[2]

Significant Terrorist Attacks in Judea and Samaria since January 2020

  • After two weeks during which Jews were banned from entering the Temple Mount compound (because of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr), on Independence Day the ban was lifted. Before Independence Day, the Palestinian Authority (PA) warned Jews not to enter. Hussein al-Sheikh, PA minister of civilian affairs, called the settlers’ intention to wave the Israeli flag and sing the Israeli anthem in front of al-Aqsa mosque “a blatant challenge to the PA, Arabs and Muslims.” It was, he claimed, a continuation of an extremist, racist campaign whose objective was to lead to the division of al-Aqsa mosque and ignite a regional religious war (Hussein al-Sheikh’s Twitter account, May 3, 2022). Hazem al-Bakri, PA minister of Muslim endowments, called it an “insult” to the sites holy to Islam and a gross attack. He accused Israel of wanting to start a war (Sanad, May 3, 2022). Mahmoud al-Batash, Mahmoud Abbas’ advisor for religious affairs, warned that waving the Israeli flag and singing the national anthem would give full support to the entrance of extremists. He claimed the government of Israel was an essential partner in the “crimes” and employed organized, governmental terrorism against Muslim holy sites. He issued threats and claimed Israel was playing with fire which was liable to burn it if it “harmed Jerusalem” [sic] (Mahmoud al-Batash’ Facebook page, May 3, 2022).
  • On May 4, 2022, the eve of Israel’s Independence Day and the last day of Eid al-Fitr, tensions between Israel and the Palestinians increased as the renewed entrance of Jews into the Temple Mount compound approached and a large number of Jews were expected to arrive. Hamas called on the Palestinian public to go to al-Aqsa en masse and remain at the site to frustrate the settlers’ plans.
  • The terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip declared they were preparing for a war against Israel. Suheil al-Hindi, a member of Hamas’ political bureau, said the joint operations room of the [terrorist] organizations was monitoring the events and that if Israel crossed the Palestinians’ red lines the organizations’ fingers would be on the trigger. He said they did not want a war but if one were forced on them, they were ready and prepared to rain rocket fire on Israel (al-Jazeera, May 4, 2022). Mahmoud al-Zahar, a member of Hamas’ political bureau, said the organizations might use the “highest level” of “response” [i.e., rocket fire] to stop the Jews from worshipping in al-Aqsa mosque. He claimed Israel was attempting to establish a present of its security forces at the site (Radio al-Aqsa, May 5, 2022).
  • The Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) also issued militant notices calling on the Palestinians to barricade themselves inside the mosque and stop the “settlers’ aggression.” According to the PIJ, “aggression” against al-Aqsa mosque forced everyone to defend themselves and oppose an attack on the mosque’s sanctity. The [alleged] calls of the settlers to invade al-Aqsa was a declaration of war on the Palestinian people and the holy sites. The PIJ assigned Israel full responsibility for the results (Filastin al-Yawm, May 5, 2022).
  • On May 5, 2022, according to estimates, about one thousand Jews entered the Temple Mount compound in successive groups. Attempts to wave Israeli flags were prevented by police. In the early morning hours Palestinians barricaded themselves inside al-Aqsa mosque and began rioting against the Israeli security forces. Hamas praised the Palestinians who, according to Hamas claims, had foiled the settlers’ plans. Isma’il Haniyeh, head of Hamas’ political bureau, noted their determination when faced with Israeli security forces. He claimed that what happened in al-Aqsa “proved” the battle was open-ended and not dependent on a single event. Its objective, he said, was to cause the failure of Israel’s plan to divide time and area inside al-Aqsa. He claimed that it was the firm stance of the Palestinians in al-Aqsa mosque that obviated the need to begin a war with rockets from the Gaza Strip (Hamas website, May 5, 2022).
  •  Hamas spokesman Abd al-Latif al-Qanua said the Palestinians on the Temple Mount had shown true heroism when they foiled Israel’s plan. He called on Israeli Arabs to march to al-Aqsa mosque and support the men of Jerusalem in their “struggle for al-Aqsa” (Hamas website, May 5, 2022).
The destruction caused by the rioters on the Temple Mount (QudsN Twitter account, May 5, 2022).   A masked Palestinian wrapped in a Hamas flag.
Right: A masked Palestinian wrapped in a Hamas flag. Left: The destruction caused by the rioters on the Temple Mount (QudsN Twitter account, May 5, 2022).
Muslims pray on the Temple Mount next to Israeli security reinforcements (QudsN Twitter account, May 5, 2022).   Muslims pray on the Temple Mount next to Israeli security reinforcements (QudsN Twitter account, May 5, 2022).
Muslims pray on the Temple Mount next to Israeli security reinforcements (QudsN Twitter account, May 5, 2022).
Counterterrorism activities
  • On May 8, 2022, an IDF force identified a Palestinian trying to cross the security fence into Israeli territory near the Te’enim Crossing, south of Tulkarm. They shot at him in accordance with procedure for detaining a suspect (IDF spokesman, May 8, 2022). The Palestinian was killed. The Palestinian media reported he was Mahmoud Sami Khalil Aram, 27, originally from Khan Yunis. After having infiltrated into Israeli territory from the Gaza Strip he moved to the PA territory (Twitter account of journalist Hassan Aslih, May 8, 2022). His family appealed to the Red Cross for assistance in transporting his body to Khan Yunis for burial (QudsN Twitter account, May 8, 2022).
The Palestinian killed south of Tulkarm (Twitter account of journalist Hassan Aslih, May 8, 2022).
The Palestinian killed south of Tulkarm (Twitter account of journalist Hassan Aslih, May 8, 2022).
  • On the night of May 8, 2022, Israeli security forces operated at a number of sites in Judea and Samaria to prevent terrorist activities, detaining 15 suspects (IDF spokesman, May 9, 2022):
    • In the village of Rummanah, northwest of Jenin (the home of the two terrorists who carried out the attack in Elad), they detained two Palestinians suspected of aiding the terrorists. The houses of the terrorists were mapped in preparation for destruction.
    • In the village of Qarawat Bani Hassan two terrorists suspected of involvement in the shooting attack in Ariel were detained.
    • In the Balata refugee camp in Nablus and in several neighboring villages Palestinians suspected of terrorist activities were detained.
    •  In the village of Azun two handguns and two knives were seized.
Handguns and knives seized in Azun (IDF spokesman, May 9, 2022).
Handguns and knives seized in Azun (IDF spokesman, May 9, 2022).
  • On the night of May 9, 2022, Israeli security forces operated in a number of locations to detain Palestinians suspected of involvement in terrorist activities in the Qalqilya area. Six Palestinians were detained and taken for interrogation.
  • Before the entrance of Jewish worshippers and while the security forces accompanied them to the Tomb of Joseph in Nablus, Palestinians rioted. There were reports of gunfire. The security forces returned fire; no casualties were reported (IDF spokesman, May 10, 2022). It was the first public visit to the shrine since the damages done by Palestinians had been repaired (Israeli media, May 10, 2022).
Palestinians at the Tomb of Joseph riot in preparation for the entrance of Jewish worshippers (QudsN Twitter account, May 10, 2022).    Palestinians at the Tomb of Joseph riot in preparation for the entrance of Jewish worshippers (QudsN Twitter account, May 10, 2022).
Palestinians at the Tomb of Joseph riot in preparation for the entrance of Jewish worshippers (QudsN Twitter account, May 10, 2022).
Terrorist’s house destroyed
  • In the village of Silat al-Harithiya, near Jenin, Israeli security forces destroyed the floor of the house where Palestinian terrorist Omar Jaradat and his family lived. He was one of the terrorist operatives who carried out the shooting attack at the Homesh Junction on December 16, 2021, murdering Yehuda Dimentman and wounding two others. During the activity Palestinians attacked in various locations, throwing rocks and Molotov cocktails at the Israeli security forces (IDF spokesman, May 7, 2022). Members of the Jaradat family accused Israel of imposing collective punishment and employing organized governmental terrorism with the objective of taking revenge on the prisoners and their families.
The floor of the house where Omar Jaradat lived (Twitter account of journalist Hassan Aslih, May 7, 2022).    The floor of the house where Omar Jaradat lived (Twitter account of journalist Hassan Aslih, May 7, 2022).
The floor of the house where Omar Jaradat lived (Twitter account of journalist Hassan Aslih, May 7, 2022).
  • Jaradat’s father claimed in an interview that Israel’s “crimes” were the reason for the attacks. He said even if they destroyed their house and attacked their children [sic] it “wouldn’t move a hair on our heads” (QudsN Twitter account, May 7, 2022). The PIJ issued a condemnation, claiming it was a “Zionist crime” that reflected the confusion of Israel’s security forces, which were trying to obscure the fact that their image had been destroyed by the Palestinian “resistance.” The PIJ called the destruction of the house collective punishment of the Palestinian people, and said such activities only increased their determination to defeat the “occupation” through “resistance” [i.e., violence and terrorism] (PIJ Telegram channel, May 7, 2022).
Rocket and mortar shell fire into Israel
  • This past week no rocket or mortar shell hits were identified in Israeli territory.
Monthly Distribution of Rocket and Mortar Shell Fire since January 2020

Monthly Distribution of Rocket and Mortar Shell Fire since January 2020

Annual Distribution of Rocket Hits

Annual Distribution of Rocket Hits

Hamas delegation visits Russia
  • On May 5, 2022, a delegation of the Hamas leadership headed by Musa Abu Marzouq, a member of the Hamas political bureau and responsible for international relations, arrived in Russia for talks with government officials. They met with Mikhail Bogdanov, the deputy foreign ministry and emissary to the Middle East. The Russian foreign ministry reported they had discussed the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, especially the tension in Jerusalem and al-Aqsa mosque, and Hamas’ relations with Russia. The foreign ministry called for the preservation of the status quo in Jerusalem and the unity of the Palestinian [terrorist] organizations (Riya News Agency, May 5, 2022). Musa Abu Marzouq praised the role Russia played in the Palestinian cause and claimed Russia could have a more significant role, adding that the visit could potentially change the strategic situation (al-Aqsa, May 5, 2022).
  •   The delegation also met with Rawil Gaynutdin, the Grand Mufti of Russia. Musa Abu Marzouq updated him on Israel’s activities in Jerusalem and called for the strengthening of the role of Russia’s Muslims in defending al-Aqsa mosque and Jerusalem. The Mufti said they were monitoring events in Jerusalem and investing efforts in the Palestinian cause (Hamas website, May 7, 2022).
Senior Hamas figure Fathi Hamad meets with the Mufti (Hamas website, May 7, 2022).   The Hamas delegation meets with the Grand Mufti of Russia.
Right: The Hamas delegation meets with the Grand Mufti of Russia. Left: Senior Hamas figure Fathi Hamad meets with the Mufti (Hamas website, May 7, 2022).
  • According to the al-Mayadeen Twitter account, the Hamas delegation was forced to leave Russia earlier than planned because of a meeting that was supposed to be held in Algeria. According to reports, another Hamas delegation will visit Russia during June 2022, and Sergey Lavrov, the Russian foreign minister, invited Isma’il Haniyeh to visit (al-Mayadeen Twitter account, May 6, 2022).
Reactions to Israel’s broad military exercise
  • On May 9, 2022, the IDF began a broad military exercise which is expected to continue for a month. It will simulate multi-arm, multi-arena fighting, increase the IDF’s preparedness and examine its fighting capabilities. The joint operations room of the terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip announced they were raising their level of alert and the preparedness of their military wings. According to the announcement, the joint operations room operates at all times to monitor Israel’s activities, out of concern Israel might do “something foolish” (joint operations room Telegram channel, May 9, 2022). Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah announced in a speech that Hezbollah’s operatives had raised their level of alert as part of preparations for a possible confrontation with Israel during the military exercise (al-Mayadeen, May 9, 2022).
Palestinian reactions to Israel’s decision to continue construction in the settlements
  • Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz authorized Israel’s Planning Administration to meet in order to advance the construction of 3,988 welling units in Judea and Samaria. At a press briefing, the deputy spokesperson for the American State Department expressed the United States’ objection to expanding the settlements, saying it would increase tensions, damage Israeli-Palestinian trust and deeply damage the promotion of the two-state solution. The PA criticized Gantz’ decision, praised the American position, and called on the international community to exert pressure on Israel.
  • Hussein al-Sheikh, PA minister of civilian affairs, said the Palestinians welcomed the United States State Department announcement and the position of the American ambassador to Israel, and hoped it would turn into serious pressure that would stop “all of Israel’s escalation measures, which were destroying the foundations of the two-state solution” (Hussein al-Sheikh’s Twitter account, May 7, 2022).
  • Nabil Abu Rudeineh, spokesman for Mahmoud Abbas, warned of the consequences of international silence. He said the American administration had to take responsibility and stop “Israel’s hasty actions,” which pushed matters towards escalation and tension. PA Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh warned of the consequences of constructing 4,000 new dwelling units and destroying 12 villages south of Hebron. He said the plans were a threat to regional security and peace and would increase tensions. He called on the United States administration to intervene urgently to stop the “violations,” which were a serious threat to the two-state solution (Dunia al-Watan, May 7, 2022).
  • The PA foreign ministry said in an announcement that it was a matter of violating international law and a significant threat to the chances for peace and a resolution of the conflict in accordance with the plan for the two-state solution. He called on the UN Security Council to take responsibility and stop Israel’s escalation against the Palestinian people, adding that not fulfilling its obligations meant agreeing with Israel’s actions (Wafa, May 4, 2022).
Palestinian reactions to the Israeli prime minister’s statements regarding the war on terrorism
  • Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said there was not and would not be any political consideration in Israel’s war on terrorism and that any decision regarding the Temple Mount and Jerusalem would be made by the Israeli government, which was the sovereign power in the city, without weighing foreign considerations. He said Israel would continue to preserve respectful relations with members of all the religions in Jerusalem (website of the Israeli prime minister’s office, May 8, 2022).
  • His statements led to reactions from senior PA figures. Mahmoud Abbas’ office issued a statement claiming that the Palestinian state held sovereignty over east Jerusalem and the holy sites, adding that Israel’s failed attempts to legitimize the “occupation” were meant to cast a shadow over Palestinian achievements realized through the firm stance of the Palestinian people (Wafa, May 8, 2022). Hussein al-Sheikh claimed the [Israeli] declarations regarding the al-Aqsa precinct were an attack on its international legitimacy, ignoring the historical status quo and a violation of the Jordanian Hashemite guardianship of the holy sites in Jerusalem (Hussein al-Sheikh’ Twitter account, May 8, 2022). Mahmoud al-Batash claimed al-Aqsa’s territory covered 35.58 acres and included the Western Wall [sic], it was a completely Muslim endowment and no one who was not Muslim had any right to it (QudsN Twitter account, May 8, yea).
  • Hamas also criticized Bennett’s statement. Izzat al-Rishq, a member of Hamas’ political bureau, claimed it ignored the rights of the Palestinian people and was foreign to all international norms and conventions. He claimed there was a need for urgent action, condemnation and the use of all possible measures because Israel did not have the right or power to decide what happened in east Jerusalem and al-Aqsa mosque (Hamas Telegram channel, May 8, 2022).
Power outages in the PA territories
  • In east Jerusalem, Ramallah and Bethlehem there were extensive power outages. The Israeli electric company reduced the supply of electricity because the east Jerusalem electric company owes the Israeli company $144.40 million (Ma’an, May 9, 2022).
Ad Hoc Liaison Committee (AHLC) conference in Brussels
  • On May 8, 2022, Muhammad Shtayyeh headed a Palestinian delegation to Brussels to participate a conference of the countries that donate funds to the PA (the AHLC). Other members of the delegation were Shukri Bshara, PA minister of the treasury; the chairman of the Palestinian water commission and the chairman of the Palestinian energy commission (Wafa, Ma’an, May 8, 2022).
  •  Meetings were held during which the Palestinian minister of the treasury gave a detailed report on the PA’s financial situation. He protested what he called Israel’s illegal deduction of the tax revenues it collects and transfers to the PA. He claimed that between 2019 and today Israel had not transferred about $500 million it [allegedly] owed the PA. He claimed the delay in transferring the funds to the PA could damage its budget and make it difficult for the PA to meet its commitments. That was especially true, he claimed, in light of the sharp drop in international aid received by the Palestinians. He said the PA’s budget deficit included the international aid for 2022 estimated at $564 million, as opposed to $757 million in 2021 (Wafa, May 9, 2022).
The Palestinian minister of the treasury updates the conference on the PA's financial situation (Wafa, May 9, 2022).
The Palestinian minister of the treasury updates the conference on the PA’s financial situation (Wafa, May 9, 2022).
The PA continues its unwavering support of the family of Palestinian terrorist Karim Yunes
  •  On May 5, 2022, Sabhia Yunes, the mother Karim Yunes died at the age of 90 in ‘Ara, near Wadi ‘Ara in northern Israel. Following her death Mahmoud Abbas posted to his Facebook page that he mourned her death and sent his condolences to the family (Mahmoud Abbas’ Facebook page, May 5, 2022). Muhammad Shtayyeh and Fatah also posted their condolences to the Yunes family (Facebook page of Muhammad Shtayyeh and the Fatah Twitter account, May 5, 2022).

Announcements from Mahmoud Abbas (right) and Muhammad Shtayyeh (left) following the death of Karim Yunes’ mother (Facebook pages of Mahmoud Abbas and Muhammad Shtayyeh, May 5, 2022).
Fatah mourning notice (Fatah Twitter account, May 5, 2022).
Fatah mourning notice (Fatah Twitter account, May 5, 2022).
  • Karim Yunes is considered the longest-serving Palestinian prisoners in an Israeli jail. He has been in prison in Israel since 1983, after having been involved in the abduction and murder of Avraham Bromberg in 1980. A military court handed down a death sentence which was commuted to 40 years in prison. He was supposed to be released in 2013 in a prisoner exchange deal, but it was not implemented.
  •   On May 9, 2022, Mahmoud Abbas received members of the Yunes family in his office in Ramallah. Also present were members of the PLO’s Executive Committee and of Fatah’s Central Committee. Mahmoud Abbas gave the family a plaque in honor of Sabhia Younes’ “ongoing struggle and patience during the four decades her son has been in an Israeli jail.” He called her a symbol of the struggle of the family members of the Palestinian prisoners and of all the Palestinian people. Mahmoud Abbas’ office also erected a mourning tent for her in the Muqata’a in Ramallah, and hundreds of visitors came to offer condolences (Wafa, May 9, 2022).
Mahmoud Abbas, the members of the Yunes clan and senior Fatah figures (Wafa, May 9, 2022).    Mahmoud Abbas presents Karim Yunes' family with a plaque honoring his mother, Sabhia Yunes.
Right: Mahmoud Abbas presents Karim Yunes’ family with a plaque honoring his mother, Sabhia Yunes. Left: Mahmoud Abbas, the members of the Yunes clan and senior Fatah figures (Wafa, May 9, 2022).
  • It was not the first time the PA embraced the Yunes family from ‘Ara in Israel. In November 2018 Mahmoud Abbas met with Karim Yunes’ mother and brother in his office in Ramallah. The meeting was intended to express appreciation for the murderer’s family and was held close to the date Avraham Blomberg was killed (he was shot on November 26, 1980, and died on December 1). At the meeting, which was attended by senior Fatah figures, Mahmoud Abbas said the issue of the Palestinian prisoners was at the top of the Palestinian leadership’s list of priorities, and they were investing every effort to secure the prisoners’ release (Wafa, movement 18, 2022).
  • In Judea and Samaria Palestinians continued throwing rocks and Molotov cocktails at Israeli vehicles driving on the roads.[3]
    • May 10, 2022: Rocks were thrown at an Israeli vehicle in Hawwara, south of Nablus. No casualties or damage were reported.
    • May 9, 2022: Rocks were thrown at an Israeli vehicle near Jaba, east of Tulkarm. No casualties were reported; the vehicle was damaged.
    • May 9, 2022: Rocks were thrown at the fence of Psagot, east of Ramallah. No casualties or damage were reported.
    • May 9, 2022: Rocks were thrown at an Israeli vehicle near Bayt Ummar, north of Hebron. No casualties were reported; the vehicle was damaged.
    • May 9, 2022: Rocks were thrown at an Israeli vehicle near Bayt Horon, southwest of Ramallah. No casualties or damage were reported.
    • May 9, 2022: A Molotov cocktail was thrown at an Israeli vehicle between Ariel and the Gitai Avishar Junction, southwest of Nablus. No casualties or damage were reported.
    • May 9, 2022: A Molotov cocktail was thrown at an Israeli bus between Azun and the Ma’aleh Shomron Junction, southeast of Qalqilya. The Molotov cocktail exploded and caused a brush fire; no casualties were reported.
    • May 9, 2022: Rocks were thrown at an Israeli vehicle near the al-Fawwar pools, southwest of Hebron. No casualties or damage were reported.
    • May 9, 2022: Rocks were thrown at an Israeli vehicle near Shavei Shomron, northwest of Nablus. No casualties or damage were reported.
    • May 9, 2022: Rocks were thrown at an Israeli vehicle between Nili and Na’aleh, northwest of Ramallah. No casualties were reported; the windshield of the vehicle was damaged.
    • May 9, 2022: Rocks were thrown at an Israeli vehicle near Jaba close to the Gush Etzion settlement. No casualties were reported; the windshield of the vehicle was damaged.
    • May 9, 2022: Rocks were thrown at a house in Har Gilo, northwest of Bethlehem. No casualties or damage were reported.
    • May 8, 2022: Rocks were thrown at an Israeli vehicle between the Gitai Avishar Junction and Yakir, southeast of Qalqilya. No casualties were reported; a rock broke a front headlight.
    • May 8, 2022: Rocks were thrown at an Israeli vehicle between Bayt A’innon and Qiryat Arba in the Hebron region. No casualties or damage were reported.
    • May 8, 2022: Israeli drivers were dazzled by a laser ray near Neria, east of Qalqilya. No casualties or damage were reported.
    • May 8, 2022: Rocks were thrown and a burning tire was laid on road 458 south of the quarry, northeast of Ramallah. No casualties or damage were reported. An IED was laid on the road in a tire near al-Mugheir. The tire exploded and blocked the road. No casualties or damage were reported.
    • May 8, 2022: Rocks were thrown at an Israeli bus near al-Aroub, northeast of Hebron. No casualties or damage were reported.
    • May 8, 2022: Rocks were thrown at an Israeli vehicle near Hizma, north of Jerusalem. No casualties or damage were reported.
    • May 8, 2022: Molotov cocktails were thrown at an Israeli bus and at a Border Police force near Yitzhar, southwest of Nablus. No casualties were reported; the windshield of the bus was damaged.
    • May 8, 2022: Rocks were thrown at the fence of the settlement of Beit El. No casualties or damage were reported.
    • May 8, 2022: Rocks were thrown at an Israeli vehicle between Ariel and Tapuah, southwest of Nablus. No casualties or damage were reported.
    • May 8, 2022: Rocks were thrown at an IDF post near Psagot, east of Ramallah. No casualties or damage were reported.
    • May 8, 2022: Rocks and Molotov cocktails were thrown on the Hebron-Qiryat Arba road. No casualties or damage were reported.
    • May 7, 2022: Rocks were thrown at an Israeli vehicle near Sinjil, northeast of Ramallah. No casualties or damage were reported.
    • May 7, 2022: Rocks were thrown at Israeli vehicles between Gitai Avishar and Revava near Hares, southeast of Qalqilya. No casualties were reported; the vehicle was damaged. An IDF force responded to the attack with riot dispersal measures, superficially wounding three Palestinians.
    • May 5, 2022: Rocks were thrown at an Israeli vehicle between the Ma’aleh Lavona Junction and Ali, northeast of Ramallah. No casualties were reported; the windshield of the vehicle was damaged.
The windshield damaged northeast of Ramallah.
The windshield damaged northeast of Ramallah.
    • May 5, 2022: Rocks were thrown at an Israeli vehicle near a school in Luban al-Sharqia, northeast of Ramallah. No casualties were reported; the vehicle was damaged.
    • May 3, 2022: Rocks were thrown at an Israeli bus on the Gush Etzion-Hebron road near al-Aroub and at a vehicle in Bayt Ummar. No casualties or damage were reported.

[1] For further information, see the May 8, 2022 bulletin, "Terrorist attack in Elad – Three Israeli civilians killed and four wounded. Hamas again praises and encourages terrorist attacks in Judea and Samaria while preserving relative calm in the Gaza Strip."
[2] A significant attack is defined by the ITIC as involving shooting, stabbing, a vehicular attack, the use of IEDs, or a combination of the above. Stones and Molotov cocktails thrown by Palestinians are not included
[3] Information and pictures from Rescue Without Borders in Judea and Samaria unless otherwise noted. ↑f