News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (December 17-11, 2019)

Palestinian rioter throws a Molotov cocktail at an IDF jeep in eastern Khan Yunis (Facebook page of photographer Mazen Qadih, December 13, 2019).

Palestinian rioter throws a Molotov cocktail at an IDF jeep in eastern Khan Yunis (Facebook page of photographer Mazen Qadih, December 13, 2019).

Isma'il Haniyeh meets with Turkish President Erdogan (Website of the Turkish president's office, December 14, 2019).

Isma'il Haniyeh meets with Turkish President Erdogan (Website of the Turkish president's office, December 14, 2019).

Haniyeh greeted at the al-Fatih mosque in Istanbul (Shehab Twitter account, December 13, 2019).

Haniyeh greeted at the al-Fatih mosque in Istanbul (Shehab Twitter account, December 13, 2019).

Relatively poor participation and empty chairs at the return camp in eastern Gaza City (Supreme National Authority Facebook page, December 13, 2019).

Relatively poor participation and empty chairs at the return camp in eastern Gaza City (Supreme National Authority Facebook page, December 13, 2019).

Jihad Yaghmour (left) described in the report as Hamas representative in Turkey, meeting with the deputy chairman for foreign relations for the Justice and Development Party (Sanad News website, November 14, 2019).

Jihad Yaghmour (left) described in the report as Hamas representative in Turkey, meeting with the deputy chairman for foreign relations for the Justice and Development Party (Sanad News website, November 14, 2019).

Isma'il Haniyeh meets with the emir of Qatar (al-Sharq, Qatar, December 16, 2019).

Isma'il Haniyeh meets with the emir of Qatar (al-Sharq, Qatar, December 16, 2019).

March in Khan Yunis (Hamas website, December 13, 2019).

March in Khan Yunis (Hamas website, December 13, 2019).

Isma'il Haniyeh and Saleh al-'Arouri greeted by Khaled Mashaal and Qatari representatives (Twitter account of Musaq Alian, December 15, 2019).

Isma'il Haniyeh and Saleh al-'Arouri greeted by Khaled Mashaal and Qatari representatives (Twitter account of Musaq Alian, December 15, 2019).

March organized by the Islamic bloc of Bir Zeit University, with uniformed operatives and Hamas military wing flags (Facebook page of Muhammad Qarout, a photo-journalist from east Jerusalem, December 16, 2019).

March organized by the Islamic bloc of Bir Zeit University, with uniformed operatives and Hamas military wing flags (Facebook page of Muhammad Qarout, a photo-journalist from east Jerusalem, December 16, 2019).

March organized by the Islamic bloc of Bir Zeit University, with uniformed operatives and Hamas military wing flags (Facebook page of Muhammad Qarout, a photo-journalist from east Jerusalem, December 16, 2019).

March organized by the Islamic bloc of Bir Zeit University, with uniformed operatives and Hamas military wing flags (Facebook page of Muhammad Qarout, a photo-journalist from east Jerusalem, December 16, 2019).

The rally in Beit Lahia. Left: PIJ spokesman Da'ud Shehab speaking at the rally (Jerusalem Brigades website, December 14, 2019).

The rally in Beit Lahia. Left: PIJ spokesman Da'ud Shehab speaking at the rally (Jerusalem Brigades website, December 14, 2019).

  • On December 13, 2019, return march events were held in three locations in the Gaza Strip instead of the usual five. About 2,200 Palestinians participated, a relatively low number. During the march violence was routine, with Palestinian rioters’ throwing IEDs and Molotov cocktails at IDF forces and attempting to sabotage the security fence. The ministry of health in the Gaza Strip reported five Palestinians hurt, fewer than usual.
  • The Palestinian and Arab media reported that deliberations were currently being held to determine the nature of future return marches. According to senior Hamas figure Suheil al-Hindi, ideas raised included holding the marches less frequently, but there was agreement regarding their continuation.
  • Isma’il Haniyeh, head of Hamas’ political bureau, is currently heading a Hamas delegation visiting a number of foreign countries. So far they have visited Turkey and met with President Erdogan, and thanked him for the Turkish support of the Palestinian cause. From Turkey they went to Qatar, where they met with the emir. The delegation is expected to visit other countries that support Hamas..
The return march of December 13, 2019
  • Given the weather conditions in the Gaza Strip, the members of the Supreme National Authority of the Great Return March debated whether or not to hold march activities on December 13, 2019 (Sawa, December 12, 2019). On the eve of the march the committee announced activities would be held, but for the first time, in only three of the five traditional locations.[1] The slogan of the march was, “Palestine unites us and Jerusalem is our capital” (al-Ra’i, December 12, 2019).
  • On December 13, 2019, the march was held in three locations: Gaza City, the refugee camps in the central Gaza Strip and Rafah. Despite the announcement, several dozen demonstrators also went to the two other locations. About 2,200 Palestinians participated in the activities, a relatively low number. Palestinian rioters demonstrated routine violence, which included throwing IEDs and Molotov cocktails at IDF forces, burning tires and throwing stones. Several rioters approached the security fence and tried to sabotage it. The spokesman for the ministry of health in the Gaza Strip reported that five Palestinians were treated for various wounds, a lower number than usual (Ashraf al-Qidra’s Twitter account, December 13, 2019).
  • After the events the Supreme National Authority held a press conference where they said efforts would continue to be invested to develop and extend the scope of the marches. It was announced that on December 20, 2019, the return march would be held with the slogan, “Hebron against Judaization” (al-Aqsa, December 13, 2019). According to Talal Abu Zarifa, a member of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine’s (DFLP) political bureau and of the Supreme National Authority, deliberations are currently being held about the nature of future return marches and ways to promote them (Dunia al-Watan, December 16, 2019). According to senior Hamas figure Suheil al-Hindi, ideas include limiting the frequency of the marches, although the general consensus is that they will continue (Arabi21, December 16, 2019).
Rocket and mortar shell fire into Israel
  • This past week no rocket or mortar shell hits were identified in Israeli territory.
Monthly Distribution of Rocket and Mortar Shell Fire since January 2018

Monthly Distribution of Rocket and Mortar Shell Fire since January 2018

Annual Distribution of Rocket Hits

Annual Distribution of Rocket Hits

Other events on the ground
  • In Judea and Samaria Palestinians continued throwing stones and Molotov cocktails at Israeli security forces and civilian targets (primarily vehicles). The more prominent events were the following:
    • December 16, 2019 – Near Nabi Saleh (northwest of Ramallah) an IED thrown by Palestinians exploded. No casualties were reported (Rescue Without Borders in Judea and Samaria, December 16, 2019)
    • December 16, 2019 – Stones were thrown at an Israeli vehicle parked in Hawwara (south of Nablus). No casualties were reported. The front windshield was damaged (Rescue Without Borders in Judea and Samaria, December 16, 2019).
    • December 15, 2019 – An Israel vehicle was hit with a bottle of paint thrown by Palestinians at the T-Junction (Gush Etzion) (Rescue Without Borders in Judea and Samaria, December 15, 2019).
    • December 15, 2019 – Palestinians from Bayt Umar (northwest of Hebron) threw pipe bombs at the community of Karmei Tzur. No casualties were reported (Rescue Without Borders in Judea and Samaria, December 15, 2019).
    • December 15, 2019 – Stones were thrown at Israel vehicles between Shiloh and Eli (north of Ramallah). No casualties were reported. The windshields of the vehicles were damaged (443 Central, December 15, 2019).
    • December 15, 2019 – Stones were thrown at an Israeli vehicle on the Gush Etzion-Hebron road (north of Kiryat Arba). No casualties were reported. The vehicle was damaged (Rescue Without Borders in Judea and Samaria, December 15, 2019).
    • December 12, 2019 –Stones were thrown at a bus between the community of Adam and the village of Hamza (north of Jerusalem). No casualties were reported. The front windshield of the bus was damaged (Rescue Without Borders in Judea and Samaria, December 12, 2019).
Significant terrorist attacks in Judea and Samaria since June 2017[2]

Significant terrorist attacks in Judea and Samaria since June 2017

Medicine supplies in the Gaza Strip
  • Ashraf al-Qidra, spokesman for the ministry of health in the Gaza Strip, said that the overall value of medicine and medical equipment sent to hospitals in the Gaza Strip from warehouses of the Palestinian Authority’s (PA) ministry of health since the beginning of 2019 was about $3.2 million. That he said, was instead of the $40 million that had been originally promised. Al-Qidra said that it was the smallest amount of drugs that had been transferred in years (Ashraf al-Qidra’s Twitter account, December 10, 2019). The PA’s ministry of health rejected the figures publicized by Ashraf al-Qidra, claiming it was an “attempt to make excuses for the construction of the American hospital in the northern Gaza Strip” (Wafa, December 11, 2019).
Isma’il Haniyeh’s round of visits to foreign countries
  • This past week Isma’il Haniyeh, head of Hamas’ political bureau, and his delegation continued the round of visits to foreign countries.
  • Turkey: Isma’il Haniyeh and the members of the delegation, among them Maher Salah, Hamas’ external chairman; Khalil al-Haya, director of Hamas’ media office; Izzat al-Rishq, director of Hamas’ office of Arab and Islamic relations; and Jihad Yaghmour, Hamas representative in Turkey,[3] paid a visit to Turkey. They met with Turkish President Erdogan. During the visit the members of the delegation praised Turkey’s position on the Palestinian cause (Hamas website, December 14, 2019). Before the visit with Erdogan, Haniyeh was warmly greeted by worshippers at the al-Fatih mosque in Istanbul when he came to the Friday prayers (al-Jazeera Mubasher, December 13, 2019).
Haniyeh greeted at the al-Fatih mosque in Istanbul (Shehab Twitter account, December 13, 2019).    Isma'il Haniyeh meets with Turkish President Erdogan (Website of the Turkish president's office, December 14, 2019).
Right: Isma’il Haniyeh meets with Turkish President Erdogan (Website of the Turkish president’s office, December 14, 2019). Left: Haniyeh greeted at the al-Fatih mosque in Istanbul (Shehab Twitter account, December 13, 2019).
  • Qatar: On December 15, 2019, the delegation went from Turkey to Qatar, where they met with Tamim bin Hamad Aal Thani, the emir of Qatar (Hamas website, December 16, 2019). Saleh al-‘Arouri, deputy chairman of Hamas’ political bureau, was also present in the delegation to Qatar.
  • According to delegation participant Khalil al-Haya, senior Hamas figures aspire to visit all the states that support the “resistance” [i.e., terrorist organizations] and the Palestinians, and have made arrangements to do so. He said Hamas activists will also participate in the Islamic Conference held in Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia, on December 18-21, 2019. Al-Haya said that because of the constraints of Haniyeh’s schedule he will not participate in the conference, and led by Haniyeh they plan to go to Malaysia at a later date (al-Aqsa, December 11, 2019).
Events marking the anniversary of Hamas’ founding
  • December 14, 2019, was the 32nd anniversary of the founding of Hamas. The day was marked by a series of rallies and other events in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip. On the eve of the anniversary Hamas stated that since its founding, it had successfully challenged Israel’s security capabilities with a large range of events, from abducting soldiers to Operation “Sword Blade” (the events in Khan Yunis in November 2018). According to the announcement, the “resistance” to Israel will continue until the “liberation of the land, the return [of the Palestinian refugees] and the establishment of an independent state on all the territory of [Palestine].” In addition, if the siege on the Gaza Strip is not lifted, Hamas will not hesitate to determine “new equations” (, December 14, 2019). Senior Hamas figures who gave speeches at the events stressed the importance of following the “path of jihad,” the need for internal Palestinian unity and Hamas’ willingness to hold elections.
March in Khan Yunis (Hamas website, December 13, 2019).    Hamas display procession in the northern Gaza Strip.
Right: Hamas display procession in the northern Gaza Strip. Left: March in Khan Yunis
(Hamas website, December 13, 2019).
  • In Judea and Samaria the anniversary of Hamas’ founding was marked by activists from the Islamic bloc, the Hamas student movement in the universities. At al-Quds University in Abu Dis (east Jerusalem) a rally was held where speeches were given by Islamic bloc activists Musa Dudin, a member of Hamas political bureau, who spoke via video conference (, December 16, 2019). At Bir Zeit University the day was marked with a march and rally on university grounds (Hamas website, December 16, 2019). The university administration forbade the presence of “military trappings” at the events held on campus. In addition, the march and rally were held after the university administration decided to evacuate the university and suspend classes for the day (Bir Zeit University Facebook page, December 16, 2019). Nevertheless, there were Hamas supporters at the rally who were masked and wore Hamas uniforms. In addition, Hamas and Izz al-Din Qassam Brigades flags were carried (Facebook page of Muhammad Qarout, a photo-journalist from east Jerusalem, December 16, 2019).
March organized by the Islamic bloc of Bir Zeit University, with uniformed operatives and Hamas military wing flags (Facebook page of Muhammad Qarout, a photo-journalist from east Jerusalem, December 16, 2019).   March organized by the Islamic bloc of Bir Zeit University, with uniformed operatives and Hamas military wing flags (Facebook page of Muhammad Qarout, a photo-journalist from east Jerusalem, December 16, 2019).
March organized by the Islamic bloc of Bir Zeit University, with uniformed operatives and Hamas military wing flags (Facebook page of Muhammad Qarout, a photo-journalist from east Jerusalem, December 16, 2019).

 Hamas notice for the 32nd anniversary of its founding (Rakan Twitter account, December 12, 2019).
Hamas notice for the 32nd anniversary of its founding
(Rakan Twitter account, December 12, 2019).

Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) rally
  • In Beit Lahia in the northern Gaza Strip the PIJ held a rally in memory of the operatives of its northern brigade who were killed in the round of escalation in November 2019. The ceremony was attended by senior PIJ figures and senior operatives of its military wing (Jerusalem Brigades website, December 14, 2019). According to the PIJ, a ceremony was held at the same time in the Khan Danoun refugee camp in Syria, attended by Palestinians who lived in the Syrian refugee camps (PIJ website, December 15, 2019).
Delegation of senior PIJ figures visits Lebanon
  • A delegation of senior PIJ figures, among them Nafez Issam, a member of the political bureau; Jamil Alian,[4] and Ihsan Attaya, PIJ representative in Lebanon, met with Maher Hamoud, chairman of the “international association of Muslim scholars of the resistance” at his office in Sidon. The delegation briefed him on the meetings with Hamas in Cairo and senior Egyptian officials (PIJ website, December 14, 2018).

PIJ delegation from the Gaza Strip meets with the chairman of the "international association of Muslim scholars of the resistance" (PIJ website, December 14, 2019).
PIJ delegation from the Gaza Strip meets with the chairman of the “international association of Muslim scholars of the resistance” (PIJ website, December 14, 2019).

The Gaza Strip-Egypt border
  • Jihad Muheisen, commander of general security in the Gaza Strip, said in an interview that the security situation along the border with Egypt was unprecedentedly stable. He claimed the program of the general security forces for guarding the border included a number of elements, among them an increase in the number of security posts, renovation of existing posts, increasing patrols and ambushes to prevent infiltrations and increasing and reinforcing the border forces. He also said that in the near future lighting would be installed in large stretches along the border. He claimed there were no smuggling tunnels in the area and that they coordinated with the relevant parties to monitor attempts to construct such tunnels (website of the ministry of the interior in the Gaza Strip).
UNRWA mandate renewed
  • The UN General Assembly announced the renewal of the UNRWA mandate for three additional years, through June 30, 2023. The resolution was passed by a majority vote of 165 in favor, nine abstentions and Israel and the United States against (Reuters, December 13, 2019). Mahmoud Abbas praised the vote, saying it proved the international community stood with the Palestinian people and respected international law and the rights of the Palestinians (Wafa, December 13, 2019). Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum said the renewing of UNRWA’s mandate would help improve the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip, and provide support for millions of Palestinian refugees (, December 13, 2019).

The vote in the UN General Assembly (UNRWA website, December 16, 2019).
The vote in the UN General Assembly
(UNRWA website, December 16, 2019).

  • In the coming days an agreement will be signed between the Qatari development fund and UNRWA. According to the agreement the fund will donate $20.7 million to the agency. During 2019 the fund donated a total of $40 million to UNRWA (Safa, December 15, 2019).
  • In the meantime, a festive ceremony was held, where the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and the PA government announced the aid plan for 2020, estimated at about $348 million. The ceremony was attended by PA Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh. The plan includes 192 various projects for the welfare of the residents of the Gaza Strip and West Bank. According to the program, $263 million will be allotted for the Gaza Strip and $85 million for the West Bank (Wafa, December 11, 2019).
PA elections
  • Preparations continue for elections in the PA, but a presidential edict has yet to be issued announcing their date. The PA’s Central Elections Committee announced that Hana Nasser, committee chairman, had met with Nikolay Mladenov, the UN envoy to the Middle East peace process, and briefed him on recent developments regarding the elections. They also discussed the role of the UN in the success of the elections and the issue of holding elections in Jerusalem. As to voting in Jerusalem, Saeb Erekat, secretary of the PLO’s Executive Committee, said the PA had officially asked the government of Israel to allow Palestinians to hold elections in Jerusalem, adding that no official response had been received (Dunia al-Watan, December 11, 2019).
  • Regarding elections, Mahmoud Abbas said that the only issue that had not so far been resolved was the issue of Jerusalem. He said the residents of Jerusalem would not vote in any other location. He said the PA would continue to exert pressure on the EU to have it expert pressure on Israel to allow the elections to be held in Jerusalem (Palestinian TV, December 10, 2019). Nabil Abu Rudeineh, spokesman for Mahmoud Abbas, said the issue of the participation of the residents of Jerusalem in the elections is not a matter open for discussion, adding that no elections would be held without them (Wafa, December 16, 2019). Thus “senior parties” reported that the presidential edict would not be issued any time soon because of a number of factors, the most prominent of which is waiting for Israel to commit to allowing the residents of Jerusalem to vote (al-Quds al-Arabi, December 15, 2019).
Statements from Mahmoud Abbas about the statement of Israel’s prime minister about the annexation of the Jordan Valley
  • On December 11, 2019, the PA’s authority for the struggle against corruption held an international conference in Ramallah. During the conference Mahmoud Abbas gave a speech in which he again threatened that if Israel decided to annex the Jordan Valley and the Dead Sea, all agreements with the United States and Israel would be considered null and void (Mahmoud Abbas’ Facebook page, December 11, 2019).

Mahmoud Abbas speaking at the conference in Ramallah (Mahmoud Abbas' Facebook page, December 11, 2019).
Mahmoud Abbas speaking at the conference in Ramallah
(Mahmoud Abbas’ Facebook page, December 11, 2019).

[1] According to the Supreme National Authority, limiting the march would enable crowds to participate in the Hamas marches in Khan Yunis and the northern Gaza Strip to mark the 32nd anniversary of the organization's founding (Ma'an, December 13, 2019).
[2] A significant attack is defined by the ITIC as involving shooting, a vehicular attack, the use of IEDs, or a combination of the above. Stones and Molotov cocktails thrown by Palestinians are not included.

[3] Jihad Yaghmour is mentioned here for the first time as Hamas representative in Turkey. Yaghmour is a Hamas operative from Beit Hanoun who was involved in the abduction of IDF soldier Nahshon Waxman and deported to Turkey in the Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange deal.

[4] In December 2018 Jamil Alian was described on the PIJ's website as responsible for the Executive Committee of the PIJ in the Gaza Strip. In later reports, he was described as holding the PIJ's prisoners' portfolio, and his official position was given as director of the Muhajat al-Quds Institution (the "soul of Jerusalem," affiliated with the PIJ).