News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict ((July 4 – 10, 2018)

Zuhdia Haniyeh, a cousin of Isma'il Haniyeh, participates in the demonstration (Facebook page of photojournalist Ihab Zuhd Adas, July 6, 2018)

Zuhdia Haniyeh, a cousin of Isma'il Haniyeh, participates in the demonstration (Facebook page of photojournalist Ihab Zuhd Adas, July 6, 2018)

Memorial service attended by senior Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) figures. Right: From left to right, Nafaz Azzam from the PIJ, Yahya al-Sinwar and Mahmoud al-Zahar (Facebook page of Abu Wassim Abd al Hadi, July 6, 2018)

Memorial service attended by senior Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) figures. Right: From left to right, Nafaz Azzam from the PIJ, Yahya al-Sinwar and Mahmoud al-Zahar (Facebook page of Abu Wassim Abd al Hadi, July 6, 2018)

Operatives of the

Operatives of the "balloons and kites unit – the sons of al-Zouari" in the central Gaza Strip constructed a model plane to which they attacked an incendiary balloon (the new Facebook page of the "balloons and kites unit," July 6 and 7, 2018).

Operatives of the

Operatives of the "balloons and kites unit – the sons of al-Zouari" in the central Gaza Strip constructed a model plane to which they attacked an incendiary balloon (the new Facebook page of the "balloons and kites unit," July 6 and 7, 2018).

Arson terrorism: a fire in a community near the Gaza Strip, caused by an incendiary balloon (Palinfo Twitter account, July 8, 2018).

Arson terrorism: a fire in a community near the Gaza Strip, caused by an incendiary balloon (Palinfo Twitter account, July 8, 2018).

The women's rally. Left: Yahya al-Sinwar attends the rally (Facebook page of the

The women's rally. Left: Yahya al-Sinwar attends the rally (Facebook page of the "supreme national authority of the return march," July 3, 2018).

The Huriya before it sets sail from the Sardinian port of Cagliari (Facebook page of the Sardinia-Palestine friendship association, July 8, 2018).

The Huriya before it sets sail from the Sardinian port of Cagliari (Facebook page of the Sardinia-Palestine friendship association, July 8, 2018).

The ceremony of the launching of the boat, attended by senior Hamas figures Isma'il Haniyeh and Isma'il Radwan (Facebook page of the

The ceremony of the launching of the boat, attended by senior Hamas figures Isma'il Haniyeh and Isma'il Radwan (Facebook page of the "supreme national authority of the return march," July 10, 2018).

  • The July 6, 2018, Friday “return march” was attended by only a few thousand Gazans. One of them was killed when a hand grenade exploded, apparently detonated by mistake by a nearby rioter. As usual the “return march” was accompanied by violence which included a number of attempts to sabotage the security fence and to attack IDF soldiers. Arson terrorism continued unabated.
  • In the wake of continuing arson terrorism, Israel decided to close the Kerem Shalom crossing on July 9, 2018. According to the decision, nothing will enter the Gaza Strip except food and medicines. In addition, the enlargement of the Gaza Strip’s fishing area was cancelled. Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) denounced the Israeli reaction to the ongoing arson terrorism as a “new crime against humanity,” claiming it would intensify the confrontation with Israel.
  • in Judea and Samaria two shooting attacks were carried out this past week, one targeting the community of Beit El and the other near the Bituniya crossing (near Ramallah). An explosive device was thrown at the Jit Junction (near Nablus). In addition, the Israeli security forces prevented two stabbing attacks and put out a fire set by Palestinians west of the community of Yitzhar (south of Nablus).
“Return march” demonstrations and riots, Friday, July 6, 2018
  • The slogan of the “return march” of July 6, 2018 was “United to overthrow the deal [the so-called “deal of the century”] and break the siege.” The organizers called on Gazans to participate in the upcoming Friday, July 13, 2018 march, whose slogan will be “The Friday of 100 days since the marches began and solidarity with Khan al-Ahmar” (Shehab News Agency Twitter account, July 6, 2018).
  • According to IDF reports, only a few thousand Gazans marched at five locations along the border fence. According to Palestinian reports, during the clashes Muhammad Abu Halima, 22, was shot and killed by IDF fire (Shehab, July 6, 2018). About 400 rioters were wounded, most of them by inhaling tear gas. One hundred and nineteen wounded Palestinians were evacuated to hospitals and the rest were treated on site. The Gaza Strip media reported that one of the wounded was Zuhdia Khaled Haniyeh, 38, a cousin of Isma’il Haniyeh, head of Hamas’ political bureau (Safa, July 7, 2018).
  • A spokesman for the ministry of health in the Gaza Strip claimed that Muhammad Abu Halima was killed by shrapnel during the “suppression of the return march” in eastern Gaza City. However, eye witnesses reported that during the clashes there was an explosion, apparently caused by a hand grenade carried by one of the rioters, and it wounded many people when it exploded (Agence-France Presse, July 6, 2018). Other media reported an unidentified explosion in the midst of rioters near the border fence east of Gaza City that wounded many people (Ma’an and the Twitter account of al-Ghad TV, July 6, 2018).
  • During the march there were also acts of violence and terrorism, including a number of attempts to sabotage the security fence and attack IDF forces. In addition, hundreds of incendiary balloons were launched from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory, causing fires. The more prominent incidents were the following:
  • Near the Karni crossing in the northern Gaza Strip a number of Palestinians tried to throw an IED at IDF soldiers. The IED exploded inside the Gaza Strip and wounded some of the Palestinians. No casualties were reported among the IDF forces (IDF spokesman, July 6, 2018). Mustafa al-Soaf, a journalist and Hamas activist, wrote an article expressing sorrow that a man “with a grudge” tried to throw a hand grenade at an Israeli observation post, however, “by the will of Allah,” the grenade exploded among demonstrators and wounded them, some of whom were in critical condition (, July 9, 2018).
  •  According to Palestinian reports, a number of demonstrators removed parts of the security fence east of Rafah and near Khan Yunis (Filistin al-Youm and Shabakat al-Quds, July 6, 2018).
Children drag barbed wire away from the security fence in eastern Khan Yunis (Facebook page of the information bureau of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) in the Khan Yunis district, July 7, 2018).   Children drag barbed wire away from the security fence in eastern Khan Yunis (Facebook page of the information bureau of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) in the Khan Yunis district, July 7, 2018).
Children drag barbed wire away from the security fence in eastern Khan Yunis
(Facebook page of the information bureau of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) in the Khan Yunis district, July 7, 2018).
Clashes at the security fence. Palestinians throw stones at IDF forces in eastern Jabalia (Facebook page of the "supreme national authority of the return march," July 6, 2018).207   Clashes at the security fence. Palestinians throw stones at IDF forces in eastern Jabalia (Facebook page of the "supreme national authority of the return march," July 6, 2018).
Clashes at the security fence. Palestinians throw stones at IDF forces in eastern Jabalia (Facebook page of the “supreme national authority of the return march,” July 6, 2018).
  • During the demonstrations a memorial ceremony was held for Yasser Abu al-Naja,[1] the son of a senior Hamas military wing figure in Khan Yunis, who was killed trying to sabotage the barbed wire fence near the security fence. The ceremony was held at the “return camp” in Khan Yunis and attended by Yahya al-Sinwar, head of Hamas’ political bureau in the Gaza Strip, Mahmoud al-Zahar, a member of Hamas’ political bureau, Nafaz Azzam, a senior PIJ figure, and others. Mahmoud al-Zahar gave a speech in which he said that normalization, collaborating and coordinating with the enemy did not belong to the Palestinian’s code of ethics and were not in the Palestinian people’s interest. He called on the “settlers” [i.e., Israelis] to return to where they came from, and threatened that “We will arrive” (al-Aqsa’s Internet channel, July 6, 2018).
Arson terrorism continues
  • Arson terrorism continues to cause fires in the Israeli communities near the Gaza Strip. Many fires were caused during the week by incendiary balloons launched by Gazans. Substantial damage was done to fields and nature preserves. On July 5, 2018, an incendiary balloon was found inside the city of Sderot. On July 8, 2018, an incendiary balloon was found near a kindergarten in an Israeli community just north of the Gaza Strip.
  • According to available data, since arson terrorism began more than 600 fires have been set and an average of about 20 fires have raged every day, resulting in the burning of about 7,400 acres, an area the size of more than half of Manhattan Island in New York City. Most of the fields that were burned grew wheat and avocadoes. Harm has also been done to nature preserves and animals, including deer, gerbils, snakes and other reptiles. The damage has been estimated at between four and five million shekels (between about $1.1 and $1.4 million) (Ynet, July 5, 2018).
‏‏Operatives of the group calling itself "the units of Wadia Hadad" (who led PFLP terrorist attacks abroad) and apparently affiliated with the PFLP, launch incendiary balloons (Facebook page of the PFLP information bureau in the central Gaza Strip district, July 7, 2018).   ‏‏Operatives of the group calling itself "the units of Wadia Hadad" (who led PFLP terrorist attacks abroad) and apparently affiliated with the PFLP, launch incendiary balloons (Facebook page of the PFLP information bureau in the central Gaza Strip district, July 7, 2018).
Operatives of the group calling itself “the units of Wadia Hadad” (who led PFLP terrorist attacks abroad) and apparently affiliated with the PFLP, launch incendiary balloons (Facebook page of the PFLP information bureau in the central Gaza Strip district, July 7, 2018).
Participation of senior Hamas figures and a statement from Mahmoud al-Zahar
  • Senior Hamas figures participated in “return march” activities on Friday, July 6, 2018. Among them were Ahmed Bahar, deputy speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council (Palinfo, July 6, 2018), Fathi Hamad, a member of Hamas’ political bureau, who went to the areas east of the Jabalia refugee camp (al-Aqsa TV, July 6, 2018), and Khalil al-Haya, a member of Hamas’ political bureau, who went to the “return camp” east of Gaza City (Hamas website, July 6, 2018).

Ahmed Bahar, senior Hamas figure and deputy chairman of the Palestinian Legislative Council, at a "return camp" in eastern Rafah (Facebook page of the "supreme national authority of the return march," July 6, 2018).
Ahmed Bahar, senior Hamas figure and deputy chairman of the Palestinian Legislative Council, at a “return camp” in eastern Rafah (Facebook page of the “supreme national authority of the return march,” July 6, 2018).

  • Mahmoud al-Zahar, a member of Hamas’ political bureau, gave a speech at a ceremony held east of Khan Yunis. In it he said that the decision of the “resistance” [i.e., the terrorist organizations] is to return Palestine and not give it up, not even one inch of its land “from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea.” He also said that the Palestinians recognized Jerusalem as one, undivided city, and they would bequeath it to their sons as a united city. He added that they were making preparations for the battle of “the promise of the second time” (an expression for the destruction of Israel[2]), during which all Palestine would be “liberated” and the Palestinians would all enter Jerusalem and al-Aqsa mosque (al-Aqsa TV, July 6, 2018).
Women’s rally during the “return marches”
  • On July 3, 2018, thousands of women participated in a rally held at the “return camp” in eastern Gaza City, organized by the women’s committee of the “supreme national authority of the return march.” The rally was attended by Yahya al-Sinwar, head of Hamas’ political bureau in the Gaza Strip. A speech was given by Iktimal Hamad, chairperson of the women’s committee, who said that the rally was held to send the message that women were partners in the struggle alongside the men. According to the ministry of health in the Gaza Strip, during events where the women approached the security fence, 134 Palestinians were wounded, most of them women, by IDF fire and from inhaling tear gas (Safa and al-Andalou News, date, 2018).
The women's rally. Left: Yahya al-Sinwar attends the rally (Facebook page of the "supreme national authority of the return march," July 3, 2018).    The women's rally. Left: Yahya al-Sinwar attends the rally (Facebook page of the "supreme national authority of the return march," July 3, 2018).
The women’s rally. Left: Yahya al-Sinwar attends the rally (Facebook page of the “supreme national authority of the return march,” July 3, 2018).
The women's rally. Left: Yahya al-Sinwar attends the rally (Facebook page of the "supreme national authority of the return march," July 3, 2018).    The women's rally. Left: Yahya al-Sinwar attends the rally (Facebook page of the "supreme national authority of the return march," July 3, 2018).
Women march towards the security fence after the rally (Facebook page of the “supreme national authority of the return march,” July 3, 2018).
Rocket fire[3]
  • This past week no rocket hits were identified in Israeli territory.
Monthly Distribution of Rocket and Mortar Shell Fire since January 2018

Monthly Distribution of Rocket and Mortar Shell Fire since January 2018
* Minimum number of rockets and mortar shells fired. At this stage the ITIC cannot distinguish between rocket and mortar shell fire.

Annual Distribution of Rocket Hits

Annual Distribution of Rocket Hits
* Approximate number of rockets and mortar shells launched in the two rounds of escalation.

Terrorist attacks
  • On the night of July 9, 2018, a shooting attack was carried out targeting the community of Beit El (in the Ramallah area). No casualties were reported. It was apparently a drive-by shooting. IDF forces searched the area to locate the shooters (IDF spokesman, July 10, 2018).
  • On July 8, 2018, an IED was thrown at the Jit Junction (near Nablus). No casualties or damages were reported. Several hours later a Palestinian suspected of throwing the IED was apprehended. Two additional IEDs were found in his car (IDF spokesman, July 8, 2018).
Other events
  • Palestinians continued throwing stones and Molotov cocktails at Israeli security forces and civilian targets. Israeli security forces carried out counterterrorism activities throughout Judea and Samaria, detaining Palestinians suspected of terrorist activity and seizing weapons. The more prominent events were the following:
    • July 10, 2018 – During an IDF search in the city of Qalqilya (in southeastern Samaria) an M-16 assault rifle was found. In addition four wanted Palestinians suspected of involvement in terrorist activities were detained (Ynet, July 10, 2018).
    • July 7, 2018 – Israeli policemen noticed a young man acting suspiciously between the community of Kokhav Yaakov and the Givat Asaf Junction (near al-Bireh). An inspection of his vehicle revealed two knives. The Palestinian lived in Dura (near Hebron). He was detained and during his initial interrogation he claimed he was planning to carry out an attack (Facebook page of Red Alert, July 7, 2018).
    • July 7, 2018 – A 16-year-old Palestinian went to the Shuafat crossing (north of Jerusalem). Border Policemen who searched him found a hidden knife. He was detained for interrogation. (Facebook page of Red Alert, July 7, 2018).
    • July 6, 2018 – Palestinians from the village of ‘Arif lit a fire west of the community of Yitzhar (south of Nablus). The intensely hot weather caused the fire to spread rapidly to the homes of residents. An IDF force called to the location dispersed the Palestinians (Facebook page of Red Alert, July 6, 2018).
    • July 6, 2018 – An IDF force reported gunfire near the Bituniya crossing (near Ramallah). It was apparently a drive-by shooting. No casualties were reported. IDF forces searched the area to find the shooters (Facebook page of Red Alert, July 6, 2018).
Significant terrorist attacks during the past year [4]

Significant terrorist attacks during the past year

Closing of the Kerem Shalom crossing

In view of the continuing arson terrorism and Hamas attempts to carry out terrorist attacks, the Israeli prime minister and defense minister authorized a decision made by the IDF chief of staff to close Kerem Shalom, the important crossing for the passage of goods into and out of the Gaza Strip, as of Tuesday, July 9, 2018. Only food and medicines will be allowed into the Gaza Strip, only humanitarian equipment authorized on an individual basis by the Israeli Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories. The enlargement of the fishing area for Gaza Strip fishermen to nine miles from the coast was cancelled and the six-mile limit was reinstated (IDF spokesman, July 9, 2018).

  • Hamas and the PIJ reacted strongly to the decision. Some reactions were the following:
    • The PIJ issued a statement calling Israel’s closing the Kerem Shalom crossing a “declaration of war,” which the “resistance” [i.e., the terrorist organizations] could respond to at any time (Filistin al-Youm, July 9, 2018).
    • Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum called the Israeli decision to close the Kerem Shalom crossing “a new crime against humanity.” He said the regional and international disregard of the “siege” on the Gaza Strip encouraged Israel to continue violating human rights and international law. He called on the international community to take steps to “lift the siege” (Hamas website, date, 2018).
    • Hamas spokesman Hazem Qassem denounced the Israeli decision to close the Kerem Shalom crossing, calling it a “crime.” He said that in response the “return marches” would increase (al-Ghad YouTube channel, July 9, 2018).
    • Senior PIJ figure Ahmed al-Mudallal claimed the decision would lead to a worsening of the confrontation with Israel. He said the decision proved Israel had failed in its attempts to deal with the “return marches” (Filistin al-Youm, July 9, 2018).
      • The “incendiary kites and balloons unit” in the Gaza Strip threatened it would increase the number of fires in Israel with incendiary kites and balloons in retaliation for “the punishment” inflicted on the Gaza Strip by the Israeli government (Ma’an, July 19, 2018).
The supply of electricity
  • The electric company in the Gaza Strip revealed that debts of residents and institutions to the company had reached 4.4 billion shekels (about $1.2 billion). The company said that the only about 20% of the population paid for its electricity and that 70,000 customers did not pay because of their economic situation. According to the notice, the power consumption stood at about 500 megawatts. There are three sources of electricity: Israel, which supplies 120 megawatts, the Gaza Strip power plant, which supplies 200 megawatts, and Egypt, whose power lines have been inactive for the past four months and which is supposed to supply 23 megawatts (Filistin al-Youm, June 26, 2018).
Pollution of Gaza’s coast
  •  An investigative report carried out by the Paltoday channel in Gaza reported that because of the pollution of the Gaza coast many Gazans were forced to go to swimming pools, despite the cost involved. According to the report, which based its information on data from the environmental authority, about 75% of the Gaza coast is polluted by sewage dumped into the sea by the local authorities, making the beaches unfit for swimming (Paltoday YouTube channel, July 2, 2018). Sewage has been dumped onto the Gaza Strip’s beaches for a number of months because of the lack of electricity. Pollution from the Gaza Strip also endangers the beaches along the southern coast of Israel.
Gazans forced to use swimming pools because of the high level of pollution along the coast (Paltoday YouTube channel, July 2, 2018).   Raw sewage flows onto Gaza's beaches.
Right: Raw sewage flows onto Gaza’s beaches. Left: Gazans forced to use swimming pools because of the high level of pollution along the coast
(Paltoday YouTube channel, July 2, 2018).
Summer camps for Gazan children
  • The da’wah committee and management of the PIJ summer camps announced the opening of summer camps for Gazan children with the slogan “return march.” The camps will be day camps held during July and August for campers between the ages of 10 and 18. The various camps will be named for Gazans killed during the “return marches” and for settlements from which Palestinians were expelled in 1948 (Gaza al-A’an, July 7, 2018).
Additional reactions to the Knesset decision to deduct funds paid to the PA
  • On July 2, 2018, the Israeli Knesset (Parliament) passed a law, 87 in favor and 15 against, to automatically deduct the funds earmarked for terrorists from the taxes Israel collects and transfers to the PA. The law was passed without the need for Cabinet confirmation. The law enraged the Palestinians. Mahmoud Abbas gave a speech at a meeting of Fatah’s Central Committee in which he said that despite the Israeli law the PA leadership would continue giving the payments to the families of the shaheeds and prisoners (Wafa, July 8, 2018).

Mahmoud Abbas holds a meeting of Fatah's Central Committee in his office in Ramallah (Wafa, July 8, 2018).
Mahmoud Abbas holds a meeting of Fatah’s Central Committee in his office in Ramallah (Wafa, July 8, 2018).

  • Other reactions were the following:
    • Shukri Bashara, Palestinian minister of the treasury and planning, said the decision was an attempt to “whitewash the failure of the Israelis to present their claims against the Palestinian government and the PLO in American courts,” which were silenced in 2017 after years of deliberation. He said the [Palestinian] government would continue paying allotments to the families of the shaheeds, the wounded and the prisoners under all conditions, despite the consequences of the Israeli law. He said the cost of the stipends was $28 million a month, i.e., about $300 million annually. He said it was not a small amount but the number of prisoners the PA had to take care of was also not small (Wafa, July 5, 2018).
    • The Palestinian foreign ministry denounced the Knesset decision, saying that it was another move in the war Israel was waging against the Palestinian people and another Israeli sanction (Wafa, July 3, 2018). The foreign ministry also demanded that the international community not cooperate with Israel regarding the salaries paid to the prisoners and the families of the shaheeds. The ministry demanded that the international community reexamine its cooperation with Israeli ministries and institutions which support Jewish “terrorism” (Wafa, July 4, 2018).
    • Saeb Erekat, secretary of the PLO’s Executive Committee, held a press conference in Ramallah where he denounced the Knesset law, which he said violated international conventions. He said [the PA] would continue the measures it was taking against Israel in the International Criminal Court (ICC) (Wafa on YouTube, July 4, 2018).

Saeb Erekat at a press conference in Ramallah (Wafa on YouTube, July 4, 2018).
Saeb Erekat at a press conference in Ramallah (Wafa on YouTube, July 4, 2018).

Reactions to the events in Khan al-Ahmar
  • On July 4, 2018, workers of the civilian administration accompanied by police arrived at the region of Khan al-Ahmar (the area of Ma’aleh Adumim, east of Jerusalem). Their objective was to pave an access road that would make it possible to begin razing buildings in the village. The Bedouin residents of the village resisted and some of them were detained by the police. On July 5, 2018, the Israeli Supreme Court issued a temporary order against the destruction of the buildings.
  • Senior PA figures and heads of organizations denounced the Israeli activity and threatened violence:
  • Riyad al-Maliki, PA minister of foreign affairs, denounced the “war crime” Israel committed in Khan al-Ahmar and said its objective was to “extend the settlement project” in violation of international law. He called the “crime” proof that Israel disregarded all its international agreements (Wafa, July 4, 2018).
  • Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum said Israel’s “persecution and harassment” in Khan al-Ahmar would ignite an intifada in all the territories of Palestine. He warned Israel would pay the price for its crimes (Hamas website, July 5, 2018).
  • Hamas spokesman Hazem Qassem said Israel’s attack on the residents of Khan al-Ahmar was a continuation of the policy of “ethnic cleansing” Israel had employed since its founding (Hamas website, July 4, 2018).
  • The flotilla to the Gaza Strip that left Europe last May continues to make its way to the Gaza Strip. Four boats are supposed to set sail from Italy in the upcoming days, carrying about 50 activists. They are supposed to reach the Gaza Strip coast at the end of July.
The al-Awda in the Corsican port of Ajaccio (Facebook page of Nabi Habri, July 9, 2018)   The Huriya before it sets sail from the Sardinian port of Cagliari (Facebook page of the Sardinia-Palestine friendship association, July 8, 2018).
Right: The Huriya before it sets sail from the Sardinian port of Cagliari (Facebook page of the Sardinia-Palestine friendship association, July 8, 2018). Left: The al-Awda in the Corsican port of Ajaccio (Facebook page of Nabi Habri, July 9, 2018)
  • Note: During their voyage the boats were detained at a number of ports (in Spain, France and Portugal). The anti-Israeli activists were not permitted to hold political activities. Local police and coast guards also examined the boats.
Palestinian boat sails from the Gaza port on a propaganda voyage and is detained by the Israeli navy
  • On July 9, 2018, a Palestinian boat called “The Second Freedom Boat” left the port of Gaza, announcing they were sailing to Limassol, Cyprus. Aboard the boat were a number of students and disabled and wounded Gazans. Salah Abd al-‘Aati, coordinator for the legal committee of the “return march,” said he held Israel responsible for the safely of the flotilla participants (al-Aqsa, July 9, 2018). Apparently Hamas dispatched the boat as another propaganda stunt to defame Israel. Note: Israeli navy forces took control of the boat without violent resistance at a distance of 12 kilometers from the shore of the Gaza Strip.
The boat sets sail (Palinfo Twitter account, July 10, 2018).    The ceremony of the launching of the boat, attended by senior Hamas figures Isma'il Haniyeh and Isma'il Radwan (Facebook page of the "supreme national authority of the return march," July 10, 2018).
Right: The ceremony of the launching of the boat, attended by senior Hamas figures Isma’il Haniyeh and Isma’il Radwan (Facebook page of the “supreme national authority of the return march,” July 10, 2018). Left: The boat sets sail (Palinfo Twitter account, July 10, 2018).

[1] For further information about the death of Yasser Abu al-Naja, see July 11, 2018, bulletin "Hamas handles boys for sabotaging the security fence as part of the 'return marches:' The case of Yasser Abu al-Naja."
[2] The "battle of the promise of the second time" is a Hamas expression for the battle in which Israel will be completely defeated and destroyed. The source of the name is a Qur'an verse in which Allah promises that the second time the Jews sin the punishment will be their humiliation at the hands of a group of Muslims who will enter the temple and destroy what the Israelites took control of.

[3] The statistics do not include rockets that fell inside the Gaza Strip.

[4] A significant attack is defined by the ITIC as involving shooting, a vehicular attack, the use of IEDs, or a combination of the above. Stones and Molotov cocktails thrown by Palestinians are not included.