Public opinion poll finds Palestinians in the West Bank more satisfied about Hamas’ activity than Palestinians in the Gaza Strip

Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research

Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research

  • On December 13, 2023, the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PCPSR), headed by Dr. Khalil Shikaki, published the results of the institute’s quarterly survey. It was conducted by means of face-to-face interviews in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip between November 22 and December 2, 2023, in the midst of the war. Respondents included 1,231 adults, of whom 750 were interviewed in Judea and Samaria and 481 in the Gaza Strip. The interviews were conducted at 121 different randomly selected sites. Most of the questions in the survey referred to the October 7 attack and the war in the Gaza Strip.
  • The survey pollsters elaborated on their limitations in the Gaza Strip, even though it was conducted during the days of the ceasefire, and pointed out that due to the situation, they could not conduct a survey with a representative demographic. Furthermore, of the 481 respondents in the Gaza Strip, 250 were not interviewed in their homes, but in shelters, 20 belonging to UNRWA and four to government institutions.
  • In light of this, the pollsters point out, the findings must be treated with extreme caution. Moreover, due to the situation, the pollsters point out that the margin of error is relatively larger because of the inaccuracy regarding the number of residents who stayed in their homes, or in shelters in the northern Gaza Strip which were not sampled.
  • An analysis of the survey findings indicates a fundamental difference between the attitudes of the residents of the West Bank and those of the residents of the Gaza Strip and a completely different perception of reality. In the West Bank it is characterized by distinct signs of an “aura of victory” and “rallying around the banner of resistance.” In the Gaza Strip, there is a prominent division between those who express satisfaction with the events and a high proportion, sometimes reaching tens of percentage points, who relate negatively to Hamas, the its leaders decision-making and its activities. Apparently the significant difference in opinions is between those who experienced the war firsthand (Gaza Strip) and those who are fed by media (the West Bank).
  • The survey findings also indicate broad public support for the October 7 Hamas attack, but the vast majority deny that Hamas committed atrocities against Israeli civilians. It was also found that the war increased the popularity of Hamas and greatly weakened the position of the Palestinian Authority and its leadership. The survey also shows that support for an armed struggle has particularly increased in the West Bank. At the same time, there is also an increase in support for the two-state solution. The vast majority condemns the positions taken by the United States and the Western countries during the war and believes that they have lost their moral conscience.
The Results of the Poll

Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research

  • Below is some data from in the survey (PSR website, December 13, 2023).
  • Hamas’s decision to carry out the attack: Most of the respondents believe that the decision was made in response to “settler attacks on al-Aqsa Mosque and the residents of the West Bank, and for the sake of the Palestinian prisoners. 89% in the West Bank compared with 69% in the Gaza Strip attributed Hamas’ decision to go to war as a response to the events in al-Aqsa and the issues of the prisoners and not to an “Iranian plot.”
  • 82% in the West Bank compared with 57% in the Gaza Strip were of the opinion that Hamas’s decision to launch an attack was correct in light of its results [sic] (37% in the Gaza Strip believed that it was not correct). Worthy of attention were the significant differences between the positions of the residents of the West Bank compared with those of the Gaza Strip regarding the question of whether the Hamas decision was correct. The residents of the Gaza Strip tend to be skeptical about this decision.

PSR website, December 13, 2023

  • The duration of the fighting: 45% in the West Bank compared with 54% in the Gaza Strip believe that the fighting will end within a few weeks. 21% in the West Bank compared with 32% in the Gaza Strip believe that the fighting will last for weeks and months.
  • The situation of the population in the Gaza Strip: 9% in the West Bank compared with 19% in the Gaza Strip blame Hamas for the situation and suffering of the residents of the Gaza Strip. Regarding the rate of optimism that the displaced will return to their homes, it stands at 83% in the West Bank compared with 53% in the Gaza Strip.
  • The results of the fighting: 70% in the West Bank compared with 50% in the Gaza Strip believe that Hamas will emerge victorious. A relatively high proportion (31%) in the Gaza Strip believe that Israel will emerge victorious.
  • The day after: 87% in the West Bank compared with 44% in the Gaza Strip believe that Israel will not succeed in eliminating Hamas. 73% in the West Bank compared with 51% in the Gaza Strip believe that Hamas will rule the Gaza Strip the day after the war. Low percentages of support were given to other options, such as the unity government without Mahmoud Abbas as president, which received 11% support in the West Bank compared with 23% in the Gaza Strip.
  • The position towards the countries of the world: Most Palestinians say that they are not satisfied with the positions of the United States, Germany, Great Britain, France, the United Nations and even Russia in this war. The findings indicate that the Palestinians doubt the moral commitment of the United States and Western European countries to the ethical values embodied in international humanitarian law. They are convinced that the positions of the United States and Western countries completely ignore international humanitarian law and discourse regarding the two-state solution. At the same time, the majority is also dissatisfied with the performance of Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Jordan, while a higher percentage indicates satisfaction with the  positions of Turkey and Iran.

PSR website, December 13, 2023

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