Spotlight on Global Jihad (June 14-20, 2018)

Syrian tanks awaiting the beginning of the campaign to take over southern Syria (El-Mehwar, June 16, 2018)

Syrian tanks awaiting the beginning of the campaign to take over southern Syria (El-Mehwar, June 16, 2018)

Syrian army reinforcements near Al-Safa (El-Mehwar, June 17, 2018)

Syrian army reinforcements near Al-Safa (El-Mehwar, June 17, 2018)

One of the speakers in the video calling on the rebel forces to “repent” and join the fighting against the “enemies of Allah” (Haqq and a file-sharing website, June 13, 2018)

One of the speakers in the video calling on the rebel forces to “repent” and join the fighting against the “enemies of Allah” (Haqq and a file-sharing website, June 13, 2018)

Operatives of the Imam Ali Battalions in Syria (Facebook page of the Imam Ali Battalions, January 20, 2018)

Operatives of the Imam Ali Battalions in Syria (Facebook page of the Imam Ali Battalions, January 20, 2018)

Sheikh Sami al-Uraydi, the supreme religious authority of the Al-Qaeda-affiliated Guardians of the Religion Organization.

Sheikh Sami al-Uraydi, the supreme religious authority of the Al-Qaeda-affiliated Guardians of the Religion Organization.

Main events of the week
  • The Syrian army continued reinforcing its troops in the Daraa region and preparing for an attack in southern Syria. At the same time, the army resumed fighting against the ISIS enclave in Al-Safa, northeast of As-Suwayda. In addition to the preparations on the ground, contacts between the sides, including Russia, the United States and Israel, are continuing. At this stage, it appears that the rebel groups are not displaying willingness to reach an agreement and, according to the Syrian media, they have “chosen war.”
  • On June 18, 2018, an airstrike was carried out near the city of Albukamal against Iraqi Shiite militias (operating as part of the Popular Mobilization) handled by Iran on Syrian soil. According to a report published by the Popular Mobilization, a permanent headquarters of the Iraqi militias in Syria, located some 700 meters from the border, was attacked. According to another report, a military convoy (which might have stopped near the headquarters) was attacked. A total of 52 fatalities were reported, mainly operatives of the Iraqi militias along with a small number of Syrian officers and soldiers. The presence of the Iraqi Shiite militias handled by Iran in Syrian territory was intended to secure the area of the Albukamal border crossing. The land supply route from Iraq to Syria passes through the Albukamal crossing, making it of major strategic importance to Iran.
  • ISIS continued its intensive terror and guerrilla activity in Afghanistan This week, a suicide bombing attack was carried out during a meeting between the Afghan security forces and the Taliban (around 25 killed). The subject of the meeting was the ceasefire agreement between the Afghan government and the Taliban, which was declared on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr. The objective of the attack was to sabotage the agreement (to which ISIS was not a party) and to thwart any attempt at reconciliation between the Afghan government and the Taliban.
Russian involvement in Syria
  • In light of the Syrian army’s preparations for an attack in southern Syria, contacts were made between the United States, Russia and Israel:
    • Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke by telephone with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu about the situation in Syria. According to Russian reports, the sides discussed the situation in Syria in the context of making a joint effort to ensure security in the border area between Syria and Israel. The two leaders expressed willingness to strengthen coordination regarding Syria, including the campaign against international terrorism (Kremlin website, June 15, 2018).
    • Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov spoke with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. According to the US Department of State spokeswoman, the Secretary of State stressed that the United States was committed to the ceasefire arrangement in the de-escalation zone in southwestern Syria. According to the spokeswoman, Pompeo noted that it was critical for Russia and the Syrian regime to adhere to the arrangement and ensure no unilateral activity in the area (US Department of State website, June 18, 2018).
Syrian army preparation for the attack in the south continues

This week, there was no change in the situation in southern Syria. The Syrian army continues its preparation in advance of the campaign to take over the south. According to Syrian and Russian media outlets, military reinforcements arrived in Daraa in advance of the campaign. According to the media, the reinforcements include tanks and artillery of the “Tiger forces” sent to Daraa. Suheil Hassan, commander of the “Tiger forces” reportedly arrived in the Daraa Province (Al-Watan, Syria, June 19, 2018; the Russian Anna News Agency, June 18, 2018; Enab Baladi, June 18, 2018).

  • At the same time, the Free Syrian Army and other rebel organizations are preparing for the fighting in the Daraa area. The area has been divided into several zones controlled by separate operations rooms and weapons and ammunition have been given to the various forces (Enab Baladi, June 18, 2018). According to the Syrian media, there has been no progress in the contacts, and the Syrian army will only wait for a short while until the rebel forces decide whether they seek reconciliation or war; it does seem, however, that “they [i.e., the rebel organizations] have chosen war” (Butulat Al-Jaysh Al-Suri, June 18, 2018; Enab Baladi, June 18, 2018).
Syrian army resumes its attack against the ISIS enclave northeast of As-Suwayda
  •  After a lull of several days, the Syrian army resumed fighting against the ISIS enclave in Al-Safa, northeast of As-Suwayda. The army has reportedly taken advantage of the lull to reinforce its troops and is preparing for the attack that will eliminate the presence of ISIS in the area (Al-Alam, June 17, 2018; Awqat Al-Sham, June 16, 2018).

Syrian army reinforcements near Al-Safa (El-Mehwar, June 17, 2018)
Syrian army reinforcements near Al-Safa
(El-Mehwar, June 17, 2018)

ISIS-affiliated Khaled bin Al-Walid Army looking for allies
  • The ISIS-affiliated Khaled bin Al-Walid Army, deployed in the Yarmouk Basin, has recently been looking for allies. On June 13, 2018, the Khaled bin Al-Walid Army released a video calling on the Sunni tribes in southern Syria to unite around it and on the rebel organizations to “repent” and join forces in the struggle against “the enemies of Allah,” i.e., the Syrian army and the forces supporting it (Haqq and a file-sharing website, June 13, 2018).

One of the speakers in the video calling on the rebel forces to “repent” and join the fighting against the “enemies of Allah” (Haqq and a file-sharing website, June 13, 2018)
One of the speakers in the video calling on the rebel forces to “repent” and join the fighting against the “enemies of Allah” (Haqq and a file-sharing website, June 13, 2018)

The video is an indication of the predicament of the Khaled bin Al-Walid Army. In view of the imminent attack by the Syrian army, ISIS operatives find themselves facing a superior military force, without allies, isolated from the rest of the rebel organizations, which refuse to collaborate with them.

Eastern Syria

Dozens of Iraqi Shiite militiamen killed in an airstrike in the Albukamal area

  • On June 18, 2018, an airstrike was carried out in the Albukamal area against Iraqi Shiite militias handled by Iran. The airstrike was carried out in the village of Al-Hiri, near Albukamal (@Qawem_Qawem Twitter account, June 18, 2018). According to a report of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (June 19, 2018), the attack targeted a military convoy which stopped at the village of Al-Hiri. The Popular Mobilization, the umbrella framework responsible for the Iraqi militias that were attacked, stated that the target of the attack was the headquarters of the Popular Mobilization 45th and 46th brigades, located in Syrian territory, about 700 meters from the Iraqi border (Popular Mobilization website, June 18, 2018).
  • So far, it is unclear who was behind the airstrike. There are several versions: The Syrian regime blamed the US-led International Coalition. A Syrian army source said that “the American Coalition attacked one of their military positions in the village of Al-Hiri, southeast of Albukamal, resulting in casualties” (SANA, June 18, 2018). The Iraqi Popular Mobilization, whose operatives were hit by the airstrike, also attributed the attack to the US and asked the Americans to issue a clarification to that effect (Popular Mobilization website, June 18, 2018). On the other hand, the spokesperson for the US Central Command said that no one in the US-led Coalition had carried out airstrikes near Albukamal (Reuters). A spokesperson for the US Department of Defense told TASS News Agency that no airstrike had been carried out by the US and the Coalition (June 18, 2018). A senior official in the US administration, who asked to remain anonymous, claimed that Israel had carried out the airstrike (CNN, June 18, 2018).
  • A total of 52 people were killed in the airstrike, 30 of whom members of Iraqi Shiite militias handled by Iran. The fatalities included at least 16 Syrian fighters, one of them an officer in the rank of lieutenant colonel. The Shiite fatalities belong to Iraqi Popular Mobilization militias handled by Iran. According to an Iraqi source, the militias in question were Hezbollah Battalions,[1] Asa’ib Ahl Al-Haq,[2] and the Nujaba Movement[3] (Iraq Al-Khayr, June 18, 2018). In addition, among the casualties were operatives of an Iraqi militia called the Imam Ali Battalions.[4]
  • On June 18, 2018, the Popular Mobilization released an announcement of clarification, addressing the activity of Iraqi militias in Syrian territory (Popular Mobilization website, June 18, 2018):
    • Operatives of the Popular Mobilization have been present in the Albukamal area since it was liberated (November 2017), with the knowledge of the Iraqi security forces and the Syrian government.
    • The Popular Mobilization operatives are engaged in securing the border area along with the Syrian army.
    • The headquarters which was attacked was situated in a desolate area near the border. This is a militarily essential area because terrorist operatives are trying to infiltrate into Iraqi territory through it. Thus, the Popular Mobilization operatives secure the Iraqi soil and defend Iraqi sovereignty.

The presence of Iraqi Shiite militias handled by Iran in Syrian territory is further evidence of the major importance attributed by Iran to the Albukamal border crossing. Their presence is intended to assist in the fighting against ISIS and secure the crossing. The overland supply route from Iraq to Syria passes through this crossing. It is intended to enable the transfer of operatives and weapons, thereby serving Iranian strategic interests.[5]

Clashes between the Syrian army and ISIS on the route from Albukamal to Al-Mayadeen
  • On June 14, 2018, there were clashes between ISIS and the Syrian army and the forces supporting it in the Al-Mayadeen area, northwest of Albukamal. The Syrian army reportedly mopped up a large desert area west of Al-Mayadeen, restored control over several positions, and neutralized dozens of IEDs (SANA, June 14, 2018).
  • On June 17, 2018, ISIS operatives attacked Syrian army outposts along the route from Albukamal to Al-Mayadeen. According to an ISIS report, seven Syrian soldiers and three Iranians from the Qods Force were killed in the attack. The ISIS operatives reportedly seized weapons, ammunition, and equipment. In addition, on June 17, 2018, ISIS attacked a village 3.5 km north of Al-Mayadeen (Amaq, June 17, 2018).
Al-Hasakah area
  • On June 17, 2018, the Kurdish SDF forces took over the village of Al-Dashisha, ISIS’s main stronghold south of Al-Hasakah. ISIS reportedly sustained at least 30 fatalities and its operatives lost the villages adjacent to it (Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, June 17, 2018). The takeover of the village is a major achievement of the SDF forces and an important step for the mopping up of the area south of Al-Hasakah from the presence of ISIS and for establishing Kurdish control east of the Euphrates River.
The village of Al-Dashisha (YPG Press Office, June 17, 2018)   DF forces in the village of Al-Dashisha.
Right: SDF forces in the village of Al-Dashisha. Left: The village of Al-Dashisha (YPG Press Office, June 17, 2018)
Idlib area
  • Guardians of the Religion Organization, a jihadi faction loyal to Al-Qaeda leader who seceded from the Headquarters for the Liberation of Al-Sham,[6] recently attacked a Syrian army force. The attack took place about 15 km west of Jisr Al-Shughur (southwest of Idlib). The organization claimed that it had killed two Syrian soldiers. On June 16, 2018, the organization released a video in which its leader, Sheikh Sami al-Uraydi, calls for adhering to jihad and Allah as a condition for victory (YouTube, June 16, 2018).
Main developments in Iraq
ISIS activity
  • This week, ISIS continued its terrorism and guerrilla activities against the Iraqi security forces. According to an ISIS announcement, its operatives killed three Iraqi soldiers in an ambush northeast of Baqubah and injured a large number of Popular Mobilization operatives about 30 km north of Baghdad (Haqq, June 16, 2018). ISIS operatives also attacked a Popular Mobilization patrol northeast of Baqubah (Al-Sumaria News, June 15, 2018).
The activity of the Iraqi security forces
  • According to a report from June 14, 2018, a senior ISIS commander who was responsible for the recent attacks in Kirkuk was killed along with six of his men in the Al-Dabas District (33 km northwest of Kirkuk). The Iraqi security issues reportedly relied on intelligence indicating his location and that of his men. Maps and plans regarding targets for carrying out attacks were found in the commander’s possession. According to reports, his death might terminate the activity of ISIS’s sleeper cells operating in Kirkuk (Al-Sumaria News, June 14, 2018).

Iraqi forces in the area of Al-Dabas, northwest of Kirkuk (Kul Al-Iraq, June 11, 2018)
Iraqi forces in the area of Al-Dabas, northwest of Kirkuk (Kul Al-Iraq, June 11, 2018)

Egypt and the Sinai Peninsula
  •  On June 14, 2018, ISIS operatives killed three Egyptian soldiers at a roadside checkpoint on the international highway west of Al-Arish. This success of ISIS’s Sinai Province in North Sinai came after a long period in which it kept a low profile following the increased activity of the Egyptian security forces in the area.
Weapons and equipment belonging to the Egyptian soldiers who were killed (Haqq, June 15, 2018)  Two operatives from ISIS’s Sinai Province stopping a truck on the international highway west of Al-Arish.
Right: Two operatives from ISIS’s Sinai Province stopping a truck on the international highway west of Al-Arish. Left: Weapons and equipment belonging to the Egyptian soldiers who were killed (Haqq, June 15, 2018)
Jihadi activity in other countries

ISIS suicide bombing attack in Jalalabad

  • On June 16, 2018, ISIS announced that it had carried out a suicide bombing attack during a meeting between the Afghan security forces and the Taliban forces in the city of Jalalabad. According to ISIS’s announcement, at least 20 people were killed (Haqq, June 16, 2018). The attack was carried out in light of the ceasefire that was reached between the two sides in advance of Eid al-Fitr. According to an Afghan TV station, over 25 people were killed and over 50 were wounded (1TVNewsAF@1TVNewsAF Twitter account, June 17, 2018).
A number of bodies lying on the road at the scene of the attack (1TVNewsAF@1TVNewsAF Twitter account, June 17, 2018)   Members of the Afghan security forces near the scene of the ISIS suicide bombing attack in Jalalabad.
Right: Members of the Afghan security forces near the scene of the ISIS suicide bombing attack in Jalalabad. Left: A number of bodies lying on the road at the scene of the attack (1TVNewsAF@1TVNewsAF Twitter account, June 17, 2018)
Taliban fighters and Afghan army soldiers celebrating the ceasefire in Afghanistan together (Haqq, June 16, 2018)   Taliban fighters and Afghan army soldiers holding flowers to mark the ceasefire agreement in advance of Eid al-Fitr.
Right: Taliban fighters and Afghan army soldiers holding flowers to mark the ceasefire agreement in advance of Eid al-Fitr. Left: Taliban fighters and Afghan army soldiers celebrating the ceasefire in Afghanistan together (Haqq, June 16, 2018)

In advance of Eid al-Fitr, a three-day ceasefire was reached between the Afghan government and the Taliban. The ceasefire ended on June 17, 2018. The Afghan government called for a 10-day extension of the ceasefire, but its request was denied. The objective of the suicide bombing attack carried out by ISIS in Jalalabad was to sabotage the ceasefire agreement (to which it was not a party) and to thwart any attempt at reconciliation between the Afghan government and the Taliban.

Counterterrorism and preventive activity
  • According to a report from June 14, 2018, eight foreign nationals suspected of being ISIS operatives were detained in Istanbul by Turkish counterterrorism units. The authorities suspected that some of the detainees spent time in Syria and were trained in ISIS training camps to serve as suicide bombers (Hürriyet Daily News, June 14, 2018).
The battle for hearts and minds
  • Over the past few days, ISIS has intensified its incitement to carry out lone wolf attacks in Russia. During the opening days of the World Cup on June 16, 2018, a poster was published in the Telegram app with an inscription in Arabic reading “Russia 2018 – Expect My Revenge.” The background shows ruined buildings in Syria which were bombed by the Russian government, along with two operatives with backpacks (intimating terrorists on their way to carry out an attack). At the bottom there is a fingerprint, with the words “Islamic State” below it (Telegram, June 16, 2018).

ISIS’s poster threatening the World Cup in Russia: “Russia 2018 – Expect My Revenge” (Telegram, June 16, 2018)
ISIS’s poster threatening the World Cup in Russia: “Russia 2018 – Expect My Revenge” (Telegram, June 16, 2018)

[1] An Iraqi Shiite militia established in early 2007 by the Iranian Qods Force in order to drive the Americans out of Iraq. The militia participates in the campaign against ISIS as part of the Popular Mobilization.
[2] An Iraqi Shiite militia established in 2006 by the Iranian Qods Force in order to drive the Americans out of Iraq.

[3] An Iraqi Shiite militia which fought against the Americans in Iraq. A force of this militia was sent to Syria, where it handled by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards and is fighting against the rebel organizations.

[4] An Iraqi Shiite militia which started to operate in June 2014. Its operatives have been fighting in Iraq and Syria against ISIS, alongside other Iraqi Shiite militias handled by Iran.

[5] See the ITIC's Information Bulletin from June 19, 2018: “Officer and fighter in the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, senior Hezbollah officer, and Shiite militia operatives killed in ISIS attacks in Albukamal. The Albukamal border crossing is of major importance to Iran since a route promoting Iran’s strategic interests in Syria and Lebanon passes through it.”

[6] See the ITIC's Information Bulletin from March 8, 2018: “Split among Al-Qaeda’s supporters in Syria, in light of severe differences of opinion regarding the nature of the ties with Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri.”