Spotlight on Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (August 30 –September 5, 2023)

The vehicle at the Hashmonaim Crossing (Safa, al-Kofiya TV, August 31, 2023)

The vehicle at the Hashmonaim Crossing (Safa, al-Kofiya TV, August 31, 2023)

The mock funeral (New press Twitter account, September 1, 2023).

The mock funeral (New press Twitter account, September 1, 2023).

The scene of the attack (QudsN Twitter account, August 30, 2023).

The scene of the attack (QudsN Twitter account, August 30, 2023).

The damage following the activities of the Israeli security forces in the Nur al-Shams refugee camp (Wafa, September 5, 2023)

The damage following the activities of the Israeli security forces in the Nur al-Shams refugee camp (Wafa, September 5, 2023)

Explosives used by the Izz al-Din Qassam Brigades. On the IED at the right the inscription reads Tubas Battalion, and on the left

Explosives used by the Izz al-Din Qassam Brigades. On the IED at the right the inscription reads Tubas Battalion, and on the left "the Shaheed Ahmed Abu Siaj squad" (Green Jenin Telegram channel, September 1, 2023)

Hamas flags next to AAMB operatives at Fayiz Ghanem's funeral (Right: Al-Aqsa channel's Twitter account, September 1, 2023).

Hamas flags next to AAMB operatives at Fayiz Ghanem's funeral (Right: Al-Aqsa channel's Twitter account, September 1, 2023).

The military funeral. His body was wrapped in a Palestinian flag and an AAMB headband was placed on his forehead (Wafa, August 31, 2023).

The military funeral. His body was wrapped in a Palestinian flag and an AAMB headband was placed on his forehead (Wafa, August 31, 2023).

Palestinians protest near the security fence (Wafa, September 2, 2023).

Palestinians protest near the security fence (Wafa, September 2, 2023).

The Iranian foreign minister meets with the leaders of Hamas and the PIJ (Twitter account of Hazem Kallas, director of al-Arabiya TV in Tehran, August 31, 2023)

The Iranian foreign minister meets with the leaders of Hamas and the PIJ (Twitter account of Hazem Kallas, director of al-Arabiya TV in Tehran, August 31, 2023)

Hassan Nasrallah meets with Ziyad al-Nakhalah and Saleh al-'Arouri (Hezbollah's public relations website, September 2, 2023)

Hassan Nasrallah meets with Ziyad al-Nakhalah and Saleh al-'Arouri (Hezbollah's public relations website, September 2, 2023)

The demonstration in front of the Red Cross headquarters in Gaza (Telegram channel of the information office of the prisoners in the Israeli prisons, September 4, 2023)

The demonstration in front of the Red Cross headquarters in Gaza (Telegram channel of the information office of the prisoners in the Israeli prisons, September 4, 2023)

  • This past week there were four terrorist attacks: a vehicular ramming near the Maccabim crossing in which an IDF soldier was killed and five people were injured; a vehicular ramming in the south of Mount Hebron in which an IDF soldier was superficially injured; and two stabbing attacks in Jerusalem, in which one person was wounded. An IED was used to attack the security forces securing the worshippers at Joseph’s Tomb in Nablus; four soldiers were injured. Israeli security forces continued counterterrorism activities in Tulkarm, Tubas and Jenin. During an activity in the Nur al-Shams refugee camp in Tulkarm, IEDs ready for use were detonated.
  • The decision of Itamar Ben-Gvir, Israeli minister of national security, to limit the visits of the families of security prisoners, led to tension in the jails. Reportedly, the prisoners intend to begin a hunger strike on September 14, 2023 (the eve of the Jewish New Year). A senior Hamas figure threatened that the prisoners’ protest would not be confined to the jails.
  • The Palestinian terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip continue to develop and improve their rocket systems. An attempt to smuggle explosives from the Gaza Strip to Judea and Samaria was foiled. For the third consecutive week, Palestinians demonstrated at the border security fence. The national authority for return marches in the Gaza Strip has begun rebuilding the return camps and preparing them for the possible renewal of the marches. The leaders of Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) met in Beirut with the Iranian foreign minister and Hezbollah’s secretary general.
  • Senior Palestinian Authority (PA) figures continue meeting with foreign diplomats. The PA continued commemorating terrorists by inaugurating a new hall in the ministry of health in Ramallah named for a Palestinian doctor who worked for the ministry and was killed while exchanging fire with Israeli security forces in the Jenin refugee camp.
Stabbing in the Old City of Jerusalem
  • On the evening of September 4, 2023, a Palestinian woman wearing a hijab stabbed a policeman near Bab al-Hita (the Gate of Forgiveness, one of the entrance gates to the Temple Mount). He managed to push her away and knock her down and she was detained (Israel Police, September 4, 2023). The PA commission for prisoners’ affairs announced the detention of Fatma Amarna, 44 years old, from Jenin (al-Qastel website Twitter account, September 5, 2023; QudsN Telegram channel, September 5, 2023).
The knife used to stab the policeman (Israel Police, September 4, 2023)
The knife used to stab the policeman (Israel Police, September 4, 2023)
Vehicular ramming at the Maccabim Crossing
  • On August 31, 2023, a Palestinian with a permit for working Israel, arrived at his place of work near Gedera in south-central Israel. He took his employer’s pickup truck, went to the Maccabim Crossing (west of Ramallah) and ran over three soldiers who were walking on the side of the road. From there he drove south to the Hashmona’im Crossing. En route he hit vehicles and injured several other people. The security guards at the Crossing had received information about the vehicle and identifying it, they shot and killed the driver. An IDF soldier was killed in the attack and five people were injured, including two soldiers (IDF spokesman, Israeli media, August 31, 2023).
The vehicle at the Hashmonaim Crossing (Safa, al-Kofiya TV, August 31, 2023)    The vehicle at the Hashmonaim Crossing (Safa, al-Kofiya TV, August 31, 2023)
The vehicle at the Hashmonaim Crossing (Safa, al-Kofiya TV, August 31, 2023)
  • The ministry of health in Ramallah reported the death of Daoud Abd al-Razek Faiz (Daras), 41 years old, father of six, from the Deir Ammar refugee camp in western Ramallah (Wafa, August 31, 2023). Palestinian media claimed that a few days previously he had been beaten by soldiers near the Maccabim Crossing (al-Araby al-Jadeed, August 31, 2023). During the night IDF forces mapped his house in Deir Ammar for demolition. Local residents rioted and the forces employed riot control measures to disperse them (IDF spokesman’s Twitter account, September 1, 2023).
  • Fatah issued a mourning notice for him. Hundreds attended a mock funeral held for him in the Deir Ammar refugee camp (Israel retains his body). Fatah flags were waved at the “funeral” and his “coffin” was wrapped in the Palestinian flag. Kasab Sadek, a senior Fatah figure, claimed the “funeral” had been held to demand the return of his body and to show solidarity with the family (al-Araby al-Jadeed, September 1, 2023). Laila Ghannam, Ramallah and al-Bireh district governor, paid a condolence call to the family’s home. She claimed on her Facebook page that he had been “executed in cold blood” (Laila Ghannam’s Facebook page, August 31, 2023).
Mourning notice issued by Fatah (Deirammarnewsnetwork Facebook page, August 31, 2023)
Mourning notice issued by Fatah (Deirammarnewsnetwork Facebook page, August 31, 2023)
The condolence call paid by the Ramallah district governor (Laila Ghannam's Facebook page, August 31, 2023)    The mock funeral (New press Twitter account, September 1, 2023).
Right: The mock funeral (New press Twitter account, September 1, 2023). Left: The condolence call paid by the Ramallah district governor (Laila Ghannam’s Facebook page, August 31, 2023)
  • The Palestinian media claimed it was the fourth and most serious attack carried out against Israeli targets in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem within 24 hours. Husam Badran, a member of Hamas’ political bureau and its external leadership (and a terrorist prisoner freed in the Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange deal[1]), said the “resistance operations” [terrorist attacks] in Judea and Samaria were increasing in quantity and “quality” and expanding geographically, and increasing Israel’s losses. He called on the Palestinian public to actively engage in the “resistance” [anti-Israeli terrorist] activity and support those who carry out attacks (Hamas website, August 31, 2023). Hamas spokesman Abd al-Latif al-Qanua claimed the attacks send the “occupation” a message about the preparedness of the “resistance” [terrorist organizations] and its response to any “brutal aggression” against the Palestinian people (Abd al-Latif al-Qanua’s Telegram channel, August 31, 2023)
  • The PIJ praised the attack, calling it the continuation of the “resistance” and reflecting the Palestinian people’s support. PIJ spokesman Musab al-Breem called the attack a message to Israel “that the entire West Bank is burning and our people believe only in resistance.” He also claimed that Israel should expect more “surprises” (Filastin al-Yawm, August 31, 2023).

Stabbing on a light railway station in Jerusalem

  • On the evening of August 30, 2023, a 14 year-old boy from east Jerusalem stabbed and seriously wounded an Israeli civilian at the light rail station on Shivtei Israel Street in Jerusalem. Another civilian managed to force him to drop the knife. A Border Police fighter who was in light rail car and saw the attack, got off the train and shot and killed the stabber (Israeli media, August 30, 2023).
The knife used in the attack (Rescue Without Borders in Judea and Samaria, August 30, 2023)    The scene of the attack (QudsN Twitter account, August 30, 2023).
Right: The scene of the attack (QudsN Twitter account, August 30, 2023). Left: The knife used in the attack (Rescue Without Borders in Judea and Samaria, August 30, 2023)
  • The stabber was Khaled Samer al-Zaanin, 14 years old, from Beit Hanina (Wafa, August 30, 2023; Ultra Palestine website, August 30, 2023). His family said that he was one of triplets (two sons and a daughter). The father claimed Khaled had no connection to an attack and about an hour before the event his son called to say he was on his way home (Palestinian TV, August 31, 2023).
Khaled al-Zaanin (a-Quds University Facebook page, September 1, 2023)
Khaled al-Zaanin (a-Quds University Facebook page, September 1, 2023)
  • Nabil Abu Rudeineh, spokesman for Mahmoud Abbas, claimed the objective of “the Israeli occupation authorities’ daily killings,” the raids on Palestinian cities and the detentions of “hundreds” of Palestinians, the last of which was the cold-blooded killing of the Jerusalem boy Khaled Samer al-Zaanin, was to make the situation explode and lead to violence and escalation, and claimed the Israeli government bore full responsibility. The PA foreign ministry condemned the killing, claiming the Israeli government and its various branches were deliberately escalating the situation as part of official policy whose primary objective was to use violence to evade a political process and eliminate the Palestinian issue (Wafa, August 31, 2023).
  • Muhammad Hamada, Hamas spokesman for Jerusalem affairs, praised the attack, calling it “an act of heroism for the sake of al-Aqsa Mosque and the blood of the shaheeds,” and a natural response to the “crimes of the occupation.” He claimed the stabbing and the vehicular attack in Hebron proved the Palestinians continued the “resistance” and would continue “to deprive the occupation and the settlers of sleep” (Hamas website, August 30, 2023).
Vehicular ramming in the south of Mount Hebron
  • On the morning of August 30, 2023, a Palestinian driver sped towards a position where IDF soldiers were stationed, near Beit Hagai in the south of Mount Hebron. One of the soldiers shot and wounded him. A soldier was injured by the impact of the vehicle (IDF spokesman’s Twitter account and Israeli media, August 30, 2023). The driver was injured and taken to the hospital. He was Mahmoud Akram Jabarin Abu Sheikha, 22 years old, from the village of Karama, south of Hebron. Israeli security forces arrived at his family home and detained his father (Wafa, August 30, 2023). His uncle said Mahmoud Abu Sheikha was a construction worker (QudsN Twitter account, August 31, 2023).
The vehicle used in attack (al-Araby al-Jadeed, August 30, 2023)
The vehicle used in attack (al-Araby al-Jadeed, August 30, 2023)
Critical Terrorist Attacks in Judea and Samaria since November 2020[2]

Critical Terrorist Attacks in Judea and Samaria since November 2020

IED detonated near Joseph’s Tomb in Nablus
  • On the night of August 30, 2023, about 1,500 Israeli worshipers entered Joseph’s Tomb in Nablus, secured by IDF forces who were attacked by an IED at the entrance to Nablus. An officer was and three soldiers were injured (IDF spokesman’s Twitter account, August 31, 2023). Palestinians rioted and clashed with the IDF soldiers, and Palestinian medical sources later reported that 56 Palestinians had been injured by tear gas inhalation, rubber bullets and live fire (Ma’an, August 31, 2023).
Palestinian cartoon of the increase of "resistance" operations against "the Israeli occupation" (al-Quds al-Arabi, September 3, 2023)    The IED explosion (nablus news Telegram channel, August 30, 2023).
Right: The IED explosion (nablus news Telegram channel, August 30, 2023). Left: Palestinian cartoon of the increase of “resistance” operations against “the Israeli occupation” (al-Quds al-Arabi, September 3, 2023)
  • Even before the IDF announcement, the PIJ Jerusalem Brigades’ Nablus Battalion reported that “special force” operatives had detonated a powerful, locally made IED to attack a military vehicle and the explosion injured [IDF soldiers] and put the vehicle out of commission. It was also reported that Nablus Battalion operatives had clashed with IDF forces near Joseph’s Tomb (Nablus Battalion Telegram channel, August 31, 2023). Meanwhile, the Lion’s Den network claimed the operative who planted the charge was Iyad al-Qani (see below). The al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades (AAMB) and Ansar Salah al-Din Battalions also claimed to have detonated IEDs and shot at IDF forces (Shehab, August 30, 2023).
  • Muhammad Hamada, Hamas spokesman for Jerusalem affairs, claimed it conveyed Israel the message that it would have no security anywhere on Palestinian land and its threats did not frighten the “resistance,” but only encouraged it to carry out further “activities” [terrorist attacks] (Shehab, August 30, 2023).
  • This past week the Israeli security forces continued intensive counterterrorism activities in Judea and Samaria, focusing on Tulkarm, Jenin and Tubas. They detained Palestinians suspected of involvement in terrorism and confiscated large quantities of weapons:
  • Before dawn on September 5, 2023, Israeli security forces operated in the Nur al-Shams refugee camp, east of Tulkarm. The forces destroyed IEDs that were ready for detonation. One IED uncovered by an IDF engineering vehicle exploded. During the activity Palestinians burned tires, threw IEDs and shot at the forces, who returned fire (IDF spokesman’s Twitter account, September 5, 2023). The Tulkarm Battalion reported its operatives shot at the forces and hit a bulldozer and military vehicles (Paltoday, September 5, 2023).
Detonating the IEDs (IDF spokesman's Twitter account, September 5, 2023)    IEDs found in the Nur al-Shams refugee camp.
Right: IEDs found in the Nur al-Shams refugee camp. Left: Detonating the IEDs (IDF spokesman’s Twitter account, September 5, 2023)
  • The ministry of health in Ramallah reported the death of Ayed Samih Khaled Abu Harb, 21 years old, from the Nur al-Shams refugee camp (ministry of health in Ramallah Telegram channel, September 5, 2023). The Jerusalem Brigades’ Tulkarm Battalion reported he was one of its operatives (Tulkarm Battalion Telegram channel, September 5, 2023).
Mourning notice issued by the Tulkarm Battalion for Ayed Sameh Abu Harb (Tulkarm Battalion Telegram channel, September 5, 2023)
Mourning notice issued by the Tulkarm Battalion for Ayed Sameh Abu Harb (Tulkarm Battalion Telegram channel, September 5, 2023)
  • Following the events, a general strike was declared in the Tulkarm refugee camps. The Palestinian media gave extensive coverage to damage to the local infrastructure and many residents took to the streets to observe (Wafa, September 5, 2023). Palestinian social network users criticized the “complete disappearance” of the PA security forces during the Israeli activities. A few days earlier PA security forces had been operating at the site (see below).
The damage following the activities of the Israeli security forces in the Nur al-Shams refugee camp (Wafa, September 5, 2023)
The damage following the activities of the Israeli security forces in the Nur al-Shams refugee camp (Wafa, September 5, 2023)

Jenin refugee camp

  • On the afternoon of September 4, 2023, Israeli security forces operated in the Jenin refugee camp to detain wanted Palestinians. During the activity three Hamas operatives were detained, one of them a senior operative. Wanted Palestinians were seen fleeing the building; the forces shot and wounded them. Armed Palestinians shot and threw rocks at the forces, who returned fire. The detainees had recently been extensively involved in terrorist activity, carrying out shooting and IED attacks, and promoting additional attacks. There were no casualties to the Israeli forces (IDF spokesman’s Twitter account, September 4, 2023).
  • One of the detained terrorists was Abdallah Hassan Muhammad Sabah, from the village of Burkin, a Hamas operative who was involved in a series of shooting, IED and car bomb attacks, as well as attempts to fire rockets at Israel.[3] Another detained Hamas operative was Wared Ashrif, from Jenin, who was involved in shooting attacks and other terrorist activity.
  • The Palestinian media claimed that in addition to the detainees, four Palestinians had been wounded by gunfire. That was because the IDF activity was accompanied by riots and exchanges of fire with Hamas and PIJ terrorist operatives (QudsN, September 4, 2023).
  • It was the first IDF activity in the Jenin refugee camp since the July 3-5, 2023 operation. Hamas operatives were also detained, unlike the previous operation, which mainly targeted PIJ terrorist operatives. Nihad Abu Ghosh, a Palestinian political commentator, claimed Israel was trying to demonstrate power, especially after the recent attacks. He claimed targeting Hamas had been an innovation. It had previously not been the focus, but due to recent attacks in the West Bank attributed to Hamas, the focus had changed (al-Ghad, September 4, 2023).
Tubas region
  • On the morning of September 1, 2023, Israeli security forces operated in the village of Aqaba in the Tubas district. The forces surrounded a building where a wanted Palestinian was staying. During the activity, there was an exchange of fire between the forces and armed Palestinians. The forces fired RPGs and shoulder-fired missiles. A search of the building revealed military equipment, a gun and an ammunition magazine (IDF spokesman’s Twitter account, September 1, 2023).
  • Hamas’ military-terrorist wing in Judea and Samaria claimed its operatives clashed with the Israeli forces who surrounded the house of the military wing operative Ahmed Walid Abu Ara[4] in the town of Aqaba, and that after clashing for several hours, they rescued him from the besieged house and he was now in a secure location (Izz al-Din Qassam Brigades in Judea and Samaria Telegram channel, September 1, 2023). The Jerusalem Brigades’ Tubas Battalion also claimed its operatives confronted the forces and fired heavy salvos to allow the residents of the occupied house to retreat safely (Tubas Battalion Telegram channel, September 1, 2023).
Palestinian terrorists shoot at Israeli security forces in Aqaba (Paldf Twitter account, September 1, 2023)
Palestinian terrorists shoot at Israeli security forces in Aqaba (Paldf Twitter account, September 1, 2023)
Explosives used by the Izz al-Din Qassam Brigades. On the IED at the right the inscription reads Tubas Battalion, and on the left "the Shaheed Ahmed Abu Siaj squad" (Green Jenin Telegram channel, September 1, 2023)    Explosives used by the Izz al-Din Qassam Brigades. On the IED at the right the inscription reads Tubas Battalion, and on the left "the Shaheed Ahmed Abu Siaj squad" (Green Jenin Telegram channel, September 1, 2023)
Explosives used by the Izz al-Din Qassam Brigades. On the IED at the right the inscription reads Tubas Battalion, and on the left “the Shaheed Ahmed Abu Siaj squad” (Green Jenin Telegram channel, September 1, 2023)
  • The ministry of health in Ramallah reported the death of Abd al-Rahim Fayiz Ghanem, 36 years old (Wafa, September 1, 2023). He was an English teacher at a government school in Qabatiya and also engaged in agriculture to support his family. His father, Fayiz Ghanem, said his son could not bear the sight of the “occupation” storming the town and the attempt to detain Ahmed Abu Ara, and went to help him. He claimed the family had been proud to receive the news of his death (Palestine Online, September 3, 2023). No organizational affiliation was known. His body was wrapped for burial in a Palestinian flag, but Hamas flags were also in evidence. The funeral was attended by Ahmed Assad, the acting governor of the Tubas and northern valleys’ district, who claimed Israel attacked defenseless citizens and the world and human rights institutions did nothing. He called for international protection for the Palestinians and immediate intervention to save them from the “bloodbath” of Israel and the settlers (Facebook page of the governor of the Tubas and northern valleys’ district, September 2, 2023).
Laila Ghannam, Ramallah and al-Bireh district governor, pays a condolence call to the family (Laila Ghannam's Facebook page, September 2, 2023)    Hamas flags next to AAMB operatives at Fayiz Ghanem's funeral (Right: Al-Aqsa channel's Twitter account, September 1, 2023).
Right: Hamas flags next to AAMB operatives at Fayiz Ghanem’s funeral (Right: Al-Aqsa channel’s Twitter account, September 1, 2023). Left: Laila Ghannam, Ramallah and al-Bireh district governor, pays a condolence call to the family (Laila Ghannam’s Facebook page, September 2, 2023)
Palestinian killed in “work accident”
  • On August 30, 2023, it was reported that Ayed Adel al-Qani, 30 years old, had been killed in an explosion which occurred while he was assembling an IED in his home in Kafr Qalil, south of Nablus (Palestine Online, August 30, 2023). He was reportedly an operative in the IED production unit of the Lions’ Den network (al-Jazeera TV website, August 31, 2023). He began clashing with IDF forces at a young age, initially throwing rocks, and then Molotov cocktails. Later he was able to produce firecrackers, and finally engaged in the production of IEDs. His father, Adel al-Qani, is a released prisoner who was wanted by Israel. He was detained several times and spent about 20 years in Israeli prisons. His brother Ahmed al-Qani also served 12 years in prison in Israel, between 2006 and 2018, for terrorist affiliation and activity in the AAMB. Ahmed was detained in October 2022, and sentenced to 40 months in prison for membership in the Lion’s Den network. The IDF demolished their house in 2002 (Palestine Online, August 31, 2023 and September 1, 2023).
  • The Lion’s Den network issued a mourning notice for him (Lion’s Den network Telegram channel, August 30, 2023). The AAMB also issued a mourning notice for him, stating he was an operative in the AAMB engineering and production unit (AAMB Telegram channel, August 30, 2023). Fatah also issued a mourning notice for him claiming he was one of the most prominent operatives in the shaheed Sa’ad Sail sub-branch, and his father was a former colonel in the Palestinian national security forces (Fatah’s media information and cultural commission Telegram channel, August 30, 2023); a military funeral was held for him (Wafa, August 31, 2023).
The mourning notice issued by the AAMB (AAMB Telegram channel, August 30, 2023)    The mourning notice issued by the Lion's Den network Lion's Den Telegram channel, August 30, 2023).
Right: The mourning notice issued by the Lion’s Den network Lion’s Den Telegram channel, August 30, 2023). Left: The mourning notice issued by the AAMB (AAMB Telegram channel, August 30, 2023)
  Armed Lion's Den operatives at the funeral (Paldf Twitter account, August 31, 2023)   The military funeral. His body was wrapped in a Palestinian flag and an AAMB headband was placed on his forehead (Wafa, August 31, 2023).
Right: The military funeral. His body was wrapped in a Palestinian flag and an AAMB headband was placed on his forehead (Wafa, August 31, 2023). Left: Armed Lion’s Den operatives at the funeral (Paldf Twitter account, August 31, 2023)
ocket and mortar shell fire into Israel
  • This past week no rocket or mortar shell hits were identified in Israeli territory.
Monthly Distribution of Rocket and Mortar Shell Fire since September 2021

Monthly Distribution of Rocket and Mortar Shell Fire since September 2021

Annual Distribution of Rocket Hits since 2006

Annual Distribution of Rocket Hits since 2006

Explosives smuggling prevented
  • Security inspectors of the Israeli defense ministry’s crossings authority prevented the smuggling of several kilograms of high-quality explosives at the Kerem Shalom Crossing. The explosives were hidden in three trucks carrying a shipment of clothes produced in the Gaza Strip intended for export to Judea and Samaria. According to suspicions, the explosives were supposed to reach terrorists. Following the seizure, the IDF Chief of Staff, with the approval of the defense minister, ordered the passage of goods from the Gaza Strip to Israel be halted (Israeli Ministry of Defense Twitter account, September 4, 2023).
The explosives seized and a pair of jeans made in Gaza (Israeli Ministry of Defense Twitter account, September 4, 2023)    The explosives seized and a pair of jeans made in Gaza (Israeli Ministry of Defense Twitter account, September 4, 2023)
The explosives seized and a pair of jeans made in Gaza (Israeli Ministry of Defense Twitter account, September 4, 2023)
  • The ministry of national economy in the Gaza Strip condemned the closure of the Kerem Shalom Crossing to the export of goods. It emphasized its rejection of Israel’s decision to close the Crossing under false pretenses, and said it viewed the measure as a continuation of the policy of tightening the “siege” of the Gaza Strip and further evidence of Israel’s use of the “economic siege” as collective punishment. According to the ministry, the decision will cause work to stop in dozens of factories, threaten tens of thousands of workers with unemployment and increase poverty and unemployment which in any case are high in the Gaza Strip. The ministry called on international institutions to exert pressure on Israel to revoke its decision and reopen the Crossing to the export of goods (Gaza ministry of economy Facebook page, September 4, 2023).
Rockets launched towards the sea
  • This past week there were reports of two rocket-launch tests from the Gaza Strip towards the sea as part of “improving military [terrorist] capabilities.” Recently, rocket launches from the Gaza Strip toward the sea have become commonplace:
    • On the morning of September 4, 2023, two rockets were launched from the northern Gaza Strip, a few minutes apart. Several rockets were then launched from the Rafah area (Shehab, September 4, 2023).
    • On the morning of August 30, 2023, several rockets were launched. The echoes of the rocket explosions were heard in different areas of the Gaza Strip (Dunia al-Watan, August 30, 2023; Chinese News Agency in Arabic, August 30, 2023). According to an Internet surfer, two rockets were launched (Abu Alaz al-Sawafiri’s Twitter account, August 30, 2023).
Launches from the northern Gaza Strip (Shehab Twitter account, September 4, 2023)
Launches from the northern Gaza Strip (Shehab Twitter account, September 4, 2023)
Clashes in the eastern part of Gaza City
  • On September 1, 2023, a riot of about a hundred Palestinians was reported near the security fence in the eastern part of Gaza City. Several IEDs were thrown and several attempts were made to cross the fence. IDF forces responded with riot control measures and sniper fire (IDF spokesman’s Twitter account, September 1, 2023).
  • The Palestinian media reported that dozens of Palestinians approached the security fence in the Malka return camp area in the eastern part of Gaza City, after a march held to protest Israel’s actions against the Palestinians. Demonstrators gathered near the fence, waved Palestinian flags, burned tires and chanted slogans in support of Judea and Samaria, al-Aqsa Mosque and the prisoners. The ministry of health in Gaza reported nine Palestinians had been wounded (Shehab, September 1, 2023; al-Quds, September 1, 2023).
A Palestinian cuts through the fence (Shehab Twitter account, September 1, 2023)    Palestinians protest near the security fence (Wafa, September 2, 2023).
Right: Palestinians protest near the security fence (Wafa, September 2, 2023). Left: A Palestinian cuts through the fence (Shehab Twitter account, September 1, 2023)
  • It was the third consecutive week that demonstrations had taken place near the security fence. According to reports, the “Supreme National Authority for Return Marches and Breaking the Siege” announced the beginning of repairing and rebuilding the return camps near the security fence in the eastern Gaza Strip. The Authority is preparing for the renewal of return marches in light of the “tightening siege” on the Gaza Strip, and the inability of the mediators to make Israel respect previous agreements (Ma’an, August 30, 2023; Safe, August 30, 2023). The Palestinian social networks posted harsh criticism of the intention to resume the marches because of the serious injuries caused by the IDF forces’ return fire.
 Works for the preparing the return camps (Left: al-Quds al-Arabi, August 31, 2023)    Works for the preparing the return camps Safa, August 30, 2023(.
Works for the preparing the return camps (Right: Safa, August 30, 2023. Left: al-Quds al-Arabi, August 31, 2023)
Ongoing concerns over Israeli threats
  • Concerns continue regarding the ongoing possibility Israel will resume the targeted killings of senior terrorist operatives. “Sources” in the Palestinian terrorist organizations reported the military-terrorist wings had recently held serious discussions to review their options regarding possible Israeli activity in the Strip. The sources claimed the parties had agreed not to allow Israel to isolate one of the organizations and exploit their disagreements. They also said that in the event of a targeted killing they would have a joint, coordinated response (al-Akhbar, September 3, 2023).
  • “An Egyptian source” revealed that an Egyptian security delegation of senior officials dealing with the Palestinian portfolio in Egyptian General Intelligence had made a flying visit to Beirut to hold meetings with senior Hamas and PIJ figures. The source said the Egyptian delegation also met with a prominent Hezbollah figure, and stated that the objective of the meetings had been to take urgent steps to reduce tensions. According to the source, one of the goals of the recent American efforts was to clear the atmosphere for a meeting between the PA, Egypt and Jordan with the participation of senior officials from the American government, which will be the continuation of the meetings in Sharm el-Sheikh (al-Araby al-Jadeed, September 3, 2023).
Meetings in Lebanon
  • Hossein-Amir Abdollahian, the Iranian foreign minister, visited Lebanon for two days and met with Ziyad al-Nakhalah, PIJ secretary general, and Saleh al-‘Arouri, deputy head of Hamas’ political bureau; senior Hamas figure Musa Abu Marzouq also participated in the meeting. Abdollahian emphasized Iran’s adherence to supporting the Palestinians, their “resistance” and the “liberation of the land.” He noted the declaration of Iranian leader Ali Khamenei regarding the need to support the West Bank and promised Iran would not retreat from its decisions regarding the Palestinians and would continue to forcefully support the “resistance.” The Palestinians emphasized their adherence to the “resistance” as a strategic option, and emphasized they would not change their minds regarding “resistance” operations in Judea and Samaria, which was their priority at this stage (al-Mayadeen TV website, August 31, 2023). Ahsan Attaya, a member of the PIJ’s political bureau its representative in Lebanon, emphasized the importance of the meeting to al-Mayadeen TV (alqudsnews website, September 3, 2023).
The Iranian foreign minister meets with the leaders of Hamas and the PIJ (Twitter account of Hazem Kallas, director of al-Arabiya TV in Tehran, August 31, 2023)
The Iranian foreign minister meets with the leaders of Hamas and the PIJ (Twitter account of Hazem Kallas, director of al-Arabiya TV in Tehran, August 31, 2023)
  • Hassan Nasrallah also met with Ziyad al-Nakhalah and Saleh al-‘Arouri. Reportedly, they reviewed the latest developments, jointly assessing the situation in Judea and Samaria and the escalation of the “resistance.” They emphasized the consistent and stable position of the “resistance axis” forces against Israel and the importance of daily, regular coordination and contact between the “resistance” movements, particularly in “Palestine” and Lebanon, to monitor all political, security and military developments and make appropriate decisions when necessary (Hezbollah’s public relations website, September 2, 2023).
Hassan Nasrallah meets with Ziyad al-Nakhalah and Saleh al-'Arouri (Hezbollah's public relations website, September 2, 2023)
Hassan Nasrallah meets with Ziyad al-Nakhalah and Saleh al-‘Arouri (Hezbollah’s public relations website, September 2, 2023)
Isma’il Haniyeh relates to violence in Israeli Arab society
  • Isma’il Haniyeh, head of Hamas’ political bureau, issued a video in which he commented on the violence in Arab society in Israel, which he claimed was “the pillar of the Palestinian people who support the struggle against Israel.” He accused Israel of responsibility for the events and claimed a strong, stable position had to be taken to protect the Palestinian people and prevent bloodshed. He called on political, religious and influential groups in Israeli Arab society to intervene and stop the continued crime and murder, which harmed the unity of the Palestinian people of Israel (Hamas Telegram channel, September 2, 2023). Hamas does not often refer to the issue of crime and violence in Arab society in Israel.[5]
Mahmoud Abbas speaks with Antony Blinken
  • Mahmoud Abbas received a phone call from Anthony Blinken, the American secretary of state. They discussed recent developments and bilateral relations. According to Wafa, Mahmoud Abbas claimed Israel’s actions undermined the two-state solution and destroyed any chance of achieving peace. He demanded the United States government agree to the PA’s effort to obtain full membership in the United Nations, end all sanctions imposed on the Palestinians resulting from American laws, and build normal relations between the US government and the PA, including reopening the American consulate in Jerusalem and an office in Washington, and renewing the direct aid program (Wafa, September 4, 2023).
PA officials promote the Palestinian economy
  • Mahmoud Abbas met with Yasutoshi Nishimura, Japanese minister of economy, industry and trade. Abbas emphasized the countries’ close ties and thanked Japan for its political and economic support of the Palestinians. He also praised the meetings held by the Japanese minister with Palestinian businessmen and expressed hope they would lead to increased investments and the expansion of trade. The Japanese minister emphasized Japan’s willingness to strengthen bilateral trade and economic ties (Wafa, September 3, 2023).
  • On August 31, 2023, PA Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh met with Sarah Paul, the new representative of the United Nation Development Program[6] (UNDP) in the PA territories, and discussed ways to strengthen bilateral cooperation. Shtayyeh emphasized the importance and contribution of UNDP activity in the development and economic growth in the PA territories, Jerusalem and in Area C (Wafa, August 31, 2023)
Shtayyeh meets with the new UNDP representative (Wafa, August 31, 2023)    Mahmoud Abbas meets with the Japanese minister of economy, industry and trade (Wafa, September 3, 2023).
Right: Mahmoud Abbas meets with the Japanese minister of economy, industry and trade (Wafa, September 3, 2023). Left: Shtayyeh meets with the new UNDP representative (Wafa, August 31, 2023)
The PA commemorates a Palestinian doctor-terrorist operative
  • Mai al-Kayla, PA minister of health, participated in the inauguration of a hall named for of Dr. Abdallah Abu al-Teen in the PA ministry of health building in Ramallah. The ceremony was attended by members of his family and Majed al-Fityani secretary of Fatah’s Revolutionary Council. Mai al-Kayla said in a speech that naming the hall for him was meant to commemorate him and keep him in the hearts of his colleagues and people. Majed al-Fityani said the Palestinian people did not forget their shaheeds and would continue to be loyal to every drop of blood shed on the land of “Palestine.” He added that everyone who knew Abu al-Teen had good memories of him (ministry of health in Ramallah Facebook page, August 31, 2023).
A picture of shaheed Dr. Abdallah Abu al-Teen (Facebook page of the Palestinian Ministry of Health, August 31, 2023)    Mai al-Kayla at the ceremony.
Right: Mai al-Kayla at the ceremony. Left: A picture of shaheed Dr. Abdallah Abu al-Teen (Facebook page of the Palestinian Ministry of Health, August 31, 2023)
  • Dr. Abdallah Abu al-Teen, who served as the head of the licensing unit at the ministry of health in Ramallah, was killed on October 14, 2022 in an exchange of fire with Israeli security forces in the Jenin refugee camp (ministry of health in Ramallah Facebook, October 14, 2022). The Fatah secretary in Jenin said Dr. Abdallah al-Ahmed, one of the senior Fatah members in Jenin, went to the refugee camp to confront Israeli security forces and was killed while fighting alongside his friends and engaging in an exchange of fire (al-Quds, October 14, 2022).
Dr. Abdallah al-Ahmed in his office at the ministry of health (Every Day website, October 14, 2022)    Dr. Abdallah al-Ahmed (Abu al-Teen) (al-Quds, October 14, 2022).
Right: Dr. Abdallah al-Ahmed (Abu al-Teen) (al-Quds, October 14, 2022). Left: Dr. Abdallah al-Ahmed in his office at the ministry of health (Every Day website, October 14, 2022)
The protest of security prisoners in Israeli prisons
  • Itamar Ben-Gvir, Israeli minister of national security, decided to change security prisoner family visits from monthly to bimonthly and instructed the Israel Prison Service commissioner to implement the directive (Israeli media, September 1, 2023). Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delayed its implementation (Haaretz, September 1, 2023). Palestinians condemned the directive, tensions were felt in Israeli prisons and threats of a hunger strike were heard:
  • The Palestinian prisoners’ emergency committee announced a hunger strike would begin on September 14, 2023 (the eve of the Jewish New Year), and a demonstration was held in front of Red Cross headquarters in the Gaza Strip (Telegram channel of the information office of the prisoners in Israeli prisons, September 3, 2023).
The demonstration in front of the Red Cross headquarters in Gaza (Telegram channel of the information office of the prisoners in the Israeli prisons, September 4, 2023)     The demonstration in front of the Red Cross headquarters in Gaza (Telegram channel of the information office of the prisoners in the Israeli prisons, September 4, 2023)
The demonstration in front of the Red Cross headquarters in Gaza (Telegram channel of the information office of the prisoners in the Israeli prisons, September 4, 2023)
    • Hussein al-Sheikh, secretary of the PLO’s Executive Committee, said the “racist measures” threatened to cause the situation to explode. He claimed the directive had to be canceled immediately and human rights organizations and the Red Cross had to intervene without delay (Hussein al-Sheikh’s Twitter account, September 1, 2023).
    • Zaher Jabarin, head of the Hamas office of shaheeds, prisoners and the wounded, warned the prisoners’ struggle would not remain within prison walls but would move to the territories of Judea, Samaria, Jerusalem, and even into the territory of the State of Israel (al-Jazeera, September 4, 2023).
  Right: A flysheet reading, "The prisoners prepare for a mass campaign" and above it "Ben-Gvir orders to start implementing his decisions" (Ahmed Hijazy's Twitter account, September 4, 2023). Center: "Ben-Gvir's decisions will come to nothing thanks to the determination of our prisoners" (Twitter account of Malach Sharif al-Masri, September 3, 2023). Left: "Our prisoners are free men, we are with you and we will help you" (Musheira Ahmed al-Aqad's Twitter account, September 3, 2023)
Right: A flysheet reading, “The prisoners prepare for a mass campaign” and above it “Ben-Gvir orders to start implementing his decisions” (Ahmed Hijazy’s Twitter account, September 4, 2023). Center: “Ben-Gvir’s decisions will come to nothing thanks to the determination of our prisoners” (Twitter account of Malach Sharif al-Masri, September 3, 2023). Left: “Our prisoners are free men, we are with you and we will help you” (Musheira Ahmed al-Aqad’s Twitter account, September 3, 2023)
Clashes between PA security forces and armed terrorists in Tulkarm
  • Clashes broke out in the Tulkarm refugee camp between PA security force operatives and local armed Palestinians. The operatives removed obstacles and IEDs placed by the militants to block the path of Israeli security forces when they entered the refugee camp. According to reports, the commander of the Jerusalem Brigades’ Tulkarm Battalion spoke on the phone with the commander of the security forces, claiming the charges did not contain explosives and were only a means of deception (al-Araby al-Jadeed, August 30, 2023).
  • Talal Dweikat, PA security force spokesman, said the forces had acted after receiving complaints from institutions and individuals about the presence of dangerous IEDs and barriers in front of schools in the refugee camp. He said the security forces had done everything necessary to remove them and prevent danger. According to Dweikat, after the security forces finished, gunmen opened fire in front of the district governor’s building, which required the security forces to take measures to control the situation (al-Araby al-Jadeed, August 30, 2023; Ultra Palestine website, August 30, 2023).
  • The Palestinian media reported the death of Abd al-Qader Nidal Zaqdah, who was wounded by gunfire in the refugee camp. Young Palestinians burned tires in front of the camp entrance and blocked the main road to protest his death. Hamas and the PIJ strongly condemned his death and the security forces’ harassment of “resistance” operatives. They called for the prosecution of those responsible for the “crime” (Hamas website, August 30, 2023; PIJ website, August 30, 2023).
A speaker for the armed groups in the refugee camp reads an announcement (Shehab, August 30, 2023)    Buring tires after death of the young man in the Tulkarm refugee camp (Palinfo Twitter account, August 30, 2023).
Right: Buring tires after death of the young man in the Tulkarm refugee camp (Palinfo Twitter account, August 30, 2023). Left: A speaker for the armed groups in the refugee camp reads an announcement (Shehab, August 30, 2023)
Rocks, Molotov cocktails and other attacks
  • In Judea, Samaria and east Jerusalem Palestinians continued throwing rocks and Molotov cocktails at Israeli vehicles driving on the roads. This past week there was an increase of attacks on buses. The more prominent events were the following:[7]
    • September 5, 2023: Rocks were thrown at an Israeli vehicle near the Lavona Junction (southwest of Salfit). No casualties were reported; the vehicle was damaged.
    • September 5, 2023: Rocks were thrown at an Israeli vehicle in Hebron. No casualties were reported; the vehicle was damaged.
    • September 5, 2023: Rocks were thrown at an Israeli bus near Teqoa (south of Bethlehem). No casualties were reported; the bus was damaged.
    • September 4, 2023: Rocks were thrown at an Israeli vehicle near the Avraham Hasno Junction[8] (southwest of Hebron). No casualties were reported; the vehicle was damaged.
    • September 3, 2023: Rocks were thrown at an Israeli bus near Hizma (south of Jerusalem). No casualties were reported; the bus was damaged
    • September 3, 2023: Rocks were thrown at an Israeli bus near the Adam Junction (north of Jerusalem). No casualties were reported; the bus was damaged.
    • September 3, 2023: Rocks were thrown at an Israeli bus near Nebi Elias (east of Qalqilya). The drive was injured by flying glass and the bus was damaged.
Right: The damage to the bus attacked near Nebi Elias (east of Qalqilya). Left: A rock thrown at the bus.
Right: The damage to the bus attacked near Nebi Elias (east of Qalqilya). Left: A rock thrown at the bus.
    • September 3, 2023: Rocks were thrown at an Israeli bus near al-Aroub (northeast of Hebron). No casualties were reported; the bus was damaged.
    • September 1, 2023: Rocks were thrown at an Israeli bus and other vehicles near Givat Asaf (north of Ramallah). No casualties were reported; vehicles were damaged.
    • September 1, 2023: Rocks were thrown at an Israeli vehicle in Hebron. No casualties were reported; the vehicle was damaged.
    • August 30, 2023: Rocks were thrown at an Israeli bus and other vehicles near Givat Asaf (north of Ramallah). No casualties were reported; vehicles were damaged.
    • August 30, 2023: Rocks were thrown at two Israeli buses near Nebi Elias (east of Qalqilya). Both bus drives were injured by flying glass and both buses were damaged.
    • August 29, 2023: Rocks were thrown at an Israeli bus near Ofarim (southwest of Salfit). No casualties or damage were reported.

[1] The Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange deal was a 2011 agreement between Israel and Hamas to release abducted Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit in exchange for 1,027 terrorist prisoners.
[2] A critical attack is defined by the ITIC as involving shooting, stabbing, a vehicular attack, the use of IEDs, or a combination of the above. Stones and Molotov cocktails thrown by Palestinians are not included.
[3] According to reports, he was the commander of the Ayash Battalion which claimed responsibility for firing rockets at Israel.
[4] Ahmed Abu Ara, 33 years old, from the village of Aqaba had not been seen at the family house for the past month. He is known as religiously devout and a Hamas military-terrorist wing operative. He has three brothers who in the past spent several years in Israeli prisons.
[5] The number of annual deaths in Israeli Arab society not from natural causes passed the three-digit mark in 2020, but has risen consistently since at least 2014.
[6] The United Nations Development Programme is a United Nations agency tasked with helping countries eliminate poverty and achieve sustainable economic growth and human development. The UNDP emphasizes developing local capacity towards long-term self-sufficiency and prosperity (Wikipedia).
[7] Information and pictures from Rescue Without Borders in Judea and Samaria unless otherwise noted.
[8] Named for Avraham Hasno, 54 years old, from Kiryat Arba, was murdered in October 2015 at the al-Fawwar junction near Hevron. Ambushed by Arab rock throwers, he exited his vehicle to chase off his attackers, but was intentionally run over and murdered by Sahban Wael at-Titi from Dahariya, near Hebron.