Spotlight on Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (June 8-14, 2022)

Samih Amarna during a clash with IDF forces in Ya'bad (Shehab Twitter account, June 11, 2022).

Samih Amarna during a clash with IDF forces in Ya'bad (Shehab Twitter account, June 11, 2022).

Mass-attended funeral held in Ya'bad for Samih Amarna. His body was wrapped for burial in a PIJ flag (Paldf Twitter account, June 11, 2022).

Mass-attended funeral held in Ya'bad for Samih Amarna. His body was wrapped for burial in a PIJ flag (Paldf Twitter account, June 11, 2022).

Video call from Mahmoud Abbas (Wafa, June 2, 2022).

Video call from Mahmoud Abbas (Wafa, June 2, 2022).

Issam al-Dalis reports on his visit to Egypt (al-Ra'i YouTube channel, June 9, 2022).

Issam al-Dalis reports on his visit to Egypt (al-Ra'i YouTube channel, June 9, 2022).

Mahmoud Abbas meets with the American delegation, headed by Barbara Leaf and Hady Amr (Wafa, June 11, 2022).

Mahmoud Abbas meets with the American delegation, headed by Barbara Leaf and Hady Amr (Wafa, June 11, 2022).

The Italian general consul presents Mai al-Kayla with a medal (ministry of health in Ramallah Facebook page, June 7, 2022).

The Italian general consul presents Mai al-Kayla with a medal (ministry of health in Ramallah Facebook page, June 7, 2022).

  • This past week the Israeli security forces continued operating in Judea and Samaria to detain Palestinians suspected of involvement in terrorist activities. Weapons were seized and funds for financing terrorist operations were confiscated. In a number of instances Palestinians clashed with the Israeli security forces and riots broke out.
  • On June 9, 2022, during an Israeli security force activity in Halhul, a Palestinian who attacked the soldiers was killed. On June 11, 2022, a Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) operative from Ya’bad died. He was wounded by IDF fire on June 2, 2022, when Palestinians rioted during the demolishing of a terrorist’s house.
  • A conference was held in al-Bireh regarding the historical status quo of al-Aqsa mosque and other Islamic sites in Jerusalem. Mahmoud Abbas and Muhammad Shtayyeh gave speeches stressing the Palestinians’ historical connection to Jerusalem and the holy sites, and denying Israel’s historical ties to Jerusalem.
  • The United States announced that the diplomatic department dealing with the Palestinians would be separated from the American embassy in Israel and become an independent unit directly subordinate to the State Department. That might indicate a change in American policy towards the Palestinians. It is also possible that the symbolic step was meant as a response to the Palestinian demands to reopen the American consulate in east Jerusalem, which was closed when the American embassy was relocated to Jerusalem.
  • The commission appointed by the UN Human Rights Council after Operation Guardian of the Walls issued its first report. Most of the claims were unilaterally directed against Israel. According to the report, the “occupation by Israel of Palestinian territory and discrimination against Palestinians are the key root causes of the recurrent tensions, instability and protraction of conflict in the region,” and if they ended, regional violence, conflict and instability would end. The Israeli foreign ministry rejected the findings, noting that they completely ignored years of deadly terrorism directed at Israel. The Palestinian Authority (PA) foreign ministry and Hamas welcomed the findings.
Palestinian killed in Ya’bad
  •   On June 11, 2022, Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) operative Samih Jamil Amarna, 35, from Ya’bad, south of Jenin, died. He was wounded by IDF fire on June 2, 2022, during the demolishment of the house of terrorist Día Hamarsheh, who carried out the shooting attack in Bnei Brak, killing five Israelis. The Palestinian social networks posted pictures of him clashing with IDF forces in Ya’bad (, Shehab, June 11, 2022). The PIJ in Ya’bad called for the public to attend his funeral. His body was wrapped for burial in a PIJ flag (Paldf Twitter account, June 11, 2022).
Samih Amarna during a clash with IDF forces in Ya'bad (Shehab Twitter account, June 11, 2022).   Memorial notice issued for Samih Amarna. The picture in the background shows him throwing rocks. The PIJ logo is in the upper right-hand corner (Ra'i al-Yawm, June 11, 2022).
Right: Memorial notice issued for Samih Amarna. The picture in the background shows him throwing rocks. The PIJ logo is in the upper right-hand corner (Ra’i al-Yawm, June 11, 2022). Samih Amarna during a clash with IDF forces in Ya’bad (Shehab Twitter account, June 11, 2022).
Mass-attended funeral held in Ya'bad for Samih Amarna. His body was wrapped for burial in a PIJ flag (Paldf Twitter account, June 11, 2022).
Mass-attended funeral held in Ya’bad for Samih Amarna. His body was wrapped for burial in a PIJ flag (Paldf Twitter account, June 11, 2022).
  • Senior PIJ figure Khader Adnan eulogized him. The PIJ declared that the “struggle” against Israel would continue, and called on the Palestinian people to escalate the “resistance” [i.e., terrorist attacks] and confront Israeli soldiers and settlers (Paltoday, June 11, 2022).
  • On June 10, 2022, a memorial ceremony was held for Jamil al-Amouri, a PIJ terrorist operative and founder of the Jenin Brigade, who was killed on June 10, 2021, during an IDF activity in Jenin. Before the ceremony the Jenin refugee camp’s joint operations room issued instructions for the operatives expected to participate in the ceremony. There were to be no telephones, no shots were to be fired into the air and faces had to be covered to prevent identification. Reporters who covered the event were asked to distort the voices of the PIJ operatives they interviewed and photograph the participants from afar (Paltoday, June 10, 2022).
Counterterrorism activities
  • This past week the Israeli security forces continued detaining Palestinians suspected of involvement in terrorist activities. Weapons were surrendered and funds meant to finance terrorist activities were confiscated. The main events were the following:
  • In Nablus Palestinians clashed with the Israeli security forces, throwing rocks and Molotov cocktails at the soldiers. A Palestinian suspected of throwing a Molotov cocktail was detained (IDF spokesman, June 8, 2022).
  •  During a Border Police undercover activity in east Jerusalem, after an attack on police and security vehicles, two Palestinians were detained on suspicion of throwing rocks at soldiers in Silwan and Ras al-Amoud. A search of the area revealed two bottles of paint (Israel Police Force spokesman’s unit, June 7, 2022).
  • In the village of Tamun, northeast of Nablus, Palestinians rioted, throwing Molotov cocktails and shooting at the forces. The Israeli security forces returned fire (IDF spokesman, June 9, 2022).
  •   In Halhul, north of Hebron, Israeli security forces confiscated more than a million shekels (about $290,000)from a money changer’s office. The money was suspected of earmarked to finance terrorist activities. The office was closed by army order. During the activity dozens of Palestinians clashed with the Israeli security forces, throwing rocks, Molotov cocktails and IEDs (IDF spokesman, June 9, 2022).
The money seized in the office (IDF spokesman, June 9, 2022).    Israeli security forces enter the money changer's office in Halhul (QudsN Twitter account, June 9, 2022).
Right: Israeli security forces enter the money changer’s office in Halhul (QudsN Twitter account, June 9, 2022). Left: The money seized in the office (IDF spokesman, June 9, 2022).
Weapons seized during Israeli security force activities (IDF spokesman, June 14, 2022).  Weapons seized during Israeli security force activities (IDF spokesman, June 14, 2022).
Weapons seized during Israeli security force activities (IDF spokesman, June 14, 2022).
  • The Palestinian media reported the death of Mahmud Fayez Abu ‘Ayhour, 27, from Halhul, during the raid on the money changer’s office. His body was wrapped for burial in a Palestinian flag and anti-Israeli slogans were chanted at his funeral (Halhul al-Hadath Facebook page, June 9, 2022). The Halhul city hall hung a mourning notice on a wall of the building and opened a mourning tent in front of the entrance. The tent was hung with Fatah flags (Halhul city hall Facebook page, June 11, 2022).
Mahmud Fayez Abu 'Ayhour (Paldf Twitter account, June 9, 2022).
Mahmud Fayez Abu ‘Ayhour (Paldf Twitter account, June 9, 2022).
Mourning notice hung on the Halhul city hall (Halhul city hall Facebook page, June 11, 2022).  The mourning tent erected in front of the Halhul city hall.
Right: The mourning tent erected in front of the Halhul city hall. Left: Mourning notice hung on the Halhul city hall (Halhul city hall Facebook page, June 11, 2022).
  • PA Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh called the death of Mahmoud Abu ‘Ayhour “an execution and sign that the occupation forces continue their terrorist activities and kill for the sake of killing.” The PA foreign ministry condemned “the crime of execution” and demanded the international community protect the Palestinian people (Wafa, June 9, 2022). The PIJ condemned the death of Mahmoud Abu ‘Ayhour, blaming the “criminal mentality” of the “occupation’s” soldiers, who, he alleged, “persecute the Palestinian people while storming their cities and towns, invade their homes and desecrate their holy sites” (Filastin al-Yawm, June 9, 2022). Hamas said they supported the “rebelling revolutionaries” who spearheaded the defense of the Palestinian people by escalating the confrontations (Filastin al-Yawm, June 9, 2022). After the funeral a demonstration was held in Halhul and Palestinians clashed with the Israeli security forces. A Palestinian was seriously injured.
Significant Terrorist Attacks in Judea and Samaria since January 2020[1]

Significant Terrorist Attacks in Judea and Samaria since January 2020

Palestinian conference to discuss Jerusalem and the Temple Mount compound
  • The Committee for Jerusalem Affairs[2] organized a conference in al-Bireh called “The conference of deeds of ownership and the historical situation of al-Aqsa mosque,” which dealt with the mosque’s historical status quo. It was attended by Muslim clerics, researchers, historians and foreign diplomats. Ahmed al-Ruwaidi, advisor to Mahmoud Abbas for Jerusalem affairs and chairman of the Committee, said the conference was held on instructions from Mahmoud Abbas, who wanted an investigation of the legal status of Jerusalem and al-Aqsa mosque as they appeared in historical documents (Wafa, June 8, 2022).
  • The conference began with a video call from Mahmoud Abbas. He said they were defending their holy sites in accordance with their commitment to the historical status quo of al-Aqsa and east Jerusalem. The conference, he claimed, was being held as part of defending their religious-historical narrative regarding al-Aqsa mosque and the sites holy to Islam, and opposing the “false, disproven” narrative of Israel. He added that the conference was important in establishing their rights. However, he said, the conflict with Israel was political, not religious. A speech was also given by Muhammad Shtayyeh, who said the conference was important in the war against Israel’s narrative, which “falsified historical facts,” not only regarding al-Aqsa but also the Tomb of the Sepulcher in Jerusalem (Wafa, June 8, 2022).
 Video call from Mahmoud Abbas (Wafa, June 2, 2022).   The conference meeting in al-Bireh.
Right: The conference meeting in al-Bireh. Left: Video call from Mahmoud Abbas
(Wafa, June 2, 2022).
Rocket and mortar shell fire into Israel
  • This past week no rocket or mortar shell hits were identified in Israeli territory.
Monthly Distribution of Rocket and Mortar Shell Fire since January 2020

Annual Distribution of Rocket Hits

Annual Distribution of Rocket Hits

Hamas delegation visits Egypt
  •  A Hamas delegation, led by Issam al-Dalis, head of the Hamas “governmental” monitoring committee, visited Egypt. He called the visit positive and fruitful. He said they had dealt with a number of issues, including bilateral trade and the projects carried out by Egypt as part of rebuilding the Gaza Strip. He said that after he had presented a picture of the public health conditions in the Gaza Strip, Egypt said it was prepared to send a delegation of doctors and medical teams to Gaza. The Egyptians also promised, according to al-Dalis, to increase the quotas of Gazans who could enter and leave the Gaza Strip through the Rafah Crossing during the coming three months (al-Ra’i, June 9, 2022).
Issam al-Dalis reports on his visit to Egypt (al-Ra'i YouTube channel, June 9, 2022).
Issam al-Dalis reports on his visit to Egypt (al-Ra’i YouTube channel, June 9, 2022).
Ziyad al-Nakhalah on the conditions of prisoners and administrative detainees
  • PIJ leader Ziyad al-Nakhalah issued a press release claiming that the events in Jerusalem, the Israeli “violations” in al-Aqsa mosque, the daily killings in the West Bank cities, the demolishing of houses, the ongoing harm done to the prisoners and the disregard of the hunger strikes of the administrative detainees demanded a determined stance from the “national” and Islamic forces and from the entire Palestinian people. He particularly noted the poor condition of Khalil al-Awawda, a PIJ operative and administrative detainee who has been on a hunger strike for more than 100 days (Filastin al-Yawm, June 12, 2022).
  • Following the press release, Senior PIJ figure Khaled al-Batash called on the Palestinian organizations to meet to discuss the implications of “Israel’s aggression” and the issue of the hunger-striking prisoners. He said Israel was responsible for the severe deterioration of their condition (Filastin al-Yawm, June 12, 2022).
  •  On June 13, 2022, representatives of the organizations in the Gaza Strip held a meeting, after which they issued a statement of support for the prisoners, especially those on hunger strikes. They called for an increase in the activity to support the prisoners and for all Arab and Islamic countries, especially Egypt, to intervene and stop Israel’s “aggression” and end the suffering of the hunger-striking prisoners (Masdar al-Akhbariya, June 13, 2022).
Meeting of the Palestinian organizations in the Gaza Strip (Twitter account of journalist Hassan Aslih, June 13, 2022).
Meeting of the Palestinian organizations in the Gaza Strip
(Twitter account of journalist Hassan Aslih, June 13, 2022).
  • The Hezbollah-affiliated Lebanese daily newspaper al-Akhbar, quoting “a Palestinian source,” said that if Israel continued its military activities in the West Bank, especially in Jenin, there was concern the PIJ would follow a course of “escalation” and take revenge for the death of its operatives (al-Akhbar, June 14, 2022).
Distribution of funds to families of shaheeds and prisoners
  • The Hamas ministries of the treasury and prisoners’ affairs announced that the funds for the families of shaheeds, wounded and prisoners for May would be paid on June 12, 2022, at post office bank branches (Shams News, June 9, 2022).
PA-United States relations
  • Mahmoud Abbas met with a delegation of American diplomats headed by Barbara Leaf, the Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, and her aid, Hady Amr, Deputy Assistant Secretary. They discussed “Israel’s ongoing ‘escalation’ against the Palestinians.” Mahmoud Abbas said the Palestinian leadership was taking steps to cope with Israel’s “escalation.” He said the situation had become unbearable and their objective was to end the “occupation” on the basis of international resolutions (Wafa, June 11, 2022).
Mahmoud Abbas meets with the American delegation, headed by Barbara Leaf and Hady Amr (Wafa, June 11, 2022).      Mahmoud Abbas meets with the American delegation, headed by Barbara Leaf and Hady Amr (Wafa, June 11, 2022).
Mahmoud Abbas meets with the American delegation, headed by Barbara Leaf and Hady Amr (Wafa, June 11, 2022).
  • On June 9, 2022, the United States announced the department dealing with diplomatic relations with the Palestinians would be separated from the American embassy and be directly subordinate to the American Department of State. The name was changed from the Palestinian Affairs Unit to the Office of Palestinian Affairs. The new name may indicate a change in American policy in view of the upcoming visit of President Biden (Reuters, June 9, 2022).
  • The American consulate in Jerusalem was closed when Trump relocated the embassy to Jerusalem on May 18, 2018. Since then, the Palestinians have demanded the United States reopen it. It may be a symbolic act to meet the Palestinians’ demand.
Mahmoud Abbas visits Cyprus
  •  On June 13, 2022, Mahmoud Abbas arrived in Cyprus for a three-day visit. He is expected to meet with the heads of the local government, including the Cypriote president (Wafa, June 13, 2022). Abdallah al-Atari, the PA representative in Cyprus, said that during the visit three bilateral agreements would be signed, one in support of women’s rights, one giving scholarships to Palestinian students, and one for training diplomats (Sawa, June 12, 2022).
Mahmoud Abbas meets in Nicosia with ambassadors to Cyprus from the Arab states (Mahmoud Abbas' Facebook page, June 13, 2022).
Mahmoud Abbas meets in Nicosia with ambassadors to Cyprus from the Arab states (Mahmoud Abbas’ Facebook page, June 13, 2022).
The EU transfers funds to the PA
  • Shadi Uthman, spokesman for the EU in the PA, said that if an agreement could be reached and they could overcome the last barriers, in the coming days the EU would announce the transfer of the PA’s budget. He confirmed that UNRWA would receive about €85 million (Dunia al-Watan, June 12, 2022). Estephan Salameh, Mahmoud Abbas’ advisor for planning and aid coordination, said the EU would vote on the aid. He said Europe gave the Palestinians €300 million every year which was divided among various projects and did not necessarily go to the PA treasury (Sawa, June 12, 2022).
  • However, ‘Adel al-Atiya, Palestinian representative to the EU, said the EU would give the Palestinians the funds unconditionally. He said receipt of the aid would be the result of diplomatic efforts invested over the past six months (Sawa, June 13, 2022).
  • Since March 15, 2022, the EU has delayed the transfer of its annual aid to the PA because of the Hungarian representative’s demand to condition it on reforms in the PA’s curriculum and textbooks, including the removal of anti-Semitic material and incitement.
Muhammad Shtayyeh tries to enlist aid from Germany
  • On June 7, 2022, Muhammad Shtayyeh met in Ramallah with Robert Habeck, Germany’s vice chancellor, who is also the minister of economy and energy. Shtayyeh informed him of Israel’s “escalation” in Jerusalem, its “invasions” of al-Aqsa mosque and the “executions of innocent Palestinians” carried out by Israel, including women and children. He thanked Germany for its support and financial aid, and said European, German and international intervention in the Palestinian cause had to be enabled. The vice chancellor discussed ways to help with energy-related projects (Wafa, June 7, 2022).
Muhammad Shtayyeh meets with the German vice chancellor (Wafa, June 7, 2022).
Muhammad Shtayyeh meets with the German vice chancellor (Wafa, June 7, 2022).
  • On June 9, 2022, Shtayyeh participated at the signing of an agreement with Germany for €10 million for the PA’s public health system. The funds will be transferred by the German KfW Bank, which has also supported hospitals in east Jerusalem and promoted outpatient clinics in Area C (Wafa, June 9, 2022).
The Palestinian minister of health slandered Israel to the international community
  • On June 7, 2022, during a ceremony held in Ramallah for Italy’s Republic Day, the Italian general consul presented Mai al-Kayla, PA minister of health, with an award from the president of Italy. It was given because of her previous work as PA representative in Italy, her management of the corona crisis and in honor of her efforts to better relations between Italy and the PA. She gave a speech in which she related to what she claimed was Israel’s “racist policy” towards ailing Palestinian prisoners. She called on the International Criminal Court for an urgent investigation of the killing of Palestinian reporter Shireen Abu Akleh and bringing to trial those in Israel responsible (ministry of health in Ramallah Facebook page, June 7, 2022).
The Italian general consul presents Mai al-Kayla with a medal (ministry of health in Ramallah Facebook page, June 7, 2022).
The Italian general consul presents Mai al-Kayla with a medal
(ministry of health in Ramallah Facebook page, June 7, 2022).
Responses to the findings of the UN commission investigating Operation Guardian of the Walls
  • The investigatory UN commission appointed by the UN’s Human Rights Council after Operation Guardian of the Walls issued its first report, which focused on the roots of the conflict. Most of the claims were unilaterally directed against Israel. According to the report, the “occupation by Israel of Palestinian territory and discrimination against Palestinians are the key root causes of the recurrent tensions, instability and protraction of conflict in the region.” The report also claimed that Israel’s not being punished for its actions only served to increase the hatred of the Palestinian people for Israel. The report noted that the PA often used the “occupation” as an excuse to violate human rights and it was the main reason elections were not held (UN website, June 8, 2022).
  • The Israeli foreign ministry rejected the findings of the report, stating they were biased and ignored years of deadly anti-Israeli terrorism. The PA foreign ministry praised the report, the “independence” of the commission and its efforts to complete it. According to the PA foreign ministry, the report confirms that the Israeli “occupation” is the source of regional instability (PA foreign ministry Facebook page, June 8, 2022). Hamas praised commission and said the report was another call to the international community to act to bring the Palestinian people justice by ending the “occupation” and assigning responsibility to the Israeli leadership (Hamas Telegram channel, June 8, 2022).
Reactions to the Norwegian government’s decision to mark food manufactured in the settlement
  • On June 10, 2022, the government of Norway voted that imported food products manufactured in the settlements, the Golan Heights and east Jerusalem to be marked accordingly, not as manufactured in Israel. The decision was based on a European Court ruling from November 2019 calling for products manufactured in Israel to be differentiated from those manufactured in the “occupied” territories. The PA foreign ministry welcomed the decision. It issued a statement calling the decision legal and moral, and important for implementing many international commitments, including imposing sanctions on Israel. The ministry called on all countries to boycott such products (Wafa, June 12, 2022). At the weekly government meeting Muhammad Shtayyeh praised the Norwegian decision and called on all countries to follow in Norway’s footsteps (Wafa, June 13, 2022).
The Palestinians condemn the election of Gilad Erdan to the position of General Assembly vice president
  • The PA foreign ministry condemned the election of Gilad Erdan, the Israeli ambassador to the UN, to the position of General Assembly vice president. The foreign ministry called it “marketing and giving legitimacy to the colonial occupation of the land of the ‘state of Palestine’ ” (Palestinian News Agency, June 8, 2022). At the weekly government meeting, Muhammad Shtayyeh expressed shock and surprise, saying it was unacceptable that Israel receive a prize for repeatedly violating international law and human rights laws (Wafa, June 13, 2022). Hamas also condemned the appointment, claiming it “disparaged the values of liberty and justice,” and was a threat [sic] to world security and peace (Hamas Telegram channel, June 8, 2022).
Hamas terrorist network exposed by the PA security forces
  • The PA security forces exposed an extensive Hamas terrorist network in the village of Bitunia, near Ramallah. The network was revealed following an explosion in a carpentry shop belonging to a Hamas operative. The explosion was caused by a large quantity of liquid chemicals. A tunnel was found which reached the Muqata’a, the seat of the PA government, a map of the Muqata’a, C4 explosives, weapons, money and a Hamas flag. The Palestinian media reported that the exposure of the network prevented an attempted coup and attacks on 15 senior officers. Nineteen Hamas operatives were detained (al-Hayat Press, June 9, 2022).
 The exposed opening of the tunnel shaft   The explosion in the carpentry shop in Bitunia.
Right: The explosion in the carpentry shop in Bitunia. Left: The exposed opening of the tunnel shaft
Map of the Muqata'a in Ramallah (al-Hayat Press, June 9, 2022).    Map of the Muqata'a in Ramallah (al-Hayat Press, June 9, 2022).
Map of the Muqata’a in Ramallah (al-Hayat Press, June 9, 2022).
  • Muhannad Karaji, the lawyer representing the Hamas detainees, said all his clients had been imprisoned in the Jericho jail. He claimed that some of them who came to the hearing in court were incapable of speech, and on some of them there were visible signs of torture (, June 14, 2022).
Rocks, Molotov cocktails and other attacks
  • In Judea, Samaria and east Jerusalem Palestinians continued throwing rocks and Molotov cocktails at Israeli vehicles driving on the roads. The more prominent events were the following:[3]
    • June 14, 2022: Rocks were thrown at an Israeli bus near Bayt Ummar, north of Hebron. No casualties or damage were reported.
    • June 13, 2022: A Molotov cocktail was thrown at an Israeli vehicle on the Husan bypass road, west of Bethlehem. No casualties or damage were reported.
    • June 13, 2022: Rocks were thrown at an Israeli vehicle near Givat Assaf, east of Ramallah. No casualties were reported; the vehicle was damaged.
    • June 12, 2022: Rocks were thrown at an Israeli vehicle on the Gush Etzion-Hebron road. No casualties or damage were reported.
    • June 12, 2022: Rocks were thrown at an Israeli bus near Hawwara, south of Nablus. No casualties were reported; the bus was damaged.
    • June 12, 2022: Rocks were thrown at an Israeli vehicle near the village of Shuqba, northwest of Ramallah. No casualties were reported; the windshield of the vehicle was damaged.
    • June 12, 2022: Rocks were thrown at an Israeli vehicle near the Jericho observation point, southwest of Jericho. No casualties or damage were reported.
    • June 12, 2022: Rocks were thrown at an Israeli vehicle between the Gitai Junction and Ariel, south of Nablus. No casualties were reported; the vehicle was damaged.
    • June 12, 2022: Rocks were thrown at an Israeli vehicle near Ofra, northeast of Ramallah. A woman was injured by flying glass.
    • June 10, 2022: An IED as hidden inside a burning tire placed near the fence of the New Givon settlement, southwest of Ramallah. No casualties but damage was reported.
    • June 9, 2022: Rocks were thrown at an Israeli vehicle on the ‘Abud bypass road, northwest of Ramallah. A woman was injured and the vehicle was damaged.
    • June 7, 2022: Rocks were thrown at Israeli buses between Anatot and Hizma, northeast of Jerusalem. The bus and other vehicles were damaged.
    • June 7, 2022: Rocks were thrown at an Israeli vehicle south of Eli, northeast of Ramallah. Two reserve IDF soldiers were injured and evacuated to a hospital. The vehicle was damaged.
    • June 7, 2022: Rocks were thrown at an Israeli bus near Qadumim, east of Qalqilya. No casualties were reported; the vehicle was damaged.

[1] A significant attack is defined by the ITIC as involving shooting, stabbing, a vehicular attack, the use of IEDs, or a combination of the above. Stones and Molotov cocktails thrown by Palestinians are not included
[2] The Committee for Jerusalem Affairs was appointed in the 1990s by senior PA figure Feisal al-Husseini, who participated in the negotiations with Israel, to ensure Jerusalem would remain an integral part of the Palestinian territories.
[3] Information and pictures from Rescue Without Borders in Judea and Samaria unless otherwise noted.