Spotlight on the Israel-Palestinian Conflict (May 28 – June 4 , 2024)

Weapons located in the Rafah area (IDF spokesperson, June 1, 2024).

Weapons located in the Rafah area (IDF spokesperson, June 1, 2024).

Tunnel shafts and rocket launchers located and destroyed along the Philadelphia Axis (IDF spokesperson, May 31, 2024)

Tunnel shafts and rocket launchers located and destroyed along the Philadelphia Axis (IDF spokesperson, May 31, 2024)

Tents in Deir al-Balah following the flight of Rafah residents from the combat zones (Wafa YouTube channel, May 28, 2024)

Tents in Deir al-Balah following the flight of Rafah residents from the combat zones (Wafa YouTube channel, May 28, 2024)

IDF forces activity in al-Sabra (IDF Spokesperson website, June 1, 2024).

IDF forces activity in al-Sabra (IDF Spokesperson website, June 1, 2024).

Weapons located by the IDF forces in the tunnels during the operation in Jebalya (IDF spokesperson, May 31, 2024)

Weapons located by the IDF forces in the tunnels during the operation in Jebalya (IDF spokesperson, May 31, 2024)

Residents return to the Jebalya refugee camp (Wafa YouTube channel, May 31, 2024)

Residents return to the Jebalya refugee camp (Wafa YouTube channel, May 31, 2024)

Trucks carrying humanitarian aid enter Gaza (COGAT Facebook page in Arabic, June 2, 2024)

Trucks carrying humanitarian aid enter Gaza (COGAT Facebook page in Arabic, June 2, 2024)

The Iranian foreign minister meets with senior Palestinian terrorists (Palinfo, June 3, 2024)

The Iranian foreign minister meets with senior Palestinian terrorists (Palinfo, June 3, 2024)

The commander of the Qods Force meets in Tehran with the Hamas representative (Palinfo, May 28, 2024)

The commander of the Qods Force meets in Tehran with the Hamas representative (Palinfo, May 28, 2024)

Muhammad Mustafa visits Jenin (Qalqilya al-Hadath Facebook page and Wafa, June 1, 2024)

Muhammad Mustafa visits Jenin (Qalqilya al-Hadath Facebook page and Wafa, June 1, 2024)

  • The southern arena: IDF forces advanced to the center of Rafah and gained operational control of the Philadelphia Axis along the Gaza Strip-Egypt border, where about 20 tunnels were located, some of which crossed into Egyptian territory. IDF forces also began operating in the al-Sabra and Zeitoun neighborhoods in southern Gaza City and completed their activity in the Jebalya refugee camp. Six IDF soldiers were killed fighting in the southern and northern Gaza Strip.
  • The issue of the hostages: Following President Biden’s proposal for a permanent ceasefire in the war in the Gaza Strip and the release of the hostages, Hamas reacted with suspicion and demanded written guarantees.
  • Aid for the Gaza Strip: This past week 1,858 trucks carrying humanitarian aid entered the Gaza Strip through the Erez and Kerem Shalom Crossings. A technical fault shut down the activity of the American naval pier off the Gazan shore.
  • Israel, Judea and Samaria: There were four terrorist attacks; two IDF soldiers were killed in a vehicle ramming attack near Nablus; a shooting attack in the Tulkarm area was prevented and a plan by the Hamas headquarters in Turkey to carry out a mass attack on Israeli territory was exposed. The Israeli security forces continued their counterterrorism activities in Judea and Samaria. A senior wanted terrorist operative was detained in the Balata refugee camp and three IDF fighters were wounded by an IED during an activity in Tubas.
  • The Palestinian Authority continued to call for an immediate end to the war in the Gaza Strip and the withdrawal of all IDF forces. The International Court of Justice in The Hague announced that the Palestinian Authority had requested to join South Africa’s lawsuit.
IDF activity in the Gaza Strip
  • This past week the IDF forces penetrated into the center of Rafah and achieved full operational control of the Philadelphia Axis along the Gaza Strip border with Egypt, locating about 20 tunnels, some of which crossed into Egyptian territory. The forces began operating in the al-Sabra and Zeitoun neighborhoods in the south of Gaza City to secure the Netzarim Corridor. After 20 days the activity in the Jebalya refugee camp was completed. Six IDF soldiers were killed fighting in the southern and northern Gaza Strip.
  • Rafah: IDF forces advanced to the center of Rafah while activity continued in the east of the city, and operational control over the Philadelphia Axis was completed. The forces located dozens of tunnel shafts in the Philadelphia Axis, and according to reports, approximately 20 tunnels crossed into Egyptian territory. Large quantities of weapons were also found, including rocket launchers aimed at Israel, an ammunition depot containing dozens of grenades, IEDs, guns and rifle magazines. During the operation in Rafah the forces destroyed dozens of terrorist facilities, including positions from which anti-tank missiles were launched, sniper positions and ammunition storage centers, and fought against terrorist operatives on the ground and in tunnels. Three soldiers were killed when an IED exploded in a booby-trapped tunnel shaft in a civilian infirmary and another soldier was killed in battle (IDF spokesperson and Israeli media, May 28 to June 3, 2024).
 Tunnel shafts and rocket launchers located and destroyed along the Philadelphia Axis (IDF spokesperson, May 31, 2024)     Weapons located in the Rafah area (IDF spokesperson, June 1, 2024).
Right: Weapons located in the Rafah area (IDF spokesperson, June 1, 2024). Left: Tunnel shafts and rocket launchers located and destroyed along the Philadelphia Axis (IDF spokesperson, May 31, 2024)
  • The Palestinian media reported on the continued flight of residents from Rafah to the Deir al-Balah region in the wake of IDF activity in Rafah. Local residents claimed they had been forced to flee by the arrival of IDF forces (Wafa YouTube channel, May 28, 2024). According to UNRWA data, about one million people have been evacuated from Rafah since the start of IDF  operations in the city (Ma’an, June 3, 2024).
Tents in Deir al-Balah following the flight of Rafah residents from the combat zones (Wafa YouTube channel, May 28, 2024)     Tents in Deir al-Balah following the flight of Rafah residents from the combat zones (Wafa YouTube channel, May 28, 2024)
Tents in Deir al-Balah following the flight of Rafah residents from the combat zones
(Wafa YouTube channel, May 28, 2024)
  • The central Gaza Strip: On June 1, 2024, IDF forces began operating in the al-Sabra and Zeitoun neighborhoods in the south of Gaza City. They located large quantities of weapons (including a warehouse containing rocket components), destroyed terrorist facilities and eliminated a terrorist squad firing RPGs at them (IDF spokesperson, June 1, 2024). According to an al-Jazeera correspondent, the objective of the IDF activity in the central Gaza Strip was to protect the Netzarim Corridor, and therefore they attacked Hamas operatives who shot at or surveilled them from nearby locations (al-Jazeera YouTube channel, June 1, 2024).
 Al-Jazeera TV presenter describes the IDF activity in the Netzarim Corridor (al-Jazeera TV YouTube channel, June 1, 2024)     IDF forces activity in al-Sabra (IDF Spokesperson website, June 1, 2024).
Right: IDF forces activity in al-Sabra (IDF Spokesperson website, June 1, 2024). Al-Jazeera TV presenter describes the IDF activity in the Netzarim Corridor (al-Jazeera TV YouTube channel, June 1, 2024)
The IDF completes its activities in the Jebalya refugee camp
  • On May 31, 2024, the IDF announced the end of its activity in the Jebalya refugee camp, which lasted for about 20 days. During the activity the forces eliminated about 500 terrorist operatives, carried out over 200 airstrikes, destroyed ten kilometers of tunnels and recovered seven bodies of Israeli hostages. The forces also located and destroyed dozens of terrorist facilities, rocket launching complexes with launchers prepared for firing, combat compounds, weapons depots and workshops for the production of weapons. Throughout the operation, Hamas operatives used civilian facilities for terrorist purposes, shooting at the forces from shelters, schools and established underground facilities in civilian buildings. Two IDF fighters  were killed (IDF spokesperson and Israeli media, May 30 and 31, 2024).
Weapons located by the IDF forces in the tunnels during the operation in Jebalya (IDF spokesperson, May 31, 2024)
Weapons located by the IDF forces in the tunnels during the operation in Jebalya
(IDF spokesperson, May 31, 2024)
  • The Palestinian media reported that with the end of the IDF activity, many residents had begun to return to their previous places of residence in the Jebalya refugee camp. However, some expressed fear the IDF forces would return (al-Quds, June 2, 2024). It was also reported that work was being done to rescue victims and remove the dead from under the rubble (Wafa YouTube channel, May 31, 2024).
Residents return to the Jebalya refugee camp (Wafa YouTube channel, May 31, 2024)
Residents return to the Jebalya refugee camp (Wafa YouTube channel, May 31, 2024)
Rocket fire from the Gaza Strip
    • This past week there was a decrease in the number of rockets fired at Israel from the Gaza Strip. No casualties or damage were reported:
    • May 30, 2024: In the evening a rocket fired from the Gaza City region fell in an open area near Kibbutz Sa’ad in the western Negev (Israeli media, May 30, 2024). In the morning a rocket was fired from Khan Yunis and fell in an open area (Israeli media, May 30, 2024). The Izz al-Din Qassam Brigades, Hamas’ military wing, claimed responsibility for firing a barrage of rockets at Kibbutz Nirim (al-Jazeera TV X account, May 30, 2024).
    • May 28, 2024: In the afternoon a rocket was launched and fell in an open area (Israeli media, May 28, 2024).
Monthly Distribution of Rocket and Mortar Shell Fire since February 2022

Monthly Distribution of Rocket and Mortar Shell Fire since February 2022

Annual Distribution of Rocket Hits
Annual Distribution of Rocket Hits
* Distribution for 2024 begins in May
IDF investigation after Hamas terrorist operatives eliminated in Rafah
  • On May 28, 2024, the IDF spokesperson presented to the international media the findings of the investigation into the attack in Rafah which targeted two senior Hamas operatives on May 26, 2024, following Palestinian claims that more than 40 people in the displaced persons camp had been killed by the attack. According to the investigation, the fighter jets that carried out the attack had fired small rockets, each of which carried 17 kg (about 38 lb) of explosives, with the explicit objective of preventing harm to civilians or causing extensive environmental damage. The two senior terrorist operatives were eliminated in a closed area of tin sheds about 1.7 km (a little more than a mile) from the displaced persons’ camp, contrary to Hamas’ claims that the attack was carried out in the safe zone. The investigation also revealed a rocket launcher and launch pits in the area, and after the attack there were secondary explosions caused by Hamas’ storage of ammunition in a civilian environment. About 1.7 kilometers separated the safe zone defined by the IDF from the attack points (IDF spokesperson, May 28, 2024).
 The location of the attack [red] and the location claimed by Hamas [white] (IDF spokesperson, May 28, 2024)    Launch pits in the Rafah region.
Right: Launch pits in the Rafah region. Left: The location of the attack [red] and the location claimed by Hamas [white] (IDF spokesperson, May 28, 2024)
The hostages and a ceasefire agreement
  • On May 31, 2024, United States President Biden presented the main points of the Israeli proposal regarding the negotiations with Hamas for a ceasefire and the release of the hostages (Israeli media, May 31, 2024). A joint statement issued by the three mediators, the United States, Egypt and Qatar, called on Hamas and Israel to finish consolidating the agreement according to the principles presented by President Biden, which addressed the interests of all parties (United States State Department website, June 1, 2024). Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) reacted with skepticism and demanded guarantees that Israel would stop the war completely and withdraw all its forces:
    • Hamas’ official answer to Biden was that the movement responded positively to his call for a permanent ceasefire, the withdrawal of IDF forces from the Gaza Strip, the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip and the release of hostages in exchange for prisoners. The announcement accused Israel of using the negotiations as a cover for continuing [alleged] “aggression and massacres” against the Palestinian people. Hamas claimed that if Israel stopped the war and [alleged] “aggression,” it would be ready for an agreement which included a “full exchange agreement” (Hamas website, May 31, 2024).
    • Osama Hamdan, a senior Hamas member, said the ceasefire proposal presented by Biden was “positive” and they were studying it in order to frame a response, but had not yet received it in writing. He added that Hamas would consider any proposal that offered a ceasefire, withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, reconstruction, a fair exchange deal and an Israeli commitment (al-Jazeera, June 1, 2024)
    • Ahmed Abd al-Hadi, Hamas’ representative in Lebanon, said Hamas would not change its conditions regarding reconstruction, the return of the displaced persons to their previous places of residence and a comprehensive ceasefire. He also wondered how it would possible to negotiate while the [alleged] “massacres” continued. He said Hamas was waiting for Israel to agree in writing and with commitments and guarantees, and therefore now the ball was in the court of Netanyahu and the American administration, which had to exert pressure on Israel. Al-Hadi added that the “resistance” wanted to end the [alleged] “aggression against the Palestinians,” but adhered to its terms (180news website, June 2, 2024).
    • The PIJ said it was suspicious of President Biden’s proposal, which implied that the American administration had changed its position while it still declared support for Israel, whitewashed its crimes and participated in the “aggression” against the Palestinians. The PIJ claimed it would honor any proposal that guaranteed the end of the war against the Palestinians, met their interests, protected their rights, and met the demands of the “resistance” forces. The PIJ added that it would study the proposal and take a national position (PIJ combat information Telegram channel, June 1, 2024).
  • Foreign leaders also called on Hamas and Israel to agree to Biden’s proposal. French President Macron tweeted in Hebrew and Arabic that the war in the Gaza Strip had to stop. He expressed support for Biden’s proposal and emphasized the need to release the hostages and for a ceasefire in order to advance the peace process (Macron’s X account, May 31, 2024) British Foreign Minister Cameron called on Hamas to accept the offer in order to end the fighting, release the hostages, return the displaced persons and increase the delivery of humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip. He added that the opportunity should be used to bring the conflict to an end (Cameron’s X account, May 31, 2024).
Palestinian casualties
  • The Hamas-controlled ministry of health in the Gaza Strip reported at 2:00 p.m., June 3, 2024, that since the beginning of the war 36,479 Palestinians had been killed and 82,777 injured (ministry of health in Gaza Facebook page, June 3, 2024).
  • Air Force aircraft carried out several targeted attacks on senior Hamas terrorist operatives:
    • On May 31, 2024, Walid Abd Abu Dalal, was killed in an attack on the camps in the central Gaza Strip. He was an operative in Hamas military wing and head of the technology department of Hamas’ internal security forces (IDF spokesperson, June 1, 2024).
    • On May 31, 2024, Tareq Darwish was killed in an attack in the al-Nuseirat region. He was a key operative in the aerial unit of Hamas’ al-Nuseirat Battalion (IDF spokesperson, June 1, 2024).
    • On May 30, 2024, Salama Barakeh was killed in an attack in the Khan Yunis region. He was a Hamas terrorist operative in the East Khan Yunis Battalion and head of the Hamas police force’s finance department (IDF spokesperson, June 1, 2024).
Salama Barakeh (@ozeel1987's X account, May 29, 2024)
Salama Barakeh (@ozeel1987’s X account, May 29, 2024)
  • On May 30, 2024, Mansour Adel Mansour Qashlan was killed in an attack in al-Nuseirat. He was involved in directing Hamas attacks on Israeli territory, especially in Judea and Samaria. He coordinated and cooperated with terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip and abroad (IDF spokesperson, June 1, 2024).
Aid for the Gaza Strip
  • The Israeli Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) reported that between May 26 and June 1, 2024, 1,858 trucks carrying humanitarian aid entered the Gaza Strip through the Kerem Shalom and Erez-West Crossings, including 764 trucks from Egypt, 124 from Jordan, 312 trucks of flour from the World Food Program for warehouses in the Gaza Strip, and 13 tankers bringing more than half a million liters of fuel and diesel oil to operate vital centers in the Gaza Strip (COGAT Facebook page in Arabic, June 2, 2024; COGAT X account, June 2, 2024). According to the COGAT, a record number of 5,258 trucks entered the Gaza Strip in May, compared to 4,829 in April and 3,616 in March (COGAT X, June 3, 2024).
 Trucks carrying humanitarian aid enter Gaza (COGAT Facebook page in Arabic, June 2, 2024)     Trucks carrying humanitarian aid enter Gaza (COGAT Facebook page in Arabic, June 2, 2024)
Trucks carrying humanitarian aid enter Gaza (COGAT Facebook page in Arabic, June 2, 2024)
  • However, the Hamas-controlled government information office continued claiming a shortage of food and medical equipment, and blamed Israel and the United States for the situation (Hamas government information office in the Gaza Strip, May 31, 2024).
  • Meanwhile, the floating pier constructed by the United States military off the Gaza Strip coast for the transfer of humanitarian aid halted its activity after about ten days. The Pentagon deputy spokeswoman said that on May 28, 2024, a section of the pier had broken off due to weather conditions. She said the pier would be closed and sent to Ashdod where the American Central Command (CENTCOM) would repair it. She estimated that repair would take more than a week, after which the pier would have to be re-moored to the Gaza Strip shore (The Guardian, May 28, 2024).
The Rafah Crossing
  • On June 2, 2024, an Egyptian-Israeli-American meeting was held in Cairo to discuss the Rafah Crossing, which has been closed since the IDF took over the Gazan side about a month ago. A “high-ranking Egyptian source” said that Egypt insisted on an Israeli withdrawal from the Palestinian side of the Rafah crossing so that it could be reopened. According to the source, the Egyptian delegation said immediate action had to be taken to bring at least 350 aid trucks into the Strip every day with all the necessary aid, including food, medical equipment or fuel (al-Qahera al-Ekhbariya TV website, June 2, 2024; al-Ghad TV website, June 2, 2024). Two Egyptian “security sources” said that the meeting was positive, even though no agreement had been reached regarding the reopening of the Crossing. The Egyptian representatives stated they were open to the presence of European observers at the border to monitor the operation of the Crossing carried out by the Palestinian authorities. According to the Egyptians, the representatives of Israel and the United States said they would act quickly to remove the obstacles that hinder the Crossing’s operation (Reuters, June 2, 2024).
  • Hamas gave opposing reactions to transferring the management of the Rafah Crossing to the Palestinian Authority (PA). A “source” in Hamas said that the movement had not been opposed to the idea, noting that Hamas had already transferred the management of the Crossing to the PA in 2017, following the signing of the reconciliation agreement. He said the Crossing was Egyptian-Palestinian and Israel could not have a part in its management and operation (al-Araby al-Jadeed, June 2, 2024). However, after the meeting in Cairo, an “authorized source” in Hamas said the movement did not agree that the PA would take over the management of the crossing (al-Ghad TV website, June 2, 2024). A “senior source” in Hamas denied the reports about the movement’s agreement to the management of the crossing by the PA. He claimed Hamas would not agree to any arrangements regarding the Rafah crossing, except after the Israeli withdrawal and the return of the previous administration to the Crossing (al-Mayadeen TV website, June 2, 2024).
  • After the meeting of the foreign ministers of the EU countries, Josep Borrell, the EU commissioner for foreign affairs, said they had given him a green light to reactivate the Border Assistance Mission to the Rafah Crossing Point (EUBAM). He added that it should be done in coordination with the PA, Egypt and Israel (Reuters, May 27, 2024). Sabri Saidam, deputy secretary of Fatah’s Central Committee, said that they agreed to European supervision of the management of the Rafah Crossing but only under Palestinian-Egyptian authority, adding that the PA would agree to take over the Rafah Crossing as part of a comprehensive solution without Israeli intervention (al-Arabiya TV website, 29 May 2024).
The situation in the Gaza Strip
  • The World Health Organization (WHO) stated that the UAE Hospital,[2] the last functioning hospital in Rafah, stopped operating on May 30, 2024, after the other two main hospitals in Rafah, the Abu Yusuf al-Najjar Government Hospital and the Kuwaiti Hospital, stopped operating on May 7 and May 28, respectively. The organization said there were almost no health services available in Rafah, and the one field hospital which remained partially functional was inaccessible and provided only basic services, and only two field hospitals were functional in the area the Rafah coast (the Mawasi) but suffered from overcrowding and a shortage of supplies (WHO office in the PA territories, June 1, 2024; OCHA website, May 31, 2024).
  • According to the social media, after an evacuation alert was received from the Israeli side, the American field hospital, which belongs to the International Medical Corps and is located on the Rafah seashore, began evacuating (al-Quds TV X account, June 2, 2024; X account of journalist Wa’el al-Halabi, June 2, 2024). In response, the International Medical Corps denied having received an alert, but confirmed it was transferring some of the medical equipment and patients from the Rafah Hospital to the field hospital in Deir al-Balah for the protection of the staff and patients, (International Medical Corps Facebook page, June 2, 2024).
The evacuation of the hospital (SND website X account, June 2, 2024)    The evacuation of the hospital (SND website X account, June 2, 2024)
The evacuation of the hospital (SND website X account, June 2, 2024)
  • According to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), only 14 of the 36 hospitals in the Gaza Strip were functioning, all only partially, and were facing critical shortages. In addition, only 11 of the 17 bakeries supported by the World Food Program in the Gaza Strip were still operating (OCHA website, 31 May 2024).
The commander of the Qods Force visits Hamas’ office in Tehran
  • Esmail Qaani, commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps’ Qods Force, visited the Hamas office in Tehran, accompanied by Mojtaba Abtahi, secretary general of the committee to support the Palestinian intifada. They met with Khaled Qadoumi, Hamas representative in Tehran. Qaani claimed that Israel was currently the weakest it had ever been and was on the brink of extinction, and that Operation al-Aqsa Flood had brought its end closer and caused it a defeat it would never forget and would never be able to overcome (Palinfo, May 28, 2024).
The commander of the Qods Force meets in Tehran with the Hamas representative (Palinfo, May 28, 2024)
The commander of the Qods Force meets in Tehran with the Hamas representative (Palinfo, May 28, 2024)
  • Ali Bagheri Kani, acting Iranian foreign minister, met in Beirut with a delegation of the leadership of the Palestinian organizations, including Ziyad al-Nakhalah, PIJ secretary general, his deputy Muhammad al-Hindi; Khalil al-Haya, deputy chairman of the Hamas political bureau in the Gaza Strip; senior Hamas member Osama Hamdan; Jamil Mazhar, deputy secretary general of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine; Talal Naji, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command secretary general; and Fahed Suleiman, secretary general of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine. The Palestinians offered their condolences on the death of Iranian President Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein-Amir Abdollahian, and praised Iran’s role in supporting the “resistance” and Palestinian people. Bagheri Kani said he was continuing Hossein-Amir Abdollahian’s policies in Iranian diplomacy. He said the “Palestinian issue” was the foreign ministry’s top priority and Iran would continue supporting the “resistance” in “Palestine” and the region (Palinfo, June 3, 2024).
The Iranian foreign minister meets with senior Palestinian terrorists (Palinfo, June 3, 2024)
The Iranian foreign minister meets with senior Palestinian terrorists (Palinfo, June 3, 2024)
Terrorist attacks
Shooting near Hebron
  • On the afternoon of June 3, 2024, shots were fired at an Israeli vehicle near Kiryat Arba. No casualties were reported; the vehicle was damaged. IDF forces conducted searches in the area (Israeli media, June 3, 2024).
Vehicle ramming attack near Nablus
  • On the evening of May 29, 2024, there was a vehicle ramming attack near Nablus. During an IDF inspection of vehicles at one of the entrances to Nablus, a Palestinian terrorist overtook vehicles waiting to be inspected and ran over and killed two IDF soldiers. The terrorist fled to Nablus and the security forces initiated pursuit. It was later reported that terrorist surrendered to the Palestinian security forces, who released him after more than a day, fearing IDF forces would attack their facilities (IDF spokesperson, Israeli media, May 29, June 3, 2024). The Palestinian media reported that the terrorist was Abd al-Raouf Khaled Ashtiya, from the Balata refugee camp, who sells vegetables out of his vehicle (Ultra Palestine website, May 31, 2024). His family claimed he was detained in the police station in Nablus, but later they were told his whereabouts were unknown. According to reports, his mother’s house in the Balata refugee camp was raided by IDF forces before dawn on May 31, 2024, and an Israeli officer called his uncle and asked that they turn him over (Ultra Palestine website, June 1, 2024).
The terrorist who carried out the vehicle ramming attack (@DrEsamBaraka's X account May 29, 2024)
The terrorist who carried out the vehicle ramming attack
(@DrEsamBaraka’s X account May 29, 2024)
  • Hamas welcomed the attack, claiming it was the “natural reaction against a criminal enemy” and calling on the Palestinians in Judea and Samaria and the Israeli Arabs to continue “resistance” activity in all its forms (Hamas website, May 29, 2024). The PIJ also welcomed the attack and claimed it was a response to the “war of extermination” against the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and [alleged] acts of “aggression” against the Palestinians in Judea and Samaria (PIJ combat information Telegram channel, May 29, 2024).
Terrorist activity in the Tulkarm region
  • Shots fired from the Tulkarm refugee camp: The Izz al-Din Qassam Brigades in the Tulkarm refugee camp issued a video of three of its operatives shooting at the village of Bat Hefer, [allegedly] in response to IDF operations in the Gaza Strip (Izz al-Din Qassam Brigades in the Tulkarm refugee camp Telegram channel, May 29, 2024).
 Pictures from the video (Izz al-Din Qassam Brigades in the Tulkarm refugee camp Telegram channel, May 29, 2024)    Pictures from the video (Izz al-Din Qassam Brigades in the Tulkarm refugee camp Telegram channel, May 29, 2024)
Pictures from the video (Izz al-Din Qassam Brigades in the Tulkarm refugee camp Telegram channel, May 29, 2024)
  • Shots fired at Gan Ner: On the afternoon of May 29, 2024, shots were fired at the village of Gan Ner (northeast of Jenin in Israeli territory). IDF forces located bullets in the area and searched for suspects. No casualties were reported (IDF website, May 29, 2024).
  • Shooting attack near Tulkarm prevented: On the night of June 3, 2024, two men armed with guns were detected as they approached the fence separating Judea and Samaria from Israeli territory in the Tulkarm area. IDF soldiers shot and killed them (IDF Spokesperson website, June 4, 2024). The ministry of health in Ramallah reported they were Abd al-Fattah Salah al-Din Jabara and Ahmed Mustafa Muhammad Rajab. Their bodies are held in Israel (ministry of health in Ramallah Telegram channel, June 4, 2024). The al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades (AAMB) – Youth of Vengeance and Liberation in Tulkarm, claimed in a statement that Rajab, aka Balbish, and Jabara, aka al-Jin, were killed while carrying out a shooting attack at the Nitzanei Oz checkpoint (AAMB in Tulkarm Telegram channel, June 4, 2024). A previous announcement claimed that some of the members of the squad that carried out the shooting attack had returned safely (AAMB in Tulkarm Telegram channel, June 4, 2024).
Mourning notice issued by the AAMB in Tulkarm for the two dead terrorist operatives (AAMB in Tulkarm Telegram channel, June 4, 2024)     The weapons found in the possession of the terrorists (IDF Telegram channel, June 4, 2024).
Right: The weapons found in the possession of the terrorists (IDF Telegram channel, June 4, 2024). Left: Mourning notice issued by the AAMB in Tulkarm for the two dead terrorist operatives (AAMB in Tulkarm Telegram channel, June 4, 2024)
Prevention of Hamas-Turkey orchestrated terrorist attack inside Israel
  • According to reports on June 3, 2024, the Israeli security forces had prevented a mass Hamas terrorist attack directed by the organization’s headquarters in Turkey and targeting central Israel. On March 15, 2024, Anas Shurman, a Palestinian living in Jordan, was detained in Nablus on suspicion of involvement in planning an attack in Israel. Investigation revealed that Shurman was recruited to Hamas in December 2023 by Imad Ubeid, a Palestinian Hamas terrorist operative in Turkey, and agreed to carry out a suicide attack in Israel on behalf of Hamas. In preparation Shurman videoed his last will and testament, practiced driving the motorcycle he was supposed to use to carry out the attack, and received funds and instructions to pick up an IED hidden in Judea and Samaria. During the investigation, an IED weighing 12 kilograms (26.4 lb) was found hidden near a spring in Samaria, along with a letter with instructions on how to detonate it. Several Hamas terrorist operatives in Judea and Samaria, who belonged to the Hamas military network in Nablus, were detained, and during questioning revealed their involvement in preparing and hiding the IED, according to instructions received from Hudhaifa Salaima, an operative from Hamas headquarters in Turkey (Israeli Security Agency media, June 4, 2024).
Stabbing prevented in the Old City of Jerusalem
  • On June 2, 2024, the Israel Police reported that in mid-May a 31-year-old Palestinian from Judea and Samaria had been detained in the Old City of Jerusalem on suspicion of planning to carry out a stabbing. According to the police, the suspect stole a knife from a fruit stand and planned to attack Jewish civilians or police, but repented and surrendered himself to the police. The investigation revealed that he and another terrorist planned to purchase a rifle to carry out a shooting near ​​the settlement of Beit El. The second suspect was detained in the Ramallah region in a joint IDF-Israeli Security Agency operation (Israel Police X account, June 2, 2024).
Critical terrorist attacks, 2024[3]

Critical terrorist attacks, 2024

Annual distribution of critical terrorist attacks

Annual distribution of critical terrorist attacks

Counterterrorism activities
  • The Israeli security forces continued counterterrorism activities in Judea and Samaria, focusing on Nablus, Tulkarm, Bethlehem and Hebron. Since the beginning of the war, approximately 4,000 wanted Palestinians have been detained, of whom more than 1,700 have been Hamas operatives (IDF spokesperson’s Telegram channel, June 2, 2024):
  • On June 3, 2024, Israeli security forces operated in the Balata refugee camp in Nablus to detain a wanted Palestinian in an event venue. He tried to escape with the weapons in his possession; he was shot and killed. Later there was an exchange of fire with armed terrorist operatives who also threw IEDs, and who were killed and wounded (Israel Police X accounts in Hebrew and Arabic, June 3, 2024). The ministry of health in Ramallah reported that the wanted Palestinian was Adham Salah al-Din Mansour Faraj, 23 years old, who had previously served a term of six months in an Israeli prison and that his body was being held in Israel. Two other deaths were reported: Mu’taz Khaled Sadeq al-Nabulsi, 28 years old; and Ahmed Omar al-Khadri, 30 years old (Wafa, June 3, 2024). The AAMB – Youth of Revenge and Liberation in the Balata refugee camp confirmed Faraj’s death and claimed that he was a commander in the organization (AAMB in the Balata refugee camp Telegram channel, June 3, 2024). Hamas issued a mourning notice for him, claiming he was an Izz al-Din Qassam Brigades operative (Hamas Telegram channel in Judea and Samaria, June 3, 2024).
AAMB mourning notice (elaqsa_1965, the AAMB Telegram channel, June 3, 2024)     Hamas mourning notice (Hamas Telegram channel in Judea and Samaria, June 3, 2024)
Right: Hamas mourning notice (Hamas Telegram channel in Judea and Samaria, June 3, 2024) Left: AAMB mourning notice (elaqsa_1965, the AAMB Telegram channel, June 3, 2024)
  • On the night of May 28, 2024, the Israeli security forces operated in Tubas to detain wanted Palestinians. During the activity three IDF soldiers were injured by an IED (IDF spokesperson’s website, May 29, 2024). The AAMB in Tubas claimed responsibility for shooting and using IEDs to attack IDF forces (Palestinian Center for Communications X account, May 29, 2024).
Efforts to end the war in the Gaza Strip
  • Mahmoud Abbas’ office issued an announcement calling for an immediate end to the war in the Gaza Strip, the withdrawal of all IDF forces, the transfer of all border crossings in the Gaza Strip to the PA in accordance with the format of the crossings agreement in 2005, and for the delivery humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip (Wafa, June 1, 2024).
  • Nabil Abu Rudeineh, spokesman for Mahmoud Abbas, called for the immediate implementation of the latest decision of the ICJ and a halt to the IDF’s operation in Rafah. He shifted the responsibility to the American government for all events in the Gaza Strip in general and Rafah in particular, and accused the American administration of silence, which is interpreted as consent for the continuation of IDF operations in the Gaza Strip (Wafa, May 28, 2024).
The PA joins South Africa’s lawsuit in the International Court of Justice (ICJ)
  • On May 31, 2024, the ICJ announced that the PA had submitted a request to join the lawsuit filed by South Africa against Israel for violating the Genocide Convention (ICJ website, June 2, 2024).
Slovenian recognition of the “Palestinian state”
  • Mahmoud Abbas’ office welcomed the Slovenian government’s decision to recognize an independent Palestinian state. The announcement claimed the decision showed the “friendly ties” between the two peoples, and called on other countries, especially in Europe, to recognize a Palestinian state (Wafa, May 30, 2024). Speaking with French President Emmanuel Macron, Mahmoud Abbas noted the importance of European countries recognizing a Palestinian state. Mahmoud Abbas also called on European countries to support the Palestinian move to upgrade their status in the UN to full membership (Wafa, May 29, 2024).
Slovenia recognizes a "Palestinian state" (al-Quds, May 31, 2024)
Slovenia recognizes a “Palestinian state” (al-Quds, May 31, 2024)
Mahmoud Abbas’ office responds to the Iranian leader’s remarks
  • Mahmoud Abbas’ office related to statements made by Ali Khamenei, Iran’s supreme leader, who said that the war in the Gaza Strip was necessary for the region, and that hopes should not be pinned on a ceasefire agreement in the Gaza Strip. According to the Mahmoud Abbas’ office, it was the Palestinians who were paying the price for the war, noting that the Palestinians had no need for unnecessary wars and were interested in policy which would serve their national goals and not destroy them (Wafa, June 3, 2024).
PA prime minister visits Jenin
  • Muhammad Mustafa, PA prime minister, visited Jenin and its refugee camp. He met with prominent activists in Jenin, visited the government hospital and promised that his government would assist in reconstruction operations, in accordance with Mahmoud Abbas’ directive. Mustafa said the Palestinians would continue to stand firm on their land despite Israel’s actions, and that the Jenin and other refugee camps would be a light and symbol of sacrifice and generosity. He claimed that Israel’s actions in the refugee camps and the Gaza Strip were [allegedly] an “organized and continuous crime” aimed at foiling the Palestinian dream of freedom and independence (Wafa, June 1, 2024).
 Muhammad Mustafa visits Jenin (Qalqilya al-Hadath Facebook page and Wafa, June 1, 2024)    Muhammad Mustafa visits Jenin (Qalqilya al-Hadath Facebook page and Wafa, June 1, 2024)
Muhammad Mustafa visits Jenin (Qalqilya al-Hadath Facebook page and Wafa, June 1, 2024)
PA security force activity
  • On May 31, 2024, according to reports, the security mechanisms of the PA detained Bakr Abbas, who is wanted by Israel, at the end of an exchange of fire with a group of “resistance” operatives in the forests near Tubas. It was reported that young people blocked main streets in the town and burned tires to protest the detention (Ultra Palestine website, 31 May 2024; QudsN Telegram channel, 31 May 2024).
Right: Bakr Abbas (Shehab X account, May 31, 2024). Center and left: Protests in Tubas (Center: Ultra Palestine website, May 31, 2024. Left: QudsN Telegram channel, May 31, 2024)
Right: Bakr Abbas (Shehab X account, May 31, 2024). Center and left: Protests in Tubas (Center: Ultra Palestine website, May 31, 2024. Left: QudsN Telegram channel, May 31, 2024)
  • According to reports, on May 28, the PA security forces detonated IEDs planted by “resistance operatives” near the village of Iktaba, northeast of Tulkarm (al-Shahed website, May 28, 2024).
 Detonating IEDs near Iktaba (Palestine Online X account, May 28, 2024)
Detonating IEDs near Iktaba (Palestine Online X account, May 28, 2024)
  • According to reports, the PA security forces neutralized IEDs planted by “resistance fighters” in Qalqilya (al-Shahed website, June 2, 2024).

Neutralizing IEDs in Qalqilya (al-Shahed YouTube channel, June 2, 2024)
Neutralizing IEDs in Qalqilya (al-Shahed YouTube channel, June 2, 2024)

[1] Click to subscribe and receive the ITIC's daily updates as well as its other publications.
[2] The hospital's full name is al-Helal al-Emirati Hospital, a maternity hospital in the al-Sultan neighborhood of Rafah.
[3] A critical attack is defined by the ITIC as involving shooting, stabbing, a vehicular attack, the use of IEDs, or a combination of the above. Rocks and Molotov cocktails thrown by Palestinians are not included. Shots fired at IDF forces during counterterrorism activities in Judea and Samaria are included.