Tag Archives: Iran

Alberto Nisman, Federal Prosecutor Who Accused Argentina’s President of Conspiring to Sabotage Inquiry Linking Bombings at Israeli Embassy and the AMIA Building to Iran, Found Dead

The Death of Alberto Nisman – Initial Findings[1]

1.  On January 18, 2015, Alberto Nisman, the Argentine federal prosecutor who investigated the terrorist attacks on the Jewish Community Center (Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina, AMIA) in Buenos Aires in 1994, was found dead in his home in a Buenos Aires suburb with a gunshot wound to the head. A .22 caliber handgun was found next to the body; it was not registered to him.

2.  According to initial reports he committed suicide, but the reports have not been confirmed. It is more likely that he was murdered by his enemies because of his determined objection to the attempts of the Argentine government to cover up Iran's responsibility for the two terrorist attacks on Argentine soil (the attack on the Israeli embassy in 1992 and the AMIA attack in 1994). Prosecutor Viviana Fein, who leads the investigation of Nisman’s death, said she could not rule out the possibility that he was "convinced" to commit suicide. However, on January 22, 2015, Argentine President Cristina Kirchner claimed that a prosecutor who died just as he was due to accuse her of covering up a Jewish bombing was murdered to implicate her. She argued that Nisman did not commit suicide, but was instead killed in an "operation" against her government (Dailymail.co.uk, January 22, 2015).[2]

3.  The day after his death (January 19, 2015), Alberto Nisman was supposed to testify at a hearing held behind closed doors at the Argentine Congress. The hearing would have dealt with Nisman's accusations that Argentine President Christina Kirchner and Foreign Minister Héctor Timerman tried to make an arrangement with Iran that would take its involvement in the terrorist attacks off the Argentine agenda in return for political and economic benefits (See below).

4. On January 14, 2015, four days before Nisman's death, he issued an approximately 300-page report (including evidence from wire taps and other sources) in which he detailed his accusations against the president and foreign minister. He stated that associates of the president had secretly negotiated with Iran for a deal that would normalize relations between the two countries. Part of the deal included an offer to cancel the international Interpol arrest warrants issued for senior Iranians in return for economic benefits, such as the import of Iranian oil and the export of Argentine wheat.

5.  Based on the findings in the report, Alberto Nisman asked the Argentine court to initiate an investigation of the president and foreign minister for whitewashing Iran's involvement in the attacks and obstructing the investigation into them. He said that the cover-up and obstruction were reflected by the agreement Argentina and Iran signed in January 2013.

The Argentina-Iranian Agreement of January 27, 2015

6.  On January 27, 2013, Argentine President Christina Kirchner announced that Argentina had reached an agreement with Iran, a so-called "truth commission," whereby both countries would "investigate" the circumstances of the attack on the AMIA building in Buenos Aires to "reach the truth." To that end a joint community would be appointed "to find the truth." Two days previously, Argentine Foreign Minister Héctor Timerman and Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi, both in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, for the 20th meeting of the Organization of African Unity, had signed a memorandum to that effect.

The Iranian foreign minister (left) and Argentine foreign minister (right) sign a memorandum of understanding to carry out a joint investigation to "discover the truth" about the AMIA bombing (Presidencia.gov.ar, January 25, 2013).
The Iranian foreign minister (left) and Argentine foreign minister (right) sign a memorandum of understanding to carry out a joint investigation to "discover the truth" about the AMIA bombing (Presidencia.gov.ar, January 25, 2013).

7. According to the agreement, the joint investigative committee was supposed to be composed of international jurists who would be chosen by the two countries, but none of whom would be a citizen of either one. They would be able to meet with anyone mentioned in the material compiled by Argentina and Iran investigators and allegedly interview them freely. It was also agreed that the signed memorandum would by presented to the secretary-general of Interpol, who was involved in the investigation and the search for the suspects after the international arrest warrant had been issued and periodically renewed (Website of the Argentine president's office). However, Alberto Nisman persisted in his objection to the cover-up of Iran's involvement in the terrorist attack. His position was endorsed by the Argentine court, which later prevented the appointment of the joint Argentine-Iranian "investigative committee."

8. Argentina's diplomatic and commercial ties with Iran deteriorated after the Argentine authorities issued international arrest warrants in 2006 for seven senior Iranian figures and senior Hezbollah terrorist Imad Mughnieh. The warrants were issued on the grounds that they were suspected of involvement in the terrorist attack on the AMIA building in Buenos Aires. Approximately five years later the Argentine regime began looking for ways to improve relations with Iran at the expense of the investigation into the AMIA attack.

9. In March 2011 Perfil, a daily Buenos Aires paper, reported that the Argentine foreign minister was secretly negotiating a deal with Iran in which the Argentines would "forget" the bombings of the Israeli embassy and AMIA building in return for improved relations with Iran. According to the paper, the Argentine government was prepared to freeze the investigation of the bombings in return for the renewal and improvement in commercial relations with Iran (Haaretz.co.il, March 27, 2011). Iran, for its part, denied any involvement in the attacks, but in July 2012 proposed holding talks with Argentina to "shed light" on the affair.

10. In September 2011 the Argentine president told the UN General Assembly that Argentina was willing to hold a dialogue with Iran and called on Iran to show good faith and help the investigation into the bombings. She said that it was a proposal for a dialogue that Argentina could not and should not reject." As a gesture to Iran the Argentine representative to the UN remained in his seat during the speech given by Iranian President Ahmadinejad, who attacked Israel, and did not leave the room, as did the representatives of many other nations, to protest his rhetoric (Reuters.com, December 5, 2011).

11.          The Argentine effort was rewarded in a 2013 agreement signed with Iran which, in ITIC assessment, reflected the interests of both sides: Iran would be able to continue denying the involvement of senior Iranians in the terrorist attacks in Argentina, and Iran would be able to overcome its image as a terrorism-sponsoring country and improve its relations with the rest of Latin America.[3] The agreement would allow Argentina to improve its relations with Iran and receive economic benefits in return for dropping from its political agenda the issue of the 1990s Iranian-orchestrated terrorist attacks.


12.   Two appendices follow:

1)  The Iranian-orchestrated Hezbollah suicide bombing attacks of the AMIA building and the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires.

2)  Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center bulletins dealing with the bombings in Buenos Aires, available on the ITIC website.

[1]Initial findings update to January 20, 2015, based on Argentine and global media reports.
[3]For further information about Iran's activities in Latin America, see the April 18, 2012 bulletin "Latin America as a Terrorist, Subversive, Criminal Arena for Iran and Hezbollah."

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (December 23 – 30, 2014)

The family car destroyed by fire resulting from a Molotov cocktail thrown near the village of Maaleh Shomrom (east of Qalqiliya).

The family car destroyed by fire resulting from a Molotov cocktail thrown near the village of Maaleh Shomrom (east of Qalqiliya).

Taysir al-Samiri, Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades terrorist operative in the Gaza Strip (Paltimes.net, December 24, 2014).

Taysir al-Samiri, Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades terrorist operative in the Gaza Strip (Paltimes.net, December 24, 2014).

The car destroyed by a Molotov cocktail  (Photo by Yair Shoham forTazpit.org.il, December 25, 2014)

The car destroyed by a Molotov cocktail (Photo by Yair Shoham forTazpit.org.il, December 25, 2014)

Clashes between Palestinians and IDF forces in the village of Silwad  (Palestine-info.info, December 26, 2014).

Clashes between Palestinians and IDF forces in the village of Silwad (Palestine-info.info, December 26, 2014).

"Popular resistance" activists erect an illegal outpost in Gush Etzion (Alquds.com, December 27, 2014)

"Popular resistance" activists erect an illegal outpost in Gush Etzion (Alquds.com, December 27, 2014)

"Popular resistance" activists dressed in Santa Claus costumes the IDF in Bethlehem (Maannews.net, December 23, 2014).

Khaled Mashaal (left) and Turkish prime minister Ahmet Davutoğlu (right) at the AKP meeting held in Konya (ODATV, December 27, 2014)

Khaled Mashaal (left) and Turkish prime minister Ahmet Davutoğlu (right) at the AKP meeting held in Konya (ODATV, December 27, 2014)

  • This past week Palestinian snipers shot at an IDF force securing work being conducted near the border security fence. An IDF soldier was critically wounded. In response the IDF attacked Hamas terrorist targets in the area and killed an operative. Hamas spokesmen condemned the Israeli response but claimed Hamas was committed to the lull.

  • In Samaria, a young girl was critically injured by a Molotov cocktail thrown at the family car. Israeli security forces detained two young Palestinians who during interrogation confessed to the crime. Throwing Molotov cocktails and stones is the most common form of popular terrorism (called "popular resistance" by the Palestinians), which is supported by the Palestinian Authority (PA).

  • On December 30, 2014, the UN Security Council rejected the Palestinian resolution calling for the end of the Israeli occupation and the establishment of a Palestinian state with the 1967 borders. Eight of the fifteen members of the Security Council voted in favor (with a majority of nine needed to pass the resolution), two, the United States and Australia, voted against it, and the rest abstained. 

Rocket Fire Attacking Israel
  • This past week no rocket or mortar shell hits were identified in Israeli territory.

Rocket Fire Attacking Israel

Shooting Attack from the Southern Gaza Strip
  • On the morning of December 24, 2014, an IDF force was attacked by sniper fire from the southern Gaza Strip. The force was securing work done on the Israeli side border security fence. An IDF soldier was critically wounded. In response the IDF attacked Hamas terrorist targets in the area with tanks and aircraft. It was the second serious attack within a week (IDF Spokesman, December 24, 2014).
  • The IDF fire was responsible for the death of Taysir Yussuf Muslem al-Samiri, 34, a Hamas military-terrorist operative in Karara, a town in the southern Gaza Strip (Maannews.net and Qassam.ps, December 24, 2014).
Hamas Responses
  • Following the event Hamas' military-terrorist wing issued a formal statement claiming it was "a gross violation of the lull, [Israel is] playing with fire and crossing all the lines." It also claimed that "if Israel continues [such actions] it will pay for them" (Qassam.ps, December 24, 2014).
  • Hamas spokesman Musheir al-Masri claimed that the events in the southern Gaza Strip were an "escalation" for which Israel was responsible, and that Israel would pay for them. However, he added that Hamas was committed to the lull, but the length of its commitment was limited to that of Israel (Al-Mayadeen TV, Lebanon, December 24, 2014).
  • Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri claimed Israel was responsible for the escalation. He claimed Israel had crossed the border and shot at Gazans, which, he said, called for a response (Facebook page of Sami Abu Zuhri, December 24, 2014.
Israeli Responses
  • Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu said that Israel's policy was clear: every violation of the quiet in Israel's south after Operation Protective Edge would be met with a firm, determined response (Website of the Israeli prime minister's office, December 24, 2014).
  • Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon said that Israel considered Hamas responsible for everything that occurred in the Gaza Strip. He said Israel would not allow routine attacks and would continue to respond firmly and with force to every similar event. He added that Israel did not want the situation to escalate and did not want to harm the rebuilding of the Gaza Strip, but Hamas would be advised not to try Israel's patience with attempts to disrupt daily life (NRG.co.il, December 24, 2014).
Molotov Cocktail Thrown at Israeli Vehicle in Samaria
  • On the evening of December 25, 2014, Palestinians threw a Molotov cocktail at a civilian Israeli vehicle on a road near the village of Maaleh Shomron (east of Qalqiliya). The vehicle caught fire and the passengers managed to escape. An 11 year-old girl suffered third degree burns. Her father's legs were also burned. Father and daughter were evacuated to a hospital for medical treatment.
  • Over the weekend the Israeli security forces apprehended Palestinian terrorist operatives who were apparently responsible for the attack. The suspects are two young Palestinians from the village of Azoun, near the location of the attack. One of them is a minor (16 years old). During interrogation the two admitted that they had left their village and gone in the direction of the road leading from central Maaleh Shomron to its neighborhood of El Matan with the objective of throwing a Molotov cocktail at a passing car. They said they waited at the side of the road and when they saw a car coming they lit a Molotov cocktail and threw it at the car, which when up in flames. Then they ran back to Azoun (Shabak.gov.il, December 27, 2014).
Exceptional "Popular Resistance" Terrorism and Violence in Judea, Samaria and East Jerusalem
  • This past week the wave of Palestinian violence continued. Stones, rocks and Molotov cocktails were thrown and there was a stabbing attack in east Jerusalem.
  • The prominent attacks were the following:
  • On December 24, 2014, Border Police soldiers detained four suspicious Palestinians at the Salem roadblock near Jenin. Pipe bombs were found in their possession. The four, residents of the Nablus area, were detained. During interrogation they confessed that they were planning to attack Israeli security forces (Facebook page of the Israel Police Force, December 24, 2014).
  • On December 26, 2014, two Border Police soldiers were stabbed, incurring incurred minor wounds. The attack occurred near the Lions' Gate in the Old City of Jerusalem. After the morning prayer on the Temple Mount a Palestinian approached one of the soldiers and stabbed him in the neck. Another soldier, who wrestled with the terrorist, was stabbed in the arm. The terrorist fled the scene. The wounded soldiers were evacuated to a hospital for treatment (Facebook page of the Israel Police Force, December 26, 2014).
  • On December 28, 2014, a Molotov cocktail was thrown at a residence in the Armon Hanatziv neighborhood of Jerusalem, causing a fire on a balcony. There were no casualties. The Israeli security forces instituted a search in nearby Jabel Mukaber to find the attackers (Ynetnews.co.il, December 28, 2014).
  • On December 29, 2014, during an IDF action near the Tapuah junction in Samaria initiated to prevent stones from being thrown, the soldiers identified a number of Palestinian throwing rocks and endangering cars on the road. They instituted procedures for detaining suspicious individuals and wounded one of the Palestinians, who later died of his wounds (IDF Spokesman, December 29, 2014). The Palestinian media reported that the Palestinian was Imam Jamil Ahmed Dweikat, 17, from the village of Beita (near Nablus). They also reported that another youth had been wounded (Maannews.net, December 29, 2014). Mahmoud Abbas' office condemned the killing and issued a formal statement claiming the event justified the PA's appeal to the UN Security Council (Wafa.ps, December 29, 2014).

Formal notice from Fatah in Nablus of the death of "the shaheed hero" Imam Jamil Ahmed Dweikat from the village of Beita, near Nablus (Facebook page of Fatah, December 30, 2014).
Formal notice from Fatah in Nablus of the death of "the shaheed hero" Imam Jamil Ahmed Dweikat from the village of Beita, near Nablus (Facebook page of Fatah, December 30, 2014).

Illegal "Popular Resistance" Outpost Erected
  • On December 27, 2014, dozens of "popular resistance" activists in the Bethlehem region erected an illegal outpost in the Gush Etzion region, calling it "the village of Ziad Abu Ein" (named for a senior Fatah activist and PA minister who died during an anti-Israeli demonstration, apparently of a heart attack). The activists were dispersed by IDF forces, promising to erect other such outposts in the future (Alquds.com, December 27, 2014).
"Popular Resistance" Activists Dress in Santa Claus Costumes to Confront IDF Soldiers
  • Activists of the Palestinian "popular resistance" led by Munzir Amira, Bethlehem coordinator for the so-called "Committee Resisting the Apartheid Wall and Illegal Settlements," clashed with IDF forces. Some of them dressed in Santa Claus costumes to make a greater impression on the media, especially abroad. On December 23, 2014, dressed in red with white beards and holding signs protesting "Israel's occupation," they marched to the IDF roadblock in Bethlehem. 
Rebuilding the Gaza Strip
  • This past week rallies and demonstrations continued in the Gaza Strip to protest the slow pace of the rebuilding and the disregard of the Palestinian national consensus government for the needs of the Gazans. On December 28, 2014, Palestinian organizations held protest marches throughout Gaza. One march in the northern Gaza Strip reached the Erez crossing. Representatives of the Palestinian organizations gave speeches and called for the siege of the Gaza Strip to be lifted and for rebuilding to progress more rapidly (Paltimes.net, December 28, 2014).

Left: Women demonstrate with signs warning of an explosion of the situation in Gaza. Right: Representatives of the Palestinian organizations in Gaza protest against the siege and in favor of accelerating the process of rebuilding (Paltimes.net, December 28, 2014).
Left: Women demonstrate with signs warning of an explosion of the situation in Gaza. Right: Representatives of the Palestinian organizations in Gaza protest against the siege and in favor of accelerating the process of rebuilding (Paltimes.net, December 28, 2014).

  • The Palestinian media reported that three Palestinians had been wounded by IDF fire in the Beit Hanoun area (Paltoday.ps, December 28, 2014). The IDF said shots had been fired to deter and distance a group of Palestinian youths who approached IDF forces in the northern Gaza Strip and threw stones at them (IBA.org.il, December 28, 2014).
  • Senior Hamas figures strongly criticized the Palestinian national consensus government and warned of a "great explosion in the Gaza Strip:"
  • Musa Abu Marzouq, a member of Hamas' political bureau, claimed that the national consensus government did not want to accept any project involving the Gaza Strip. He also claimed that it disregarded the needs of the Gaza Strip and did not transfer the necessary funds, including funds to pay the salaries of employees of the former de-facto Hamas administration (Maannews.net, December 28, 2014).
  • Mahmoud Nazal, a member of Hamas' political bureau, claimed the situation in the Gaza Strip was "a ticking bomb and a [powder] keg that was liable to blow up at any moment." He claimed the humanitarian conditions were "catastrophic" and that the Gaza Strip could not continue as it was, and that if it did there might be "a great explosion" (Al-Quds TV, date, 2014).
  • Maher Abu Subha, director of the crossings authority in the Gaza Strip, claimed that following the cancellation of the visit of the members of the crossings' committee in the Gaza Strip, the national consensus government did not want to deal with any aspect of them. He appealed to the government to accept its responsibility for the Gazan population (Paltimes.net, December 27, 2014).
Senior Palestinian National Consensus Government Delegation Visits Gaza Strip
  • A delegation of more than 40 members of the Palestinian national consensus government, among them eight ministers, arrived in the Gaza Strip for a one-week visit. According to Ihab Bsiso, government spokesman and a member of the delegation, they came to find a solution for all the current issues and to unite the resources available in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip to serve all the Palestinians (Al-Jazeera, December 29, 2014).
  • Despite the declarations of Rami Hamdallah, the Palestinian prime minister, of his intention to head the delegation, he did not arrive in the Gaza Strip. According to Ihab Bsiso, Rami Hamdallah was on a tour of Gulf States, trying to motivate them to keep their promises to send funds for the rebuilding of the Gaza Strip (Voice of Palestine Radio, December 29, 2014).
  • The delegation was received near the Erez crossing by a demonstration of Gazans whose houses had been destroyed in Operation Protective Edge. The demonstrators held signs demanding the government lift the siege and rebuild what had been destroyed (Al-Aqsa TV, December 29, 2014). Ismail Haniya, deputy chairman of Hamas' political bureau, claimed he welcomed the delegation, and that the government had to show equal responsibility for Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip. He said he hoped the delegation's visit would begin the process of rebuilding the Gaza Strip and find a solution for the issue of unpaid salaries (Al-Quds TV, December 29, 2014).

 Left: Gazans receive the Palestinian national consensus government delegation with a demonstration. Right: Press conference held by some of the ministers who arrived in the Gaza Strip (Maannews.net, December 29, 2014).
 Left: Gazans receive the Palestinian national consensus government delegation with a demonstration. Right: Press conference held by some of the ministers who arrived in the Gaza Strip (Maannews.net, December 29, 2014).

 Gazans hold signs with demands for Palestinian Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah. They read, "We want a government!!," "We want heath [services]," "We want the crossings [opened]," "We want salaries" (PALDF, December 29, 2014).
 Gazans hold signs with demands for Palestinian Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah. They read, "We want a government!!," "We want heath [services]," "We want the crossings [opened]," "We want salaries" (PALDF, December 29, 2014).

Supply of Electricity Reduced, Donation from Qatar Expected
  • Fathi al-Sheikh Khalil, deputy chairman of the Gazan energy authority, said in an announcement that as of December 28, 2014, the supply of electricity would be reduced to six hours a day, and perhaps less. He claimed fuel for the Gaza Strip power plant had run out and that the money to buy more, expected from Qatar, had not yet been received. He said that senior members of the energy authority in Ramallah estimated that the crisis would continue until the donation expected from Qatar arrived at the end of the coming week (Alresala.net, December 27, 2014).
Hamas Exercises Simulate Taking Over IDF Posts and Abducting IDF Soldiers[3]
  • On December 23, 2014, operatives of the national security forces, one of the internal security apparatuses in the Gaza Strip controlled by Hamas, held an exercise during the graduation ceremony of an officers' training course. They simulated storming and taking over an IDF post. The exercise was held in an Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades training facility in the southern Gaza Strip. In addition, on December 27, 2014, the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades issued a video showing dozens of armed operatives simulating an attack on an IDF post near the border security fence. In one of the attacks they simulated the abduction of an IDF soldier. In another they took over a post and dragged off the "bodies of dead IDF soldiers."
  • The exercises were part of extensive training activities recently held by Hamas, its security forces and the other terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip. The training courses are part of made by Hamas and the other terrorist organizations to rehabilitate the damage done to the terrorist organizations' military infrastructures by Operation Protective Edge. Publicizing the exercises and boasting of Hamas' military capabilities are meant to deter Israel and show it that Hamas is returning to its former strength and will soon be fully operative. Hamas is also trying to raise the morale of the Gazans and its military-terrorist operatives.
  • In ITIC assessment, Hamas feels the attacks carried out on IDF posts near the border during Operation Protective Edge had positive results. Thus, exercises simulating attacks on IDF posts are intended to improve the operational skills of the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades and the security networks affiliated with to them. The final goal is apparently to attack IDF posts during the next round of fighting, for which they are preparing. In addition, the exercises indicate the great importance Hamas attaches to seizing soldiers or the bodies of soldiers as bargaining chips in the negotiations for the release of terrorist operatives imprisoned in Israel.

 Left: Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades operatives simulate an attack on an IDF post, kill soldiers and take their bodies. The Israel flag can be seen flying over the guard tower. Right: Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades operatives drag "the IDF soldier" away (Paltimes.net, December 27, 2014).
 Left: Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades operatives simulate an attack on an IDF post, kill soldiers and take their bodies. The Israel flag can be seen flying over the guard tower. Right: Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades operatives drag "the IDF soldier" away (Paltimes.net, December 27, 2014).

Hamas Leader Khaled Mashaal Participates in AKP Meeting in Turkey
  • Khaled Mashaal, chairman of Hamas' political bureau, participated in a meeting of the AKP, the ruling party, held in Konya, Turkey, on December 27, 2014. He was welcomed by participants holding signs reading "Mashaal the fighter," "Hamas, I am willing to sacrifice my soul for you," and "Down with Israel."
  •  Khaled Mashaal (left) and Turkish prime minister Ahmet Davutoğlu (right) at the AKP meeting held in Konya (ODATV, December 27, 2014)
The PA Appeal to the UN Security Council Rejected
  • On December 30, 2014, the UN Security Council rejected the Palestinian resolution calling for the end of the Israeli occupation and the establishment of a Palestinian state with the 1967 borders. Eight of the fifteen members of the Security Council voted in favor (with a majority of nine needed to pass the resolution), two, the United States and Australia, voted against it, and the rest abstained.
  • The vote in the Security Council was preceded by PA efforts to promote its proposal for resolution to end the Israeli occupation. Saeb Erekat, a member of the PLO's Executive Committee, said the PA had made eight amendments to the proposal. He said that the amendments dealt with designating Jerusalem as the capital of the Palestinian state, designating the [Jewish] settlements as illegal and invalid, a solution for the refugee problem based on UN Resolution 194 and an additional article relating to the Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails. Erekat claimed that if the Palestinians did not receive the necessary nine votes in the Security Council [what in fact occurred] they would make efforts to have the resolution passed in 2015. He also claimed they had signed 16 international conventions and joined the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague (Wafa.ps, December 25, 2014).

Left: The PA's appeal to the UN. The Arabic reads, "The Arabs go to the Security Council to end the Israeli occupation" (Fatah Media, December 24, 2014). Right: Saeb Erekat holds a press conference in Ramallah to discuss the Palestinian appeal to the UN Security Council (Wafa.ps, December 24, 2014).
Left: The PA's appeal to the UN. The Arabic reads, "The Arabs go to the Security Council to end the Israeli occupation" (Fatah Media, December 24, 2014). Right: Saeb Erekat holds a press conference in Ramallah to discuss the Palestinian appeal to the UN Security Council (Wafa.ps, December 24, 2014).

  • Hamas harshly criticized the PA's decision to appeal to the Security Council, claiming it did not express national consensus:
  • Ismail Haniya, deputy chairman of Hamas' political bureau, claimed the Palestinian organizations were "out of the picture" and that the proposed resolution violated the ideology of the Palestinian cause (Al-Aqsa TV, December 29, 2014).
  • Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri said that Hamas strongly opposed the wording of the proposal because of what he called its "painful concessions." He claimed some of the language was unacceptable, especially calling Jerusalem the shared capital of two states. He also claimed that the proposal did away with any future demand for the "right" to Palestine and it also indirectly accepted the Jewish nature of Israel (Facebook page of Sami Abu Zuhri, December 28, 2014).
  • Musa Abu Marzouq, a member of Hamas' political bureau, claimed that the proposal waived national principles and put an end to the Palestinian state, to the "rights" of the Palestinians to "resist" [i.e., wage a campaign of terrorism and violence], and to Jerusalem (Safa.ps, December 28, 2014).
The Head of the Iranian Majlis Visits Lebanon and Meets with Ramadan Shallah
  • This week Ali Larijani, head of the Iranian Parliament (Majlis), began a round of visits to Syria, Lebanon and Iraq. On December 21, 2014 he arrived in Lebanon for a two-day visit. In Beirut he met with Ramadan Shallah, secretary general of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. While there he also paid a visit to the grave of Imad Mughnieh, where he placed a wreath (Al-A'hed website, December 23, 2014).

 Left: Ali Larijani brings a wreath to the grave of Imad Mughnieh in Beirut. Right: Ali Larijani meets with PIJ secretary general Ramadan Shallah in Beirut (Al-A'hed website, December 23, 2014).
 Left: Ali Larijani brings a wreath to the grave of Imad Mughnieh in Beirut. Right: Ali Larijani meets with PIJ secretary general Ramadan Shallah in Beirut (Al-A'hed website, December 23, 2014).

[1] As of December 30, 2014. The statistics do not include mortar shell fire or rockets which misfired and fell inside the Gaza Strip.
[2] The statistics do not include mortar shell fire.
[3] For further information see the December 29, 2014, bulletin "Hamas' Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades and National Security Forces Exercises Simulate Takeover of IDF Posts near Gaza Strip and Abduction of Soldiers."

Spotlight on Global Jihad (December 24-31, 2014)

Photos of the captured pilot distributed by ISIS on social networks.

Photos of the captured pilot distributed by ISIS on social networks.

Photos of the captured pilot distributed by ISIS on social networks.

Photos of the captured pilot distributed by ISIS on social networks.

The mosque in Al-Raqqah that was hit by a missile which ISIS claims was fired from the air (IsdaratTube, December 26, 2014).

The mosque in Al-Raqqah that was hit by a missile which ISIS claims was fired from the air (IsdaratTube, December 26, 2014).

The Sunni tribes’ announcement of the establishment of the Popular Resistance Front. The Syrian flag is visible in the background (YouTube, December 27, 2014)

The Sunni tribes’ announcement of the establishment of the Popular Resistance Front. The Syrian flag is visible in the background (YouTube, December 27, 2014)

The tomb of Sidi Sulayman in the village of Al-Haqf, which was blown up by ISIS

The tomb of Sidi Sulayman in the village of Al-Haqf, which was blown up by ISIS

Photo: justpaste.it

Photo: justpaste.it

Photo: Twitter account affiliated with the Islamic State, December 26, 2014

Photo: Twitter account affiliated with the Islamic State, December 26, 2014

Interview with the Jordanian pilot, which appeared on the first page of the latest issue of Dabiq

Interview with the Jordanian pilot, which appeared on the first page of the latest issue of Dabiq

Masked ISIS operative holding a knife, along with the caption: “O Jews, we are coming to kill you”

Masked ISIS operative holding a knife, along with the caption: “O Jews, we are coming to kill you”


Main events of the week[1]

  • The main event of the week was the crash of a Jordanian aircraft in Al-Raqqah and the capture of its pilot by ISIS. The crash is the first incident of its kind since the beginning of the air campaign against ISIS. It was used by ISIS for its propaganda purposes, claiming that it shot down the aircraft with an anti-aircraft missile. US Army and Jordanian Army sources announced that preliminary evidence indicates that the aircraft crashed and was not shot down by ISIS. Sources in the Salafist movement in Jordan quickly announced that they would be willing to mediate negotiations between Jordan and ISIS for the release of the pilot in exchange for jihadi supporters imprisoned in Jordan.
  • Fighting in Iraq and Syria continued in the major battle zones, without significant changes on the ground. A senior Iranian officer in the Revolutionary Guards, who served as advisor to the Iraqi Army and Shiite militias, was killed by ISIS this week in the fighting in the Shiite city of Samarra, north of Baghdad. His funeral in Tehran was attended by senior figures in the Iranian military and security establishment. His death sheds some light on the indirect Iranian support of the Shiite militias fighting against ISIS, which were set up and operated by the Revolutionary Guards’ Qods Force during the years of fighting against the US and its allies in Iraq.


 The international campaign against ISIS

Attacks by the US and the coalition in Syria and Iraq
  • This week, US and coalition aircraft continued to carry out dozens of airstrikes in Syria and Iraq using fighter planes, bombers and unmanned aircraft. Following are the locations and characteristics of the airstrikes (CENTCOM website, Al-Hurra channel):
  • Syria– the airstrikes were concentrated in Kobani (Ayn al-Arab), where fighting between ISIS and Kurdish forces continues. ISIS targets were also attacked in the provinces of Deir al-Zor, Al-Hasakah, Aleppo and Al-Raqqah, ISIS’s “capital”. The US Army reported that the airstrikes destroyed buildings, battle positions, deployment areas, oil facilities and vehicles belonging to ISIS. Airstrikes were carried out by the US and its Arab allies (Bahrain, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the UAE).
  • Iraq– the airstrikes focused on ISIS targets in the areas of Mosul, Fallujah, Al-Qaim, Baiji, the Al-Assad military airfield (in the province of Anbar, south of Haditha) and Sinjar. The attacks included equipment, vehicles and checkpoints in Al-Qaim (northwestern Iraq, near the border with Syria); a military headquarters in Mosul; buildings near Baiji where ISIS operatives were staying; ISIS vehicles and forces near the Al-Assad military airfield, and vehicles and units near Sinjar. The airstrikes were carried out by the US and its Western allies (Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, the Netherlands and Britain).
Crash of a Jordanian fighter plane, whose pilot was captured by ISIS
  • On December 24, 2014, a Jordanian F-16 fighter plane crashed during a combat mission in northern Syria, near the city of Al-Raqqah. The pilot bailed out. ISIS announced that it had shot down the aircraft with an anti-aircraft missile and captured its pilot. On the other hand, the head of the US Army Central Command announced that the aircraft had crashed and was not shot down by ISIS: “Evidence clearly indicates that ISIL did not down the aircraft as the terrorist organization is claiming” (AFP, December 24, 2014). The Jordanian Army also announced that preliminary evidence indicates that the crash was not the result of firing by ISIS (Jordanian News Agency, December 24, 2014).

Left: Cries of joy of ISIS operatives in Al-Raqqah, following the crash of the Jordanian aircraft (Twitter account affiliated with the Islamic State, December 24, 2014). Right: ISIS operatives near the wreckage of the aircraft, in a photo distributed by ISIS on social networks
Left: Cries of joy of ISIS operatives in Al-Raqqah, following the crash of the Jordanian aircraft (Twitter account affiliated with the Islamic State, December 24, 2014). Right: ISIS operatives near the wreckage of the aircraft, in a photo distributed by ISIS on social networks 

This is the first time a coalition aircraft has crashed while carrying out airstrikes against ISIS. ISIS has shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles, which it has used to intercept Iraqi Army helicopters on several occasions. However, the ITIC is not aware that ISIS is capable of intercepting fighter planes. Therefore, it is likely that the American and Jordanian version that the plane crashed (possibly due to a technical fault) is correct.


  • According to the Jordanian and Arab media, the pilot, who was taken prisoner by ISIS, is a first lieutenant by the name of Mu'ath Safi Yousef al-Kaseasbeh, 27, who served in the province of Karak in southern Jordan. Senior Jordanian officials stressed that they are working to secure the return of the captured pilot. Sources in the Jordanian Salafist movement announced that they are prepared to mediate between the government of Jordan and ISIS over the release of the captured pilot in return for operatives, supporters of ISIS, imprisoned in Jordan. It was also reported that Jordan has asked Turkey to help it in its efforts to secure the release of the captured pilot (Hürriyet, December 29, 2014).

There are over 200 Salafist-jihadi operatives detained in Jordan (Al-Ghad, December 29, 2014). Some of them have been detained for involvement in terrorism and subversion against the regime.Their possible release in exchange for the captive Jordanian pilot is liable to strengthen the power of the supporters of ISIS and the global jihad in Jordan, increase the risk that they pose to the Hashemite regime and, possibly, hamper Jordan’s involvement in the US-led coalition.[2]

Number of casualties in coalition airstrikes
  • According to the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), since the international coalition’s airstrikes began, around 1,170 people have been killed and over 800 have been injured. Among those killed, 1,046 were ISIS operatives and 72 were Al-Nusra Front operatives. A total of 52 civilians were also killed in coalition airstrikes.

Main developments in Syria

[1]The weekly publication Spotlight on Global Jihad monitors developments among ISIS and global jihad organizations in the Middle East and terrorist activities around the world, directed, supported or inspired by the global jihad organizations in the Middle East.
[2]For information about the support for ISIS in Jordan, see the ITIC’s study from November 26, 2014: “ISIS: Portrait of a Jihadi Terrorist Organization,” pp. 181-186.

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (March 19–25, 2014)

Hamas tunnel dug for terrorist purposes uncovered in the southern Gaza Strip (IDF Spokesman, March 21, 2014).

Hamas tunnel dug for terrorist purposes uncovered in the southern Gaza Strip (IDF Spokesman, March 21, 2014).

Hamas military-terrorist wing holds a press conference to discuss the discovery of the tunnel (Al-Aqsa TV, March 21, 2014).

Hamas military-terrorist wing holds a press conference to discuss the discovery of the tunnel (Al-Aqsa TV, March 21, 2014).

Gazan women demonstrate in front of the Egyptian embassy, demanding the continuous opening of the Rafah crossing (Palestine-info.info, March 20, 2014).

Gazan women demonstrate in front of the Egyptian embassy, demanding the continuous opening of the Rafah crossing (Palestine-info.info, March 20, 2014).

The rally in Gaza City (Hamas forum website, March 23, 2014).

The rally in Gaza City (Hamas forum website, March 23, 2014).

Ismail Haniya gives a speech at the rally (Palestine-info.info, March 23 2014).

Ismail Haniya gives a speech at the rally (Palestine-info.info, March 23 2014).

Mahmoud Abbas meets in Jordan with Martin Indyk (Wafa News Agency, March 24, 2014).

Mahmoud Abbas meets in Jordan with Martin Indyk (Wafa News Agency, March 24, 2014).

A pessimistic cartoon from Al-Hayat Al-Jadeeda, the PA's official newspaper.

A pessimistic cartoon from Al-Hayat Al-Jadeeda, the PA's official newspaper.

Jibril Rajoub and the Jordanian, Egypt and Tunisian ministers of sports in Jeddah (Facebook, March 17, 2014).

Jibril Rajoub and the Jordanian, Egypt and Tunisian ministers of sports in Jeddah (Facebook, March 17, 2014).

  • This past week IDF forces uncovered a tunnel dug for terrorist purposes by Hamas and penetrating into Israeli territory, one of the longest ever uncovered. It was apparently intended to be used in carrying out terrorist attacks against Israeli, including abductions. Hamas spokesmen tried to minimize its importance and Israel's achievement in uncovering it.
  • Three terrorist operatives were killed in the Jenin refugee camp as an Israeli security force attempted to detain them. One of them was a Hamas operative who planned terrorist attacks against Israel. Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) condemned the killing of the three; the Palestinian Authority (PA) joined in condemning them.
Tunnel Dug for Terrorist Purposes in the Southern Gaza Strip
  • On March 18, 2014, IDF forces operating in the southern Gaza Strip uncovered a terrorist tunnel whose estimated length was 1,800 meters (1.1 miles), one of the longest ever found penetrating into Israeli territory. Inside were tools, generators, protective equipment and equipment for coating the walls with cement, indicating that until recently work was being done there.
  • Apparently the tunnel was dug to carry out terrorist attacks against Israel, including abductions. According to General Sami Turgeman, chief of the southern command, the IDF had monitored its construction for a long period of time. He said it was "a strategic tunnel" for Hamas (IDF Spokesman, March 21, 2014). Note: In October 2013 the IDF uncovered a similar tunnel near one of the villages close to the Gaza Strip.
  • Abu Obeida, spokesman for Hamas' military-terrorist wing, held a press conference where he tried to minimize the importance of the tunnel and its discovery. He claimed it was an old tunnel that had been destroyed in December 2013 by the rains, and therefore its discovery was not a security or military achievement for Israel. He also claimed that all the digging activity was part of the "resistance's" response to Israel's repeated acts of aggression (Al-Aqsa TV, March 20, 2014).
Rocket Fire
  • This past week, after the most recent massive escalation, no rocket hits were identified in Israeli territory.

Rocket Fire

Three Terrorists Killed during an Attempt to Detain a Hamas Operative
  • On March 22, 2014, three Palestinian terrorist operatives were killed in Jenin during an Israeli security force attempt to detain them. The three were killed after they opened fire on the IDF forces that went to the house they were hiding in to detain them. One of them was Hamza Abu al-Hija, a Hamas terrorist operative, son of Jamal Abu al-Hija, a senior Hamas operative in Judea and Samaria imprisoned in Israel. During the action two IDF soldiers incurred minor wounds. According to the commander of the Israeli forces participating in the action, the terrorist squad was planning to carry out a terrorist attack within the State of Israel in the immediate future, under the direction of Hamas operatives in the Gaza Strip (Ynet, March 22, 2014).
  • According to the Palestinian media, Hamza Abu al-Hija, 22, was a commander in the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas' military-terrorist wing. He was also wanted by the PA's security services. The Palestinian media reported that he planned to carry out a showcase attack against Israel. The second Palestinian killed was Mahmoud Omar Abu Zina, 25, an operative in the PIJ's Jerusalem Brigades. The third Palestinian terrorist killed was an operative from Fatah's Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades (Al-Aqsa TV, March 22, 2014).
  • The deaths of the three led to a wave of protests and condemnations in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip:
  • Hamas issued a formal statement condemning the incident and warning Israel against committing so-called "additional crimes." Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri said the incident proved the advantages of the "resistance" and the fact that all attempts to crush it had failed (Filastin Al-'Aan, March 22, 2014). The Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas military-terrorist wing, issued a formal death notice for the three and accused the PA of responsibility for their deaths because of its security coordination with Israel.

Left: The Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades' formal death notice for the three killed in the Far'a refugee camp south of Jenin (Qassam.ps, March 22, 2014). Right: Hamza Abu al-Hija (Hamas forum, March 22, 2014).
Left: The Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades' formal death notice for the three killed in the Far'a refugee camp south of Jenin (Qassam.ps, March 22, 2014). Right: Hamza Abu al-Hija (Hamas forum, March 22, 2014).

  • Bassam al-Sa'adi, senior PIJ figure in Jenin, said that Israel was trying to isolate the Palestinian people and damage its holy sites. He called on the PA to end its security coordination with Israel (Paltoday.ps, date, 2014).
  • A joint Hamas-PIJ protest rally was held in the northern Gaza Strip. Khaled al-Batash, PIJ activist, gave a speech accusing Israel of responsibility for the deaths of the three, saying that his organization had chosen "jihad and resistance" (Ma'an News Agency, March 22, 2014).
  • Nabil Abu Rudeina, PA spokesman, condemned what he called "Israeli escalation." He said the Israeli government was responsible and demanded the American government act quickly to "prevent everything from collapsing" (Wafa News Agency, March 22, 2014).

Cartoon from the PA-affiliated daily newspaper Al-Ayam. The caption reads "Bathing in Jenin." The figure in the tub is Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu (Al-Ayam, March 23, 2014).
Cartoon from the PA-affiliated daily newspaper Al-Ayam. The caption reads "Bathing in Jenin." The figure in the tub is Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu (Al-Ayam, March 23, 2014).


  • Residents of the Jenin refugee camp issued a statement praising the three "shaheeds" for adhering to the path they had chosen and for their struggle against the Israeli forces. They called for the continuation of the "resistance" and the end of the negotiations with Israel.
Palestinian Violence Continues
  • This past week violent incidents continued in Judea and Samaria, part of the so-called "popular resistance." Stones were thrown at Israeli civilians and Israeli security forces and Molotov cocktails were thrown at vehicles on main roads. Friday riots were held at the traditional friction points (Bil'in, Ni'lin, Nebi Saleh, Qadoum, Beit Umar, etc.).
  • On March 20, 2014, a Molotov cocktail and stones were thrown at a bus en route from Jerusalem to Kiryat Arba. The Molotov cocktail shattered on the bus' front windshield. There were no casualties. The bus was damaged (Tazpit News Agency, March 20, 2014). Stones were thrown at a bus near the Nablus Gate in Jerusalem. One of its windows was cracked (Tazpit News Agency, March 20, 2014).

Left: Palestinians confront IDF forces in the village of Silwad, north of Ramallah. Right: Palestinians throw stones at IDF soldiers during the weekly riot in Bil'in (Filastin TV, March 21. 2014).
Left: Palestinians confront IDF forces in the village of Silwad, north of Ramallah. Right: Palestinians throw stones at IDF soldiers during the weekly riot in Bil'in (Filastin TV, March 21. 2014).

The Rafah Crossing
  • The Rafah crossing remains closed (for 65 days, according to Hamas sources). The de-facto Hamas administration in the Gaza Strip continues protesting its closure to the Egyptians. Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum called Egypt's persistent closing the crossing to Palestinians "a crime against humanity." He appealed to the Arab states and the world at large to intervene to lift the siege of the Gaza Strip (Ma'an News Agency, March 19, 2014). On March 23, 2014, the crossing was opened for a short time to allow for the passage of Gazan pilgrims going to Mecca; several hundred exited the Gaza Strip (Ma'an News Agency, March 23, 2014).
  • Ihab al-Ghussin, spokesman for the Hamas administration, said that the Hamas administration was in contact with diplomatic and international entities to exert pressure on Egypt to open the crossing. He claimed Egypt and Israel were responsible for the welfare of the Gazans, who could not receive medical treatment outside the Gaza Strip (Radio Al-Aqsa, March 19, 2014). The Gaza Ark project[3] issued an appeal to join its campaign to exert pressure on Egypt to open the Rafah crossing (Gazaark.org. March 19, 2014).
Rally Marks the Anniversary of the Killings of Hamas Leaders
  • On March 23, 2014, a rally was held to mark the tenth anniversary of the killing of Ahmed Yassin, the founder of Hamas. It also marked the anniversaries of the killing of senior Hamas operatives Aziz al-Rantisi and Ibrahim al-Muqadma. The rally was held in Gaza City and attended by senior figures from Hamas and other terrorist organizations. Rally participants waved Hamas and Palestinian flags. Occasional Egyptian flag were also seen. A rally was also held at Al-Najah University in Nablus, sponsored by the university's Islamic faction. It was attended by several senior Hamas figures from Judea and Samaria.
  • Ismail Haniya, head of the de-facto Hamas administration, gave a speech broadcast live by the Hamas media. He condemned the negotiations with Israel, calling for them to end immediately and for a joint Palestinian strategy to be formulated to deal with Israel. He also said that it was forbidden for the Palestinian people to waive the "right of return" and called for [an Arab] conquest of Jerusalem. Regarding the three terrorist operatives killed in Jenin, he said they were "shaheeds and heroes who refused to surrender." He said martyrdom and the "resistance" [i.e., terrorism] were the ways to liberate the land of Palestine and restore Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa mosque (Ma'an News Agency, March 23, 2014).
  • Other statements made at the rally were the following:
  • Senior Hamas figure Musheir al-Masri, who gave the first speech, stressed Hamas' adherence to the "resistance."
  • Senior PIJ figure Muhammad al-Hindi said that the participation of representatives of his organization showed the "unity of the resistance and jihad" (Alresala.net, March 23, 2014).
  • Fathi Hamad, minister of the interior in the de-facto Hamas administration, said that the rally was actually a referendum in favor of the "resistance" that would destroy the "occupation" [Israel] within a number of years (Alresala.net, March 23, 2014).
Demonstration Thanking Qatar
  • On March 18, 2014, Hamas held a demonstration to thank Qatar for its support. The demonstration was attended by senior figures in the Hamas movement and a number of ministers from the de-facto Hamas administration. According to the speakers, in the recent past Qatar had given the Gaza Strip $407 million to complete construction and agricultural projects and to finance its supply of electricity (Ma'an News Agency, March 19, 2014).
Iranian Weapons Trickle into the Sinai Peninsula
  • Sharif Ismail, Egypt's former security consultant in the northern Sinai Peninsula, said in a newspaper interview that because of the Sinai Peninsula's distance from the center of Egypt and its proximity to Israel, contacts had been made between Salafist-jihadi networks and "Palestinian Islamic organizations with ties to Iran." He said that there were large quantities of weapons in the region that had been sent from Iran. The weapons, he said, had been flown from Iran to the airport in Khartoum, the capital of Sudan, where they were stored. Later they were smuggled through Egypt to the Sinai Peninsula with the assistance of local Bedouins (Al-Ahram Al-Arabi, March 19, 2014).
The Negotiations with Israel
  • After Mahmoud Abbas's return from meeting with American President Barack Obama, contacts with the United States continued. He spoke with John Kerry, the American secretary of state, and met with Martin Indyk, the American emissary to the peace process, in Jordan and in his office in Ramallah (Wafa News Agency, March 23, 2014).
  • A senior Palestinian source said that Mahmoud Abbas told Barack Obama he agreed to extend the negotiations with Israel in return for the release of more Palestinian prisoners and a freeze on construction in the settlements. He said that if Israel delayed the fourth phase of prisoner release the Palestinians would appeal immediately to international organizations (Ma'an News Agency, March 24, 2014).
Mahmoud Abbas' Son Interviewed in the United States
  • Tareq Abbas, Mahmoud Abbas' son, was interviewed by the New York Times and proposed his own solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Calling the negotiations futile, he said the ideal solution would be one state. He also rejected the idea of extending the negotiations, saying that the PA should appeal immediately to international agencies because of what he called the "procrastination of the occupation." He also proposed to his father that he bring the negotiations to an end, dismantle the PA and transfer responsibility for Judea and Samaria to Israel as a way of exerting pressure on it (New York Times, march 19, 2014).
Call to Boycott Israeli Sports
  • On the sidelines of the Second Islamic Conference of Youth and Sports in Jeddah, the capital of Saudi Arabia, Jibril Rajoub, head of the Palestinian Football Federation, met with ministers of sports from Egypt, Jordan and Tunisia. They discussed how to enlist support for Palestinian sports and ways to expose international bodies to what he called the "Israel's racist methods in the field of sports." He stressed the need to force Israel to obey "the accepted rules" of international sports in their dealings with Palestine. He also threatened to act to have Israel ejected from all international sports bodies (Jibril Rajoub's Facebook page, March 17 and 20, 2014).

[1]As March 25, 2014. The statistics do not include mortar shell fire and rocket hits inside the Gaza Strip.
[2]The statistics do not include mortar shell fire.
[3]The Gaza Ark is a project of activists inside the Gaza Strip and beyond trying to carry out actions to defy and challenge Israel inside the Gaza Strip against the so-called "Israeli siege."

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (March 5 –11, 2014)

Weapons found aboard the Klos-C bound for the Gaza Strip.

Weapons found aboard the Klos-C bound for the Gaza Strip.

122mm mortar shells manufactured in Iran. Right: M-302 rockets manufactured in Syria  (IDF Spokesman, March 10, 2014).

122mm mortar shells manufactured in Iran. Right: M-302 rockets manufactured in Syria (IDF Spokesman, March 10, 2014).

The crates of weapons hidden underneath sacks of cement (IDF Spokesman, March 8, 2014).

The crates of weapons hidden underneath sacks of cement (IDF Spokesman, March 8, 2014).

Jordanian demonstrators near the Israeli embassy in Amman  (Akhbar al-Nahar Da, March 10, 2014).

Jordanian demonstrators near the Israeli embassy in Amman (Akhbar al-Nahar Da, March 10, 2014).

Hamas holds a mass

Hamas holds a mass "march of rage" in Gaza City.

Hamas holds a mass

Hamas holds a mass "march of rage" in Gaza City.

Hamas' military-terrorist wing dedicates a new square in Gaza City

Hamas' military-terrorist wing dedicates a new square in Gaza City

Operatives of the Jerusalem Brigades' artillery unit (Jerusalem Brigades website, March 10, 2014).

Operatives of the Jerusalem Brigades' artillery unit (Jerusalem Brigades website, March 10, 2014).

Ali Larijani, chairman of the Iranian Majlis, interviewed by Al-Mayadeen TV  (Al-Mayadeen TV, Lebanon, March 9, 2014)

Ali Larijani, chairman of the Iranian Majlis, interviewed by Al-Mayadeen TV (Al-Mayadeen TV, Lebanon, March 9, 2014)

The Islamic Bloc's

The Islamic Bloc's "Free taste" campaign to encourage the purchase of Palestinian-made products and boycott those made in Israel

  • This past week events centered on the Israeli interception of the commercial vessel Klos-Cdispatched by Iran. It was supposed to dock at Port Sudan where its cargo, weapons hidden under sacks of cement, would have been unloaded. Among the weapons found on board were 40 M-302 rockets manufactured in Syria. The weapons were supposed to have been smuggled overland through the Sinai Peninsula into the Gaza Strip. The Iranians, Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad completely denied the news reports, calling them "media fraud."
  • No rocket hits were identified in Israeli's south this past week. In Judea and Samaria "popular resistance" violence continued. Prominent were events of stone-throwing at Israeli vehicles and at the Jewish village of Beit El. A Palestinian stone-thrower was killed by the IDF; the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine issued a formal death notice for him.

The Israeli Navy Thwarts an Iranian Attempt to Smuggle Weapons to the Gaza Strip
  • In the early morning hours of March 5, 2014, Israeli naval commandos stopped a cargo ship in the Red Sea near the Eritrea-Sudan naval border, about 1,500 kilometers, or about 810 nautical miles, from the Israeli coast. The ship was carrying weapons and ammunition, including long-rang rockets. The Klos-C, which was sailing under the flag of Panama, was found to be carrying weapons hidden under sacks of cement. The weapons were supposed to be delivered to the Palestinian terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip. The ship was en route to Port Sudan, where the weapons would have been unloaded. Iran was behind the attempt to smuggle the weapons to the Gaza Strip, directing, coordinating and orchestrating the entire operation (IDF Spokesman, March 5, 2014).[1]
  • On March 8, 2014, the ship docked in the port of Eilat, Israel's southernmost city, and its cargo was unloaded and examined. On board the ship were 40 M-302 rockets manufactured in Syria, with ranges of between 90 and 160 kilometers (56 and 62 miles); 181 122mm mortar shells manufactured in Iran; and about 400,000 7.62mm assault rifle bullets.
  • Sources in Iran and spokesmen for the Palestinian terrorist organizations vehemently denied that Israel had intercepted a shipment of Iranian weapons en route to the Gaza Strip. According to Hossein Amir-Abdallahian, head of the Department of Arab and African Affairs in the Iranian foreign ministry, the news reports were based on lies spread by the Israeli media (ISNA, Iran, March 5, 2014). Hamas spokesmen claimed that the whole affair was a "media fraud" meant to justify the Israeli "siege" of the Gaza Strip and to prevent ships from reaching Gaza (Filastin al-Yawm, March 6, 2014).
Rocket Fire
  • This past week there was no rocket fire from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory.

Rocket Fire

Israeli Air Force Counterterrorism Attack
  • On the morning of March 11, 2014, IAF aircraft struck a Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terrorist squad. The squad had shot at an IDF force engaged in routine security activities near the border fence between Israel and the Gaza Strip (IDF Spokesman, March 11, 2014). The Palestinian media reported that three PIJ operatives had been killed near the Sufa crossing (east of Rafah) (Paltoday.ps, and the Ma'an News Agency, March 11, 2014).
Jordanian Palestinian Killed while Attempting to Grab Weapon
  • On March 10, 2014, a Jordanian Palestinian attempted to grab the weapon of an IDF soldier at the Allenby crossing. The Jordanian, originally from Nablus, was shot and killed. He arrived at the crossing by bus in the morning. While waiting for the bus to undergo a security check, he attacked one of the soldiers and tried to grab his weapon. The soldier shot at the Palestinian's legs but the Palestinian continued trying to choke him. The soldier then shot at the man and killed him (IDF Spokesman, March 10, 2014).
  • The man killed was Ra'ed Za'itar, a Jordanian judge in the Magistrate Court in Amman. The Jordanian foreign minister summoned the temporary chargé d'affaires of the Israeli embassy in Amman and condemned the killing. He emphasized the protest of the Jordanian government and asked the Israeli government to investigate the incident immediately and send a detailed report to the Jordanian authorities. Hamas and the Palestinian Authority (PA) also strongly condemned the killing (Wafa News Agency, March 10, 2014).
  • That afternoon a demonstration was held in front of the Israeli embassy in Amman to protest the killing of Ra'ed Za'itar. The demonstrators called for the closing of the embassy and the cancellation of Jordan's peace agreement with Israel. Jordanian security forces dispersed the demonstrators (Jordanian News Agency, March 10, 2014).
Israeli Security Forces Detain Hamas Head in Judea and Samaria
  • On March 4, 2014, Israeli security forces detained Ayoub al-Qawasmeh, a senior figure in Hamas' military-terrorist wing in Jerusalem. Al-Qawasmeh, who had been on Israel's wanted list since 1998, was suspected of involvement in terrorist attacks against Israelis during the second intifada. After Operation Pillar of Defense (May 2002) he went underground. In 2010 he was detained by the PA's security services and released two weeks later because of health issues. He was detained on March 4, 2014, following information that he planned further involvement in terrorist activities (IDF Spokesman, March 4, 2014).
Palestinian Violence Continues
  • This past week violent incidents continued in Judea and Samaria, part of the so-called "popular resistance." Stones were thrown at Israeli civilians and Israeli security forces and Molotov cocktails were thrown at vehicles on main roads. Friday riots were held at the traditional friction points (Bil'in, Ni'lin, Nebi Saleh, Qadoum, Beit Umar, etc.).
  • The most prominent events were the following:
  • March 4, 2014 – Palestinians threw stones at the Jewish village of Beit El (north of Ramallah). One of the stones hit a porch where a young girl was playing, injuring her (Tazpit News Agency, March 4, 2014).
  • March 10, 2014 – Palestinians threw stones at Israeli vehicles on the road near the Jewish town of Ofra. There were no casualties. The vehicles were damaged (Tazpit News Agency, March 10, 2014).
  • March 10, 2014 – During an IDF action to capture stone-throwers IDF soldiers shot at and killed a Palestinian throwing stones at Israeli vehicles near the village of Beitin (north of Al-Bireh). The circumstances of the event are under investigation (Tazpit News Agency, March 10, 2014). The Palestinian media reported the death of Saji Sa'il Darwish, 18, from the village of Beitin in the Ramallah district (Quds.net, March 10, 2014). The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) issued a formal death notice claiming that Saji Darwish had been killed "while ambushing IDF forces in Ramallah" (PFLP Facebook page, March 11, 2014).

The PFLP's formal death notice of Saji Sa'il Darwish. The picture in the lower right hand corner is Muataz Washha, recently killed in an exchange of fire with IDF forces in Beir Zeit  (PFLP Facebook page, March 11, 2014).
The PFLP's formal death notice of Saji Sa'il Darwish. The picture in the lower right hand corner is Muataz Washha, recently killed in an exchange of fire with IDF forces in Beir Zeit (PFLPFacebook page, March 11, 2014).

  • ·March 10, 2014 – At approximately 2200 hours shots were heard in Beit El (north of Ramallah) coming from the direction of the Jelazoun refugeecamp. A search revealed that a bullet had hit a house in the village and caused minor damage. The Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades, the military-terrorist wing of the PFLP, posted a video claiming responsibility for the attack. They claimed the shots had been fired in retaliation for the deaths of Saji Sa'il Darwish and Muataz Washha (PFLP Facebook page, March 11, 2014).

Left: Video claiming responsibility for the shooting at Beit El (PFLP Facebook page, March 11, 2014). Right: The damage caused by the shot (Photo by Inbal Gross for the Tazpit News Agency, March 10, 2014).
Left: Video claiming responsibility for the shooting at Beit El (PFLP Facebook page, March 11, 2014). Right: The damage caused by the shot (Photo by Inbal Gross for the Tazpit News Agency, March 10, 2014).

The Rafah Crossing
  • On March 9, 2014, the Rafah crossing opened for civilian traffic for three days (Palestine-info.info, March 9, 2014).

The Rafah crossing opens (Palestine-info.info, March 9, 2014).
The Rafah crossing opens (Palestine-info.info, March 9, 2014).

Gaza Strip Energy Crisis
  • Fathi al-Sheikh Khalil, deputy chairman of the Gaza Strip's energy authority, announced that the grant given by Qatar to the PA's ministry of the treasury to purchase fuel had been spent. He said that the Gaza Strip's current fuel supplies would last for no more than five days. That would mean the Gazans would again be provided with electricity for only six hours a day (Al-Ra'i, March 9, 2014).
Demonstration against Egypt
  • On Friday, March 8, 2014, after the prayers in the mosques, Hamas held a demonstration in front of the Egyptian mission in Gaza City. It was held to protest the verdict handed down by an Egyptian court on March 4, 2014, designating Hamas as a terrorist organization. Khalil al-Haya, a senior Hamas figure, called it a political decision that "paved the way for [new] Israeli aggression" against the Gaza Strip. He said Hamas was a "national resistance" movement that focused its activities only on Palestine (Dunia Al-Watan, March 7, 2014).
Marking the Anniversary of the Death of Ibrahim al-Muqadma
  • The anniversary of the death of Ibrahim al-Muqadma, one of the heads of Hamas' military-terrorist wing in the Gaza Strip,[4] was marked with a series of events:
  • The Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas' military-terrorist wing, dedicated a new square named for al-Muqadma in the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood of Gaza City. The memorial to al-Muqadma in the center of the square features an M75 rocket, the type used by Hamas to attack Tel Aviv and Jerusalem in Operation Pillar of Defense (November 2012). The locally-manufactured rocket is named for al-Muqadma (M) and its range (75 kilometers) (Paltoday.ps, March 10, 2014).
  • On March 8, 2014, Hamas held a military display in the Al-Bureij refugee camp (central Gaza Strip) in memory of Ibrahim al-Muqadma. It featured armed, masked Hamas operatives and terrorist operatives wearing white and labeled "suicide bombers" (Palestine-info.info, March 8, 2014).

Left: Hamas operatives wearing white and labeled "suicide bombers." Right: The military display organized by Hamas in the al-Bureij refugee camp (Palestine-info.info, March 8, 2014).
Left: Hamas operatives wearing white and labeled "suicide bombers." Right: The military display organized by Hamas in the al-Bureij refugee camp (Palestine-info.info, March 8, 2014).

The PIJ's Military-Terrorist Wing Shows Preparedness to Fire Rockets into Israel
  • A combat correspondent for the Jerusalem Brigades, the PIJ's military-terrorist wing, met with operatives of the organization's artillery unit in the Gaza Strip, who claimed to have participated in Operation Pillar of Defense. The correspondent photographed them as they prepared mortar shells for launching and operated from camouflaged launching pits. The operatives said that they were in a state of "constant preparedness" and ready to fire rockets into Israel at any moment (Jerusalem Brigades website, March 10, 2014).
Chairman of the Iranian Majlis Announces Renewal of Relations with Hamas
  • Interviewed on March 9, 2014, Ali Larijani, chairman of the Iranian Majlis (parliament), announced that Iran supported Hamas because it belonged to "the camp of resistance." He said Iran-Hamas relations were "good" and had returned to the status quo ante (Al-Mayadeen TV, Lebanon, March 9, 2014). In response Mahmoud al-Zahar, a member of Hamas' political bureau, said that Larijani's position had been expected and did not surprise Hamas. He said Hamas and Iran had each taken steps and that in the near future there would be progress in the relations between them (Fars News Agency, Iran, March 10, 2014).
Salafist-Jihadi Activities in the Gaza Strip
  • Interviewed by AP, a senior Salafist-jihadi terrorist operative of the Mujahideen Shura Council in the Environs of Jerusalem calling himself Abu Bakr al-Ansari claimed that there were six Salafist-jihadi groups operating in the Gaza Strip. He added it had a total membership of 4,000 operatives. He claimed his organization was the largest, much larger than what was generally believed. He also said that several score of his organization's operatives were currently fighting in Syria.[5]
  • Abu Bakr al-Ansari also said that there was an agreement between the Salafist-jihadi groups and Hamas to preserve the lull in the fighting against Israel. However, he added, the moment Israel violated the lull they would fire rockets to attack Israel without consulting with Hamas (AP, March 10, 2014).
Attempted Attack on the Latin Church in the Gaza Strip
  • It was recently made public that at the end of February 2014 an attempt was made to set fire to the Latin Church in the al-Zeitoun neighborhood in the eastern part of Gaza City by detonating an IED in the church courtyard. Graffiti were painted on the church walls claiming that the attack was in retaliation for the slaughter of Muslims by Christians in the Central African Republic. The church was only slightly damaged. According to the initial police investigation, the perpetrators were amateurs, apparently only intended the attack as a warning and did not mean to cause actual damage (Website of the Latin Patriarch in Jerusalem, March 6, 2014).
The Palestinian-Israeli Negotiations
  • At a meeting held in Ramallah, Mahmoud Abbas updated senior businessmen from the Scandinavian countries about the negotiations with Israel, and reiterated the familiar Palestinian positions (Wafa News Agency, March 8, 2014):
  • The Palestinian state will be established with the 1967 borders with east Jerusalem as its capital. Jerusalem will be open to people of all religious faiths including residents of west Jerusalem, with the existence of a coordinating body.
  • The Palestinians have agreed to the presence of a third party in the PA territories to preserve security and reassure the Israelis in everything related to their security.
  • The future Palestinian state will be demilitarized with the exception of a strong police force.
  • Mahmoud Abbas expressed strong objections to recognizing Israel as a Jewish state, saying that the demand had been raised only two years ago and its objective was to raise obstacles to the negotiations.
  • Palestinians responded to the speech given by Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu to the members of AIPAC in which he said that he asked Mahmoud Abbas to recognize Israel as a Jewish state and abandon the illusion that they could drown Israel with refugees. Nabil Abu Rudeina, spokesman for the office of the PA chairman, said that Netanyahu had nothing new to say. He added that Netanyahu's clinging to the "recognition of the Jewish nature of Israel" was an attempt to waste time and evade a just, comprehensive peace agreement. He said that recognizing Israel as Jewish was unacceptable to the Palestinians and Arabs and that Netanyahu's objective was to sabotage the American efforts and stop the negotiations (Voice of Palestine, March 5, 2014).
  • Nabil Shaath, a member of Fatah's Central Committee, said that Fatah also objected to the statements made by Netanyahu. He said that in effect it was a unilateral Israeli announcement that the negotiations were over. He said that Netanyahu was challenging the American administration, blocking the road to a legitimate international solution based on the two-state concept, and infringing on the rights of the Palestinian people (Al-Hayat Al-Jadeeda, March 5, 2014).
Attempted Terrorist Attack on the Israeli-Syrian Border
  • On the night of March 5, 2014, an IDF force identified two armed men near the border fence in the northern Golan Heights. The men were planting an IED at the side of the road on the Syrian side of the border. The IDF force opened fire. According to the initial investigation, before dawn the two crossed the Israeli-Syrian border and approached the fence to plant an IED. The Israeli reconnaissance force that identified them called for backup from an IDF force. It is assumed that they planned to detonate the IED to attack a routine IDF patrol (Ynet, March 5, 2014).
  • Al-Arabiya TV reported that Hezbollah operatives had tried to plant an IED on the Israeli border in the Golan Heights (Al-Arabiya TV, March 5, 2014). Sources in Syria denied the allegation that Hezbollah was linked to the incident (Al-Mayadeen, Lebanon, March 5, 2014).
Hamas' Al-Aqsa TV Broadcasts Anti-Israel Incitement
  • Hamas' Al-Aqsa TV recently broadcast a new video called "Palm [of the hand] " calling for operatives in the Gaza Strip, Judea and Samaria, along with Israeli Arabs, to join forces to carry out attacks against Israel. The video shows pictures of a blown-up bus, shooting attacks and confrontations with IDF soldiers. After a number of days the video was no longer broadcast.

Pictures from the video: Gazan, West Bank and Israeli Arab collaboration (Al-Aqsa TV, February 13, 2014).
Pictures from the video: Gazan, West Bank and Israeli Arab collaboration (Al-Aqsa TV, February 13, 2014).

Boycott of Israeli Goods in the Al-Najah University Cafeteria Continues
  • The Islamic Bloc in Al-Najah University in Nablus continues its campaign to boycott Israeli-made goods, not only those manufactured in the territories. The campaign, named "Free taste," calls for the boycott of drinks manufactured in Israel and encourages the purchase of soft drinks called Cappy, manufactured by a Palestinian company (Facebook page of the Islamic Bloc, March 4, 2014).

[1] For further information see the March 5, 2014 bulletin “Israeli Navy Foils Iranian Attempt to Smuggle Advanced Weapons, Especially Long-Range Rockets, to the Gaza Strip (Initial report based on information from the IDF Spokesman).”
[2] As March 11, 2014. The statistics do not include mortar shell fire and rocket hits inside the Gaza Strip.
[3]The statistics do not include mortar shell fire.
[4]Ibrahim al-Muqadma, one of the heads of Hamas' military-terrorist wing in the Gaza Strip, was one of Hamas' most prominent and extremist ideologues. He belonged to the militant faction uncompromising in its attitude towards Israel. He was killed by Israel on March 8, 2003.
[5]For further information on Mujahideen Shura Council in the Environs of Jerusalem fighters in Syria see the January 19, 2014 bulletin “Israeli Arabs and Palestinians Join the Ranks of the Rebels in Syria, Mainly Organizations Affiliated with Al-Qaeda and the Global Jihad.” 

Israeli Navy Foils Iranian Attempt to Smuggle Advanced Weapons, Especially Long-Range Rockets, to the Gaza Strip (Initial report based on information from the IDF Spokesman)

Long-range M-302 rockets found aboard the ship (IDF Spokesman, March 5, 2014).
Long-range M-302 rockets found aboard the ship (IDF Spokesman, March 5, 2014).


1.      In the early morning hours of March 5, 2014, Israeli commando and naval fighters stopped a commercial vessel. It was stopped in the Red Sea near the Eritrea-Sudan naval border, about 1,500 kilometers, or about 810 nautical miles, from the Israeli coast. The ship was carrying advanced weapons, including long-rang rockets. The commandos took over the ship which, along with its crew, is currently en route to the southern Israeli port of Eilat.

2. The ship, Klos-C, flew the flag of Panama. It carried, among other weapons, M-302 rockets from Syria camouflaged as sacks of cement. M-302s are long-range surface-to-surface missiles manufactured in Syria, and their advanced models have ranges of 200 kilometers (about 125 miles). The ship was en route to Port Sudan, where it was supposed to unload the weapons, whose intended recipients were the terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip. According to the IDF Spokesman, Iran was behind the smuggling attempt, and Iran directed, coordinated and orchestrated the entire operation (IDF Spokesman, March 5, 2014).

3. The current incident clearly shows that Iran continues to pursue its strategy of terrorism and subversion in the Middle East and elsewhere. It pursues that strategy while presenting a smiling face to appease the West. Iran seeks to upgrade the military capabilities of the terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip, especially their arsenals of long-range rockets. Iran continues to arm the terrorist organizations despite its cool relations with Hamas. The two are distant because of Hamas' stance against the Syrian regime, which led to its being expelled from Syria.


4. For background information about Iran's support of the Palestinian terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip, see the January 20, 2013 ITIC study, "Iranian support for the Palestinian terrorist organizations: Iran supports the military buildup of Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad in the Gaza Strip and seeks to rebuild their military capabilities after Operation Pillar of Defense, especially their rocket-launching networks."[1]

The Sequence of Events

5. According to the IDF Spokesman, several months ago the Israeli intelligence services discovered that Syrian-manufactured M-302 long-range rockets were being transferred from Damascus' international airport to Iran under the direction of Iranian Qods Force operatives. The Qods Force is an elite unit in the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards (IIRG) and incites terrorism and subversion in the Middle East and around the globe. The Qods Force is also responsible, among other things, for providing support to the Palestinian terrorist organizations. The transfer of rockets from Damascus to Iran was suspicious because usually weapons are transferred in the other direction, that is, from Iran to Syria.

Loading the weapons in Syria (red outline) (IDF Spokesman, March 5, 2014)
Loading the weapons in Syria (red outline) (IDF Spokesman, March 5, 2014)

6. The shipment reached Tehran, where it was transferred to the Iranian port of Bandar Abbas. In Bandar Abbas the containers of weapons were loaded aboard the civilian commercial vessel Klos-C, along with containers of cement used for camouflage. Bandar Abbas was also the port where weapons were loaded aboard the Francop, which was taken over by the Israeli navy in November 2009 (See below). From Bandar Abbas the ship sailed to the port of Umm Qasr in Iraq where 50 additional containers of cement were loaded. From there it sailed to Port Sudan to unload the weapons, which were then supposed to be sent overland through Egypt to the Gaza Strip.From Damascus to Tehran to Port Sudan, the route of the ship carrying weapons for the terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip (IDF Spokesman, March 5, 2014)

From Damascus to Tehran to Port Sudan, the route of the ship carrying weapons for the terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip (IDF Spokesman, March 5, 2014)
From Damascus to Tehran to Port Sudan, the route of the ship carrying weapons for the terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip (IDF Spokesman, March 5, 2014)

Click for the IDF Spokesman video of the Klos-C's route

7. So far, the ship has not been thoroughly examined. During the initial examination, M-302 rockets were found aboard the Klos-C, meant for delivery to the terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip. There are M-302s in the arsenals of both the Syria army and Hezbollah. The M-302 is a surface-to-surface rocket manufactured in Syria, whose advanced models have ranges of up to 200 kilometers, or about 125 miles. They were first manufactured in the 1990s and since then have been upgraded a number of times. The two models used by Hezbollah during the Second Lebanon War which were used to attack Haifa and Afula were:

a)  The M-302A – The basic model, with a range of between 90 and 100 kilometers, or between about 56 and 62 miles, and carrying a warhead weighing 170 kilograms (about 375 pounds).

b)  The M-302B – With a range of about 100 kilometers, it carries a warhead weighing about 175 kilograms (about 385 pounds).

8. There are other M-302 models, including the M-302E, with a range of about 200 kilometers, or about 125 miles, and a warhead of about 125 kilograms, or about 275 pounds.

Previous Smuggling of Weapons by Iran

9. In the years since Operation Cast Lead Iran has played a central role in constructing, rebuilding and upgrading Hamas' military capabilities (at least until the political dispute between Hamas and Iran over Hamas' stance against the Syrian regime). Iran also had a major role in constructing and rebuilding the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ)'s rocket launching network (the PIJ is the Palestinian terrorist organization closest to Iran). Iran has provided state-of-the-art weapons, especially medium-range rockets, which Hamas and the PIJ fired during Operation Cast Lead. Iran's IIRG's Qods Force also trains terrorist operatives, and Iran provides financial support and technological know-how for the independent development and manufacture of weapons by terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip.

10. Iran's massive military support for rebuilding and upgrading the Gaza Strip terrorist organizations' military capabilities after Operation Cast Lead necessitates the smuggling of large quantities of standard weapons from Iran to the Gaza Strip. That was the motive behind the latest smuggling attempt. If the rockets had been successfully delivered to the Palestinian terrorist organizations in Gaza Strip they would have put additional millions of Israeli civilians into the range of terrorist rocket fire.

11. Previous attempts to smuggle weapons into the Gaza Strip via the sea were the following:

a)  March 2011: Israeli naval commandos took control of the commercial vessel Victoria, which was en route from a port in Syria to the port of Alexandria in Egypt. There were 50 tons of weapons on board the ship, including advanced Iranian-manufactured C-704 anti-ship missiles and 60mm and 120mm mortar shells. The weapons were intended for the terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip.[2]

b)   November 4, 2009: The Israeli navy took control of the Francop, which was en route to the Syrian port of Latakia. On board the ship 36 containers holding 500 tons of weapons were discovered; the weapons had originated in Iran. Among them were thousands of 107mm and 122mm rockets, a recoilless 106mm cannon, hand grenades and ammunition for light arms.

c)  January 2009: The Cypriote ship Monchegors, en route to Syria, was called in by the authorities for examination at the port of Limassol in Cyprus. It was found to be carrying Iranian weapons. The shipment was confiscated and stored in Cyprus until it caught fire on July 11, 2011, causing a massive explosion.

ITIC Bulletins Dealing with Iranian Support for the Palestinian Terrorist Organizations

1. January 20, 2013: "Iranian support for the Palestinian terrorist organizations: Iran supports the military buildup of Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad in the Gaza Strip and seeks to rebuild their military capabilities after Operation Pillar of Defense, especially their rocket-launching networks.)


2. August 7, 2012: "The Quds Force, an elite unit of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, spearheads Iran's global terrorist campaign."


3. March 18, 2011: "Most of the weapons found aboard the M/V Victoria en route to the terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip were of Iranian manufacture, including mortar shells and anti-ship C-704 missiles." (http://www.terrorism-info.org.il/en/article/17937)

4. November 7, 2009: “The Israeli Navy captures a ship carrying a large shipment of weapons (including rockets, mortar shells and anti-tank weapons) from Iran.” (http://www.terrorism-info.org.il/en/article/18190)