Tag Archives: Iran

Hezbollah: Portrait of a Terrorist Organization

1983: Hezbollah blows up the American embassy in Lebanon

1983: Hezbollah blows up the American embassy in Lebanon

2012: Hezbollah blows up an Israeli tourist bus in Bulgaria

2012: Hezbollah blows up an Israeli tourist bus in Bulgaria

Sketch of the Hezbollah terrorist operative suspected of carrying out the attack in Burgas (Novinite.com website, July 27, 2012).

Sketch of the Hezbollah terrorist operative suspected of carrying out the attack in Burgas (Novinite.com website, July 27, 2012).

Sayeed Jalili, secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council, visits Imad Mughniyeh's grave (Al-Intiqad, Lebanon, August 6, 2012).

Sayeed Jalili, secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council, visits Imad Mughniyeh's grave (Al-Intiqad, Lebanon, August 6, 2012).

The heads of the so-called ''resistance camp:'' Ahmadinejad, Bashar Assad and Hassan Nasrallah (Sabla Oman Forum website, March 8, 2012).

The heads of the so-called ''resistance camp:'' Ahmadinejad, Bashar Assad and Hassan Nasrallah (Sabla Oman Forum website, March 8, 2012).

Bashar Assad and Hassan Nasrallah, apparently an old photo taken before the uprising (Hawamir forum website, Saudi Arabia, July 22, 2012).

Bashar Assad and Hassan Nasrallah, apparently an old photo taken before the uprising (Hawamir forum website, Saudi Arabia, July 22, 2012).

Hezbollah activists in Lebanon hold a pro-Assad rally (Ilaf website, from All4Syria, July 2011).

Hezbollah activists in Lebanon hold a pro-Assad rally (Ilaf website, from All4Syria, July 2011).

The Israeli embassy after the attack (Tags.walla.co.il website)

The Israeli embassy after the attack (Tags.walla.co.il website)

The seven high-ranking Iranians and the senior Hezbollah operative for whom the Argentinean prosecution asked for arrest warrants

The seven high-ranking Iranians and the senior Hezbollah operative for whom the Argentinean prosecution asked for arrest warrants

Hassan Nasrallah delivers a speech claiming responsibility for launching the UAV (Al-Manar TV, October 11, 2012)

Hassan Nasrallah delivers a speech claiming responsibility for launching the UAV (Al-Manar TV, October 11, 2012)

Iran hitting a giant On/Off switch on Hassan Nasrallah’s back (Al-Nadwa newspaper, Saudi Arabia, April 14, 2009)

Iran hitting a giant On/Off switch on Hassan Nasrallah’s back (Al-Nadwa newspaper, Saudi Arabia, April 14, 2009)

Hezbollah has a 30-year history of terrorist activity in Lebanon, the Middle East and around the globe, directed against Israel, the Jewish people, the United States and the West, pro-Western Arab states and Hezbollah's enemies in Lebanon. 

1. Since its establishment in Lebanon 30 years ago, Hezbollah has, without interruption, carried out or planned a variety of terrorist attacks around the globe, using different methods. Those terrorist attacks are part of Iranian policy, which uses Hezbollah as its main proxy through the Islamic Revolutionary Guards' Quds Force and other governmental institutions. The targets and emphases change from time to time according to Iranian and Hezbollah considerations and interests. The targets include Israel and the Jewish people, the United States and other Western countries, Hezbollah and Syria's opponents in Lebanon, and Arab regimes hostile to Iran and the "resistance camp" it leads.

2. In recent years Hezbollah has been involved in terrorist (an occasionally guerilla) activities in different arenas using various methods against its targets. At the same time, with Iranian and Syrian support, it has been upgrading its military-terrorist infrastructure in Lebanon, which far surpasses those of other terrorist organizations in the Middle East and beyond.

3. A short summary of Hezbollah's terrorist and guerilla activity and its military buildup follows.

1) In Lebanon Iran and Syria have enlarged and upgraded Hezbollah's military-terrorist infrastructure since the Second Lebanon War. Its main military asset is an arsenal of an estimated 60,000 rockets and missileswhich threaten Israel's civilians. Hassan Nasrallah, Hezbollah's leader, boasted that he had precise rockets and a bank of targets, and could turn the lives of hundreds of thousands of Israeli civilians into a living hell. Hezbollah also carries out personal terrorismagainst its opponents in Lebanon, mainly senior figures. The objective is to scare and deter Hezbollah's opponents, mainly after the erosion of its status following its support for the Syrian regime.

2) In the international arena, Hezbollah participates in the global terrorist campaign carried out by the Iranian Quds Force, whose main targets are Israeli diplomats and tourists. Hezbollah's most recent attack was on an Israeli tourist bus in Burgas, Bulgaria, considered successful (by Iran and Hezbollah), after a series of failed attacks abroad in previous years.

3) In the Palestinian arena, Hezbollah helped Iran upgrade the military-terrorist infrastructure of the terrorist organizations operating in the Gaza Strip after Operation Cast Lead, mainly Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. On the eve of Operation Pillar of Defense the terrorist organizations had many thousands of rockets, among them long-range Fajr-5 rockets manufactured in Iran (eight of which hit or were intercepted in the greater Tel Aviv area). In addition, Hezbollah encourages terrorist attacks against Israel from the Gaza Strip and the Sinai Peninsula. During the Palestinian terrorist campaign known as the second intifada, Iran and Hezbollah provided the Palestinian terrorist organizations with financial and military support and handled terrorist squads in the Palestinian territories.

4) InsideIsrael Hezbollah carries out intelligence and subversive activities. Hezbollah, with Iranian aid, recently sent an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to collect intelligence and to send Israel a deterrent message (UAVs could also be used for offensive purposes). Hezbollah also attempts to smuggle IEDs and weapons into for terrorist attacks (exploiting its ties to criminal networks) and to use Israeli Arabs for intelligence missions supporting its terrorist activities.

5) InSyria Hezbollah is part of the Iranian effort (led by the Quds Force) to prevent the topple of the Syrian regime, the central member of the so-called "resistance camp." Hezbollah provides the Assad regime with guidance, military training, intelligence and weapons, and hundreds of its operatives are present in Syria. In recent months several Hezbollah operatives died in the battles and others were taken prisoner by the rebels. However, Hezbollah does not admit to its military involvement in Syria and claimed that its operatives died while "fulfilling their commitment to jihad."

6) In the Arab states Iran uses Hezbollah for subversion, terrorism and guerilla activities: in Iraq Hezbollah operatives trained and handled the Shi'ite militias operated by the Quds Force against the United States and its allies (until America withdrew from Iraq at the end of 2011). In Yemen Hezbollah helped train the Iranian-supported Houthi rebels; and in Bahrain Hezbollah was recently publicly accused by Bahraini authorities of involvement in a series of explosions in the capital city of Manama. Its objective was to destabilize the Bahraini regime, against which Iran is waging a years-long campaign of terrorism and subversion. Hezbollah does not admit to involvement in terrorism and subversion in Arab countries.

The Structure of This Study

4. This study is the second part of comprehensive research into the terrorist and subversive activities Iran carries out around the globe directly, and though its main proxy, Hezbollah. The first part, which can be accessed on the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center website,[1] deals with the Quds Force as spearheading Iran's global terrorism and subversion campaign during the last decade. Two additional parts, which will be issued in the future, will deal with the distribution (according to continent and country) of Iran's global terrorist activity and an analysis of the methods used by Iranian and terrorism and subversion.

5. The three appendices of this study providea chronological analysis of Hezbollah's most glaring terrorist activities in the 30 years since its founding, integral to Iran's overall policies.[2] In addition to terrorist attacks on civilians, Hezbollah has engaged in guerilla warfare in Lebanon and Iraq, against the IDF and against the United States and other Western armies. The targets have changed from time to time depending on Iranian policy, the constraints Hezbollah has had to deal with in Lebanon and the changing regional and international strategic circumstances during Hezbollah's 30 years of terrorist activity.

6. This study includes the following sections:

1) Hezbollah's place in the current global terrorist campaign against Israel.

2) Hezbollah's support for the Assad regime in Syria – update.

3) Summary of Hezbollah's record as a terrorist organization during the 30 years of its existence (1982-2012).

4) The issue of Hezbollah as a designated terrorist organization.

5)Three appendices dealing with the chronological distribution of Hezbollah's terrorist activities:

1) Appendix I: Hezbollah's terrorist activity, 2000-2012

A. Overview

B. The Lebanese arena

i) Building Hezbollah's rocket arsenal after the IDF left south Lebanon (2000-2006).

ii) Using the rocket arsenal to attack civilian targets in Israel during the Second Lebanon War.

iii) Updating the rocket arsenal after the Second Lebanon War (2006-2012)

iv) Employing terrorism and violence against Hezbollah's political opposition in Lebanon.

C. The Israeli arena

i) Overview.

ii) Sending a UAV into Israeli airspace.

iii) Using Israeli Arabs to collect intelligence.

iv) Using drug dealers to smuggle explosive devices into Israel territory.

            D. The Palestinian arena

i) Iranian and Hezbollah (as a subcontractor) support for the Palestinian terrorist organizations operating in the Gaza Strip (2006-2012).

ii) Iranian and Hezbollah encouragement for Palestinian terrorism during the second intifada (2000-2005).

iii) Hezbollah's involvement in smuggling weapons from Iran for the Palestinian terrorist organizations during the second intifada.

E. The global arena

i) Hezbollah participation in the global wave of anti-Israel terrorism (2008-2012).

ii) Exposure of a Hezbollah network in Egypt which planned to carry out terrorist attacks (2008)

            F. The Iraqi arena

i) The Quds Force's use of Hezbollah to support the Shi'ite militias against the United States and its allies (2006-2011)

ii) The affair of Ali Musa Daqduq

2) Appendix II: Hezbollah's terrorist activities during the 1990s

A. Overview

B. The global arena

i) Hezbollah's terrorist attacks in Argentina (1992, 1994).

ii) The failure of the attempted bombing of the Israeli embassy in Thailand (1994)

C. The Israeli arena

i) Terrorist attacks in Israel as well as in Gaza Strip, Judea and Samaria carried out through Europe.

ii) Terrorism and drugs: the abduction of Elhahan Tannenbaum (2000)

3)  Appendix III: Hezbollah's terrorist activities during the 1980s

A. Overview

B. The Lebanese arena

i) Bombing the American embassy and American and French military barracks in Beirut(1983).

ii) Severe blow to the Lebanese branch of the CIA.

iii) Abduction of Western nationals.

iv) Assassination of Western and Jewish figures.

v) Epilogue

C. The international arena

i) Attacks on the American and French diplomatic missions in Kuwait (1983).

ii) Attempted assassination of the Kuwaiti emir (1985)

iii) Hijacking planes

a) TWA (1985)

b) Kuwaiti airplanes (1984, 1988)

c) Air France (1987)

d) Air Afrique (1987)

iv) Iranian and Hezbollah involvement in the wave of killings in Paris (1986-1987)

v) Prevention of terrorist activity in Germany (1987, 1989)

vi) Hezbollah network exposed in Spain (1989)

Hezbollah's Role in the Current Global Terrorist Campaign against Israel

7. For the past four years Hezbollah has participated actively in Iran's global terrorist campaign against Israel. The recent attack on an Israeli tourist bus in Burgas, Bulgaria, which killed five Israeli tourists and their local bus driver, was the first "successful" attack in the current terrorist campaign, after a series of attempted attacks were foiled. In the terrorist campaign conducted abroad, Hezbollah serves as an Iranian proxy handled by the Qods Force, an elite unit of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards (IRG), which spearheads Iran's foreign terrorism.[3] Even before the founding of the Qods Force, in the summer of 1982 the IRG established Hezbollah in Lebanon, and has provided it with massive military and financial support in the 30 years since.

8. Hezbollah's current targets for terrorist attacks are primarily Israeli diplomatic missions abroad and groups of Israelis on vacation throughout the Mediterranean basin and other tourist destinations. Some of the attacks and attempted attacks were carried out by Hezbollah, directed and supported by the Qods Force (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Azerbaijan and Turkey) and some were carried out by the Qods Force without Hezbollah involvement (Azerbaijan, India, Georgia, Thailand and Kenya).

9. The terrorist campaign, from the Iranian perspective, is a Iranian response to the "soft war"[4] being waged against Iran and the "resistance camp," and is also intended to strengthen Iran's strategic bargaining capabilitiesand show the United States, the West and Israel that it can harm their interests around the globe. As far as Iran and Hezbollah are concerned, the terrorist campaign is also a way of getting revenge for the death of senior Hezbollah commander Imad Mughniyeh and the killing of Iranian nuclear scientists (for both of which Iran and Hezbollah blame Israel), thusdeterring Israel from taking other actions, especially in its war against terrorism and the Iranian nuclear program.[5]

10. During the past four years (2008-2012) Hezbollah attempted to carry out six terrorist attacks, some of them in Mediterranean countries popular with Israeli tourists. One proceeded according to Hezbollah's plans and the others were either prevented or failed. In our assessment, they were carried out by Hezbollah's foreign operations unit (See below). The attacks were the following:

1) Blowing up an Israeli tourist bus in Bulgaria (July 18, 2012): An IED weighing about 3 kilos, or about 6.6 lbs, blew up the back of a tourist bus about to take Israeli tourists from the airport to their hotel in the Black Sea resort of Burgas. According to the Bulgarian minister of the interior, the IED had been assembled in Bulgaria. The terrorist attack was carried out by a Hezbollah operativewho, according to information from the Bulgarian authorities, had a local supporter who has not yet been detained. The terrorist was killed by a technical fault which caused the IED to explode prematurely. The blast killed five Israeli tourists, the Bulgarian bus driver and the terrorist. In addition, 36 Israeli civilians were wounded, three of them seriously.

2) Attack targeting Israeli tourists in Cyprus, prevented (July 7, 2012): The local authorities in Limassol detained a 24-year old Lebanese Hezbollah operative who was collecting information about Israeli tourists arriving on the island by air; he was carrying a Swedish passport (the Hezbollah terrorist operative involved in the attack in Thailand also carried a Swedish passport; see below). In our assessment, he was collecting information in preparation for an attack on Israeli tourists visiting the island, possibly the same sort of attack carried out in Bulgaria.

3) A terrorist attack on Israelis at a tourist center in Bangkok, Thailand (middle of January, 2012): Hezbollah, instructed by the Qods Force, attempted to attack sites visited by Israelis using IEDs. A Lebanese Hezbollah terrorist operative named Hussein Atris, carrying a Swedish and Lebanese passports, was detained at the Bangkok airport.[6] Another Hezbollah operative, also carrying a Swedish passport, managed to escape. Hussein Atris' interrogation led the police to a commercial building in Bangkok where they found a large quantity of chemicals used in the manufacture of explosives (about 4,400 kilograms, or 4.85 tons, of nitrogen and about 40 liters, or 10.5 gallons, of ammonium nitrate). In our assessment, the presence of such a large stock of potentially dangerous chemicals indicates the existence of a long-standing, well-established Hezbollah network in Thailand. A month later, on February 14, 2012, the Qods Force attempted another attack in Bangkok, this time using a magnet to attach an IED to the car of an Israeli diplomat. The attempt, like the Qods Force attacks in India and Georgia in the former Soviet Union, was prevented by the local authorities.

4) On January 5, 2012, the Israeli media reported that Hezbollah was planning to carry out terrorist attacks on Israeli tourists in Europe, especially Bulgaria. The Bulgarian news agencies also reported concerns about attacks on Israeli and/or Jewish targets in Bulgaria or Greece. On January 8 the Israeli media reported that a suspicious object had been found on a bus that entered Bulgaria from Turkey and was going to be used to transport Israeli tourists.

5) An unsuccessful attempt to assassinate the Israeli consul in Istanbul using an IED (May 26, 2011): The blast injured eight Turkish citizens. In July 2011 the Italian Corriere della Sera reported that three Hezbollah operatives from Beirut had often followed the Israeli consul from his home to the consulate. According to Sky News (April 2012), the Qods Force's Unit 400, responsible for attacks beyond the borders of Iran, was behind the attack. The attack was preceded, in 2009, by a joint Iran-Hezbollah attack on an Israeli target, and in 2010 by an Iranian attempt to attack an Israeli target, indicating Turkey as a favored location for Iran and Hezbollah's terrorist campaign.

6) An attempted attack on the Israeli embassy in Baku, Azerbaijan (May 2008): The attack was carried out by Hezbollah, in our assessment with support from the Qods Force. The terrorist cell was composed of two Hezbollah operatives, Ali Karaki, from Hezbollah's foreign operations unit, and Ali Najem al-Din, an explosives expert. The two underwent training in Iran before they were sent to Baku. They carried Iranian passports, and the Iranians also furnished them with a translator. Preparations for the attack, which had almost reached the final stage, were exposed when the Azeri security forces stopped a car carrying the two Hezbollah operatives. In the car they found guns with silencers, explosives, cameras, binoculars and pictures of the Israeli embassy. The two Hezbollah operatives were tried, found guilty, and sentenced to 15 years in prison (October 2009). During the first half of 2012 an attempted Qods Force assassination of two prominent Jewish figures in Baku was prevented. The attack was planned to be carried out during the Eurovision, without Hezbollah participation.

11. It is therefore evident that in recent years Hezbollah has been a close partner in Iran's global terrorist campaign, accelerating since May 2011. The campaign directly threatens all tourism, but its main targets are groups of Israeli tourists and Israel's diplomatic representatives around the globe. In our assessment, it reflects Iran and Hezbollah's readiness to expose themselves to risks, even at the price of a possible escalation with Israel.

To the Full Document in PDF Format Click Here

[1] http://www.terrorism-info.org.il/Data/articles/Art_20378/E_137_12f_2140163071.pdf
[2] This study deals with terrorist activities which our information clearly links to Hezbollah or Iran-Hezbollah joint attacks. Hezbollah has carried out other terrorist activities but its involvement in them is either unknown or about which we do not have solid information, and they are not included here. Terrorist activities carried out by Iran without Hezbollah involvement are also not included.
[3] For further information about the Qods Force, see the August 7, 2012 ITIC bulletin "The Qods Force, an elite unit of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, spearheads Iran's global terrorist campaign."
[4] According to Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, "today we are dealing with a different war, a soft war…and it is being waged by the United States, not only Israel (Al-Manar TV, Lebanon, July 25, 2012).
[5] Hassan Nasrallah publicly reiterated the threat of deterrence in his speeches. For example, on July 18, 2012, on the anniversary of the outbreak of the Second Lebanon War, he said that Hezbollah was deployed for a comprehensive war against Israel and that it would respond with a "great surprise" to any Israeli military strike.
[6] In the 1990s Hussein Atris married a Swedish woman and received a Swedish passport, which he used for his activities in Hezbollah's foreign operations unit.

Operation Pillar of Defense – Update No. 10 *

Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Continue Praising Iran for Its Military and Financial Aid

Posters hung in the Gaza Strip, thanking Iran in four languages. The rocket launchers in the background symbolize Fajr-5 rockets (Qudsnet website, November 29, 2012).

Posters hung in the Gaza Strip, thanking Iran in four languages. The rocket launchers in the background symbolize Fajr-5 rockets (Qudsnet website, November 29, 2012).

1. After Operation Pillar of Defense, posters thanking Iran were hung at the main intersections in Gaza City. The PIJ's website reported that the objective was "to emphasize the important role played by Iran in the fighting by giving the Palestinian resistance [i.e., terrorist organizations] military and financial support." The posters were written in Arabic, Farsi, English and Hebrew on a background of rocket launchers symbolizing the Iranian-manufactured Fajr-5 rockets. According to the report, Fajr-5s were used for the first time during Operation Pillar of Defense to attack Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, Israel's two largest cities (The PIJ's PalToday website, November 27, 2012).

Close-up of the poster (Qudsnet website, November 29, 2012).
Close-up of the poster (Qudsnet website, November 29, 2012).

2. No organization claimed responsibility for hanging the posters throughout Gaza City. However, a none-too-subtle hint as to their author was provided by senior PIJ operative Khader Habib, who told Reuters it was only natural to show gratitude to Iran after the fighting, because Iranian rockets had hit Tel Aviv and even reached Jerusalem. Therefore, he said, Gaza had to thank those who had helped the Palestinian people. He added that the PIJ had good relations with Iran, which would continue as long as Iran supported the Palestinian people and the "resistance" [i.e., the terrorist organizations] (Reuters, November 27, 2012).

3. Senior Hamas figures did not lag behind the PIJ in thanking Iran. Prominent was Mahmoud al-Zahar, a member of Hamas Executive Committee, who in addition to thanking Iran for its military and financial support, emphasized Hamas' independence:

1) Mahmoud al-Zahar, a member of Hamas' Executive Committee, said that he did not want to deny that Iran had given Hamas arms and money. He said that the money had been invested in developing the rockets which had longer ranges than the rockets given to them by Iran. He claimed Iran had never demanded anything of Hamas and that was why Hamas was willing to accept its support (Al-Aqsa TV, November 22, 2012).

2) On another occasion Mahmoud al-Zahar, speaking to operatives from Hamas' military-terrorist wing, said that some of the rockets had been manufactured in Iran. He said Iran supported Hamas with money and arms. He reiterated the claim that Iran had not asked for anything in return but only that the rockets be used "to liberate Palestine" (Al-Sharq Al-Awsat, London, November 24, 2012).

[*] Update No. 9 appeared in the weekly update "News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, November 21-27, 2012")

Spotlight on Iran

November 2012-Aban 1391 Editor: Dr. Raz Zimmt
Attacks on Israel, disappointment with Hamas: Iranian media on Gaza fighting

Attacks on Israel, disappointment with Hamas: Iranian media on Gaza fighting

Attacks on Israel, disappointment with Hamas: Iranian media on Gaza fighting

Attacks on Israel, disappointment with Hamas: Iranian media on Gaza fighting

Thalassemia patients demonstrate in Shiraz in August 2012 to protest the shortage of medications

Thalassemia patients demonstrate in Shiraz in August 2012 to protest the shortage of medications

Charity begins at home: Iranian donation to build dam in Lebanon angers web surfers

Charity begins at home: Iranian donation to build dam in Lebanon angers web surfers

Practical measures taken to encourage higher birth rate in wake of Supreme Leader’s directive

Practical measures taken to encourage higher birth rate in wake of Supreme Leader’s directive

Shi’ite mourning ceremonies are held as month of Muharram begins

Shi’ite mourning ceremonies are held as month of Muharram begins

Shi’ite mourning ceremonies are held as month of Muharram begins

Shi’ite mourning ceremonies are held as month of Muharram begins

Shi’ite mourning ceremonies are held as month of Muharram begins

Shi’ite mourning ceremonies are held as month of Muharram begins

Highlights of the week
  • Attacks on Israel, disappointment with Hamas: Iranian media on Gaza fighting
  • Severe shortage of drugs and medical supplies caused by sanctions
  • Charity begins at home: Iranian donation to build dam in Lebanon angers web surfers
  • Practical measures taken to encourage higher birth rate in wake of Supreme Leader’s directive

Spotlight on Iran

November 2012-Aban 1391 Editor: Dr. Raz Zimmt
Iranian reactions to Obama win represent different voices on United States

Iranian reactions to Obama win represent different voices on United States

Restrictions imposed on import of ''luxury'' products after last week’s export restrictions

Restrictions imposed on import of ''luxury'' products after last week’s export restrictions

Flying isn’t cheap anymore: domestic flight costs have gone up by 65%

Flying isn’t cheap anymore: domestic flight costs have gone up by 65%

Ayatollah Hashem Rasouli Mahallati (www.mashreghnews.ir)

Ayatollah Hashem Rasouli Mahallati (www.mashreghnews.ir)

Iranian blogger’s death in prison sparks controversy

Iranian blogger’s death in prison sparks controversy

The letter of complaint sent by Beheshti to the prison authorities (Kalemeh)

The letter of complaint sent by Beheshti to the prison authorities (Kalemeh)

Floods in northern Iran

Floods in northern Iran

Floods in northern Iran

Floods in northern Iran

Floods in northern Iran

Floods in northern Iran

Highlights of the week
  • Iranian reactions to Obama win reflect different voices on United States
  • Restrictions imposed on import of “luxury” products after last week’s export restrictions
  • Flying isn’t cheap anymore: domestic flight costs have gone up by 65%
  • Who is in charge of funds at the Supreme Leader’s office?
  • Iranian blogger’s death in prison sparks controversy

Spotlight on Iran

November 2012-Aban 1391 Editor: Dr. Raz Zimmt
Initiative to summon Ahmadinejad to questioning before the Majles approved

Initiative to summon Ahmadinejad to questioning before the Majles approved

Restrictions imposed on exporting goods and products from Iran amidst shortage concerns

Restrictions imposed on exporting goods and products from Iran amidst shortage concerns

Could Iran’s society be facing an increased prevalence of social pathologies?

Could Iran’s society be facing an increased prevalence of social pathologies?

From U.S. embassy takeover to possible talks with the U.S.: TV debate between Shariatmadari and Asgharzadeh

From U.S. embassy takeover to possible talks with the U.S.: TV debate between Shariatmadari and Asgharzadeh

Demonstrations on anniversary of U.S. embassy takeover in Tehran

Demonstrations on anniversary of U.S. embassy takeover in Tehran

Demonstrations on anniversary of U.S. embassy takeover in Tehran

Demonstrations on anniversary of U.S. embassy takeover in Tehran

Demonstrations on anniversary of U.S. embassy takeover in Tehran

Demonstrations on anniversary of U.S. embassy takeover in Tehran

Demonstrations on anniversary of U.S. embassy takeover in Tehran

Demonstrations on anniversary of U.S. embassy takeover in Tehran

Demonstrations on anniversary of U.S. embassy takeover in Tehran

Demonstrations on anniversary of U.S. embassy takeover in Tehran

Highlights of the week
  • Initiative to summon Ahmadinejad to questioning before the Majles approved
  • Limitations imposed on exporting goods from Iran amidst shortage concerns
  • Could Iran’s society be facing an increased prevalence of social pathologies?
  • From U.S. embassy takeover to possible talks with the U.S.: TV debate between Shariatmadari and Asgharzadeh

Azerbaijan as an arena for Iranian terrorism and subversion

Weapons transferred to an Azeri terrorist cell handled by Iran. Its objective was to assassinate two Jews, Chabad representatives, in Baku in January 2012.
Weapons transferred to an Azeri terrorist cell handled by Iran. Its objective was to assassinate two Jews, Chabad representatives, in Baku in January 2012. The sniper rifle, center, manufactured in Iran, was fitted with a silencer and meant to be used to shoot the targets (YouTube from AZTV, February 1, 2012).


1. On October 11, 2012, the Azeri media reported that a court in Baku had convicted 22 members of a terrorist network handled by the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC). They were found guilty of conspiring to carry out terrorist attacks on Israeli, American and Western targets. The affair joined the series of foiled attempts to attack Israeli and Jewish targets: the Israeli embassy in Baku in May 2008, Jewish targets in January 2012 and Eurovision participants in May 2012.

2. Since its founding on October 18, 1991, Azerbaijan has been a preferred arena for Iranian terrorist and subversive activities. Iranian objectives have been to fashion Azerbaijan's social and political characterand to settle accounts with those Iran regards as its enemies, principally Israel, the Jewish people, the United States and the West. The attacks carried out by Iran on Azeri soil provide Iran with a response to what it perceives as the clandestine campaign waged against it by Israel and the West. In particular, the attacks in recent years are retaliation for the killings of Iranian nuclear scientists and senior Hezbollah commander Imad Mughnieh, attributed by Iran and Hezbollah to Israel.

3. The central Iranian agent directing terrorist and subversive activities in Azerbaijan is the Quds Force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC-QF), which spearheads Iranian-initiated terrorism and subversion throughout the world.[1] Like other Iranian governmental apparatuses involved in terrorism and subversion, the Quds Force employs local Azeri supportersas well as Hezbollah in Lebanon, Iran's preferred proxy for terrorism and subversion. To further their terrorist and subversive activities in Azerbaijan, the Iranians send their proxies large amounts of money, designated weapons (firearms with silencers, explosives), and the technical training for using the weapons.

4. Iran has been active in terrorism in Azerbaijan since its founding in the following areas:

1) Orchestrating terrorist attacks against Israeli and Jewish targets using Azeri operatives or handling LebaneseHezbollah operatives in Azerbaijan.

2) Subverting the Azeri regime in various ways, including Iranian support for radical Islamic organizations and local separatist groups.

3) Exporting the ideology of the Iranian Islamic Revolution to Azerbaijan through the foundation of cultural institutions, mosques and charitable societies (as Iran does within the Shi'ite populations of other countries).

4) Encouraging profitable criminal activities in Azeri territory to fill the coffers of the IRGC and circumvent the sanctions imposed on Iran.

5. This document contains four Appendices which examine and analyze Iran's terrorist and subversive activities in Azerbaijan, as follows: terrorist attacks on Israeli/Jewish and Western targets, terrorism and subversion of the Azeri regime, exporting Iranian ideology and encouraging profitable criminal activities is Azerbaijan.

[1] For further information about the Qods Force's activities, see the August 7, 2012 bulletin "The Quds Force, an elite unit of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, spearheads Iran's global terrorist campaign."