Terms of Use

Terms of Use
The terms of use of the Meir Amit terrorism and intelligence information center website


We welcome you for using the website (http://www.terrorism-info.org.il, herein after – “The Website”).

Using and/or reading The Website and its third party services constitutes your agreement to the terms of use detailed herein. These orders will apply to any use you choose to do of the website, and will constitute the legal basis for any hearing between you (hereinafter, “The User”) and The Website and/or its owners (hereinafter, “The Website”). Hence, please read these terms fully and carefully. The Website reserves the right to make changes to the Terms of Use anytime without the need to give prior notice, and you must be updated regarding these changes.

Last update: July 26th, 2018


The headlines in this document are for facilitating navigation, and should not be interpreted otherwise.

  1. The Website is owned by the TERRORISM AND INTELLIGENCE INFORMATION CENTER that belongs to the Information Center (hereinafter: “Information Center”), developed, established and is activated by it. The Information Center is a research institute that collects and analyzes information regarding terrorism and intelligence and related topics, publishes and distributes current and in-depth studies.
  2. Using The Website signifies any action related to The Website and/or its services, including the library catalogue services, on your computer and/or smartphone and/or tablet and/or end devices, in any other computer system and/or any other system and/or towards you and/or towards any third party, including, but not limited to, surfing, reading, and performing any action on The Website and/or based on The Website and/or resulting from using The Website. The use of this website is an approval that you understand and agree to the terms and rules specified above and herein, and that you or anyone on your behalf will not have any claim and/or demand directly or indirectly against The Website or any official connected to The Website due to using The Website. If you do not agree to any of the conditions in these Terms of Use, you are required not to use The Website at all.
  3. Content means any information and/or knowledge on The Website, including, but not limited to: articles, publications, news, reviews, studies, data, messages, and any other information and/or knowledge, in any format and/or arrangement, whether owned by The Website, or by third parties.

How to register to the mailing list?

  1. When you enter the registration system, you may be required to fill in your personal information. During this action, the system will guide you in the steps you must take to enter your personal information.
  2. Names and/or information containing pornography, slander, profanity or any other offensive material, will not be accepted for registration on The Website. Defining content as pornographic, containing profane or slander, or any other offensive material, is at the website’s sole discretion.
  3. You irrevocably agree that we will expose your personal information (to the best of our knowledge) and any details related to your uses and/or activities on The Website), including your IP address (if we have it), in case of any violation of these regulations and/or criminal offense and/or court order and/or legal order in this matter and/or requirement for preserving and/or protecting the interests of The Website and/or protection of human lives, property and/or body and/or honor.

The user’s commitments – you hereby commit to:

  1. Make fair use of the website, without violating any third party rights and/or any laws. Publishing the content on The Website is allowed, subject to the legal terms.
  2. Do not use The Website against the privacy protection law, 1981, and its regulations and any other relevant law.
  3. Do not use The Website for illegal actions. Do not knowingly pass information containing computer programs, computer code, or applications that include computer viruses (“Virus”), malware known as Trojan Horse, Worms, Vandals, malicious applications or any similar type of software or program that may cause damage to the function of another computer.
  4. Do not upload content/comments/files etc. to The Website. The Website is not intended for publishing and uploading user content. You are aware that any action of uploading illegal content on The Website violates the Terms of Use of The Website and the results from uploading illegal content on The Website will apply to you alone, including about uploading illegal or offensive files to The Website. The Website may repair any damage and/or indemnify and/or compensate anyone who was damaged and/or suffered losses due to the user’s actions, and the user will indemnify and/or refund The Website the sum that The Website has paid, immediately upon The Website’s request.
  5. The Website is permitted to remove any item and/or information and/or file and/or cancel registration and/or stop rendering services, per its sole discretion.
  6. You commit to keep the laws of the State of Israel. This is the law regarding state laws when you use The Website outside of Israel.
  7. You agree that only the laws of the State of Israel will apply to The Website, its use and the orders of this agreement, and the sole place of judgment in any dispute and/or lawsuit of the user and/or The Website will be conducted in an authorized court in Tel Aviv District only.

Secrecy and Privacy

  1. Your privacy is important to us and we will preserve it according to the law.
  2. The Website will be able to turn to you using your personal information, on issues related to The Website and/or its use.
  3. Any use of The Website violating personal data protection laws is under the user’s sole responsibility and The Website does not have, nor will have, any liability or responsibility regarding the user’s use of The Website.


  1. The information in this website is an information service only. We are doing our best to provide credible studies. We especially stress that despite our experience and reputation, all the content on The Website is written and edited according to the discretion of The Website’s editors and it does not presume to be an objective and unequivocal measure. Relying on it is the user’s sole responsibility. We recommend before making any decision based on the information in this website, to corroborate it from other sources. In any case, The Website will not be responsible for any damage to the user’s software, hardware, or data, and any damage to their image, finances or otherwise.
  2. The Website is making efforts to work properly and continuously, but we do not commit to working continuously and without interruptions. Neither can we commit that there will be no malfunctions, disruptions, failures, damages, errors or hostile intrusions and others to The Website’s hardware, software or communication system. The Website reserves the right to stop rendering services and/or be deleted from the servers and/or delete information – without prior notice, occasionally or for good.
  3. The Information Center can change The Website and/or its structure and/or change it and/or remove information and/or perform any change and/or upload and/or change and/or remove content and/or comments and/or remove any information from time to time and/or forever, without prior notice. You will have no claim in this regard.
  4. The Website’s referral to different advertisements and/or third party information (including those that advertise and/or appear on the website) should not be seen as a recommendation or encouragement to use them; and The Website does not have, and will not have, any liability regarding any direct and/or indirect damage related and/or stemming from those third parties, regarding them and/or their results.
  5. The different publications and links included in The Website allow to access information and content that are published online. Part of the content is published by third parties and you may find that these contents do not suit your needs, or that you object them, or think them to be immoral, outrageous, annoying, inappropriate or illegal. The Website is not responsible for the websites the different links The Website lead to, either directly or indirectly.
  6. The Website will not be liable for any direct or indirect damage, financial or other, that will be caused to you as a result of using and/or relying on the content that appears on the website, or the links that appear on the website, and it is agreed that The Website does not have to compensate for any of the above damages and/or any damage to your pleasure and/or feelings, and no such claim and/or demand and/or lawsuit can be claimed against The Website and/or regarding the sorrow and/or insult and/or financial and/or non-financial damage.
  7. The service on the website can be used as is. You will have no claim, lawsuit and/or demand against the website and/or its owner and/or the Information Center and or the Terrorism and Intelligence Information Center and/or anyone on their behalf for the service, The Website, using The Website’s services, its limitations or compatibility with your needs and requirements. The Website and/or its owners and/or anyone on their behalf will not carry any responsibility towards you and/or third parties, regarding any mismatch and/or inaccuracy and/or omitting and/or misleading and/or mistake included in The Website and/or due to a technical malfunction, will not be responsible in any way to any damage and/or lawsuit and/or shortage of money, either direct or indirect, towards you and/or third parties, that result from The Website and/or the use of The Website and/or relying on the information appearing on The Website and/or advertisements on The Website and/or actions on The Website and/or its applications on the computerized system on which The Website operates or any other computerized system and/or any third party claim against The Website for the service and/or the content on The Website and/or on The Website servers.
  8. If you feel that any of the content on The Website is inappropriate, you can contact us directly and immediately, without delay, to consider their removal from The Website (upon their removal you will have no claim against The Website and you irrevocably renounce any said claim), but if the content was also published on third party websites in any way, you are aware that The Website does not have, and will not have, any control and/or ability to remove this content, and you will have to turn to those third party websites for that.
  9. You are committed to preserve different regulations, as will be published from time to time, by The Website and/or by the website managers.

Intellectual Property and Copyrights

  1. The website is protected by all the Israeli and international intellectual property laws. All rights are reserves, including the name of the websites, domain name, copyright, trademarks (including, but not limited to the logo https://www.terrorism-info.org.il/app/uploads/2017/03/word-image-1534354132375.png and the names “The Meir Amit Terrorism and Intelligence Information Center” and “The Intelligence Heritage and Commemoration Center” and their derivatives), The Website’s design, “content”, the content that is published on The Website, the computer code, the graphics and audio files, the published items, the organization of The Website and any other information that is included on The Website are The Website’s property.
  2. All the property and intellectual property in the content published on The Website belong to The Website and third parties and subject to their rights, including moral rights.
  3. The content and the works on The Website can be used according to the terms of the license, detailed below, or according to the law (i.e. fair use, using works with expired copyrights etc.). The website user has the right for fair personal use, subject to these Terms of Use and any law, not for commercial use.
  4. Any use of The Website that violates the copyright laws, including fair use rules and privacy protection law, 1981, and its regulations and any other relevant law, is under the sole responsibility of the user, and The Website will have no liability or responsibility regarding the user’s use of The Website.
  5. License Terms: Regarding the works (texts, photos/videos/audio files/documents/graphics/maps etc.) on The Website whose copyrights fully belong to The Website (a work whose copyright belongs to a third party will be marked and its owner will be indicated).

You are allowed to copy, distribute, show and send any such work for free. You must indicate next to the work the credit to The Website as the owner of the work.

  1. You are not allowed to change the work or use it in a way that damages The Website’s name or honor, and its owner or creator. Regarding works that belong to third parties – they are subject to third party rights and their use is according to the law (fair use etc.). Use the work for commercial purposes.
  2. Making fair use of the content, the user commits to indicate and give credit to The Website. The user is not allowed to distort, falsify or damage the content, or perform any action that may reduce the value of the content.


  1. You can email The Website. The emails are not confidential, they are open to the workers of The Website and may also reach third parties for treatment.
  2. You can contact us via The Website or the email: [email protected], or the phone: +972-37603369.

Enjoy The Website!