The Yarmouk refugee camp: Overview on the eve of the Syrian army attack on the southern neighborhoods of Damascus controlled by ISIS, according to satellite images

ImageSat International (ISI)

ImageSat International (ISI)

ImageSat International (ISI)

ImageSat International (ISI)

ImageSat International (ISI)

ImageSat International (ISI)

ImageSat International (ISI)

ImageSat International (ISI)

ImageSat International (ISI)

ImageSat International (ISI)

  • On April 19, 2018, the Syrian army launched an attack to take over the south Damascus neighborhoods controlled by ISIS. ISIS’s two important strongholds are the Yarmouk refugee camp, taken over by ISIS about two years ago, and the Al-Hajar Al-Aswad neighborhood, south of the camp. The Yarmouk refugee camp is the largest Palestinian refugee camp in Syria. When the civil war broke out, the camp numbered about 160,000 residents. Today, only 6,000 remain there.
  • Satellite images taken on April 19, 2018, the day on which the Syrian campaign was launched, were interpreted and handed over to the ITIC by ImageSat International (ISI). The situation in the camp revealed by the interpretation of the images is in line with the ITIC’s information. The main highlights are as follows:
    • Sparse population: No routine civilian activity was detected in the camp (such as activity related to vehicles). This conforms to the ITIC’s information that most of the residents have left the camp.

ImageSat International (ISI)
ImageSat International (ISI)

  • Massive damage: Massive damage is clearly visible in the camp as a result of the airstrikes. Many buildings are completely ruined, especially in the northern part of the camp.

ImageSat International (ISI)
ImageSat International (ISI)

  • ISIS entrenchment: Along the main streets and the streets surrounding the refugee camp, barriers and dirt fortifications were set up. According to the ITIC’s assessment, this is ISIS’s entrenchment in advance of a possible attack by the Syrian army and forces supporting it.

ImageSat International (ISI)
ImageSat International (ISI)

ImageSat International (ISI)
ImageSat International (ISI)

  • Deployment of the Syrian army and the Palestinian forces supporting it: Armored vehicles were detected at the camp’s northern entrance. According to the ITIC’s assessment, this is a Syrian regime force which intends to attack the Yarmouk camp from the north.

ImageSat International (ISI)
ImageSat International (ISI)

[1] Following the ITIC's Information Bulletin from April 24, 2018: “After taking control of eastern Al-Ghouta, the Syrian army launched a campaign to take over the southern suburbs of Damascus from ISIS. The takeover of these suburbs will continue to consolidate the Assad regime’s control of the Damascus region.”